Publication details

Saarland University Computer Science

Functional Computation as Concurrent Computation

Joachim Niehren

$23^th$ Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pp. 333--343, The ACM Press, 1996

We investigate functional computation as a special form of concurrent computation. As formal basis, we use a uniformly confluent core of the pi-calculus, which is also contained in models of higher-order concurrent constraint programming. We embed the call-by-need and the call-by-value lambda-calculus into the pi-calculus. We prove that call-by-need complexity is dominated by call-by-value complexity. In contrast to the recently proposed call-by-need lambda-calculus, our concurrent call-by-need model incorporates mutual recursion and can be extended to cyclic data structures by means of constraints.

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