
Alice Project

The Modeling structure

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature MODELING
    structure Modeling : MODELING

The Modeling structure provides functionality to post arithmetic constraints using a convenient infix operator syntax.


This module maps constraints onto regular sum constraints of the FD module. This transformation is not always optimal, that is, one might be able to devise a better constraint manually.

Note also that since this module extensively performs folding of constant expressions, it eventually might exceed the implementation specific integer constant limit of finite domain constraints. In such a case, folding can be prevented by introducing a finite domain variable that is assigned a singleton value.

________ Import ______________________________________________________

    import signature MODELING from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/MODELING-sig"
    import structure Modeling from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/Modeling"

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

signature MODELING =
    type space
    type intvar
    type boolvar
    datatype conlevel = 
    infix  7  `*
    infix  6  `+ `-
    infix  5  `#
    infix  4  `= `<> `> `>= `< `<=
    infix  3  `->
    infix  3  `<-
    infix  3  `==
    infix  3  `&
    infix  3  `|
    infix  3  XOR

    datatype domain_element =
	`` of int
      | `# of int * int

    type domain = domain_element list

    datatype b_var_sel =
      | B_DEGREE_MIN
      | B_MAX_MAX
      | B_MAX_MIN
      | B_MIN_MAX
      | B_MIN_MIN
      | B_NONE
      | B_SIZE_MAX
      | B_SIZE_MIN
    datatype b_val_sel =
      | B_MED
      | B_MIN
      | B_SPLIT_MAX
      | B_SPLIT_MIN
    datatype term =
	FD of intvar
      | `  of int
      | `+ of term * term
      | `- of term * term
      | `* of term * term
      | SUMV of intvar vector
    datatype rel =
	`<   of term * term
      | `<=  of term * term
      | `=   of term * term
      | `<>  of term * term
      | `>=  of term * term
      | `>   of term * term
    val fdterm : space * domain -> term
    val fdtermVec : space * int * domain -> term vector
    val post : space * rel * conlevel -> unit
    val distinct : space * term vector * conlevel -> unit
    val branch : space * term vector * b_var_sel * b_val_sel -> unit
    datatype b_term = 
	BV of boolvar
      | BC of bool
      | HOLDS of rel
      | `== of b_term * b_term
      | `-> of b_term * b_term
      | `<- of b_term * b_term
      | `! of b_term
      | `& of b_term * b_term
      | XOR of b_term * b_term
      | `| of b_term * b_term
    val boolterm : space -> b_term
    val booltermVec : space * int -> b_term vector
    val postTrue : space * b_term -> unit


________ Description _________________________________________________

type space

The type of first class comutational spaces. Usually equal to

type intvar

The type of finite domain variables.

type boolvar

The type of boolean constraint variables. Fundamentally, they are FD variables constrained to the 0-1 domain.

datatype conlevel

Type to identify the eagerness of propagation. When the required level is not implemented for a propagator, the closest, stricter version is used.
DOM: Domain Proagatin. Strictest.
BND: Bounds Propagation.
VAL: Value Propagation. Most loose.

DEF: The default for the propagator.

datatype domain_element = `` of int | `# of int *int
type domain = domain_element list

Used to describe domains of finite domain variables. `` i denotes the single integer value i and >`#(l,h) denotes all integer values between l and h. For example, [``3,`#(5,10)] denotes [3,5,6,7,8,9,10].

datatype term =
    FD of FD.fd
  | `  of int
  | `+ of term * term
  | `- of term * term
  | `* of term * term

This datatype is used to post arithmetic constraints.

datatype rel =
    `<   of term * term
  | `<=  of term * term
  | `=   of term * term
  | `<>  of term * term
  | `>=  of term * term
  | `>   of term * term

This datatype is used to post equations, inequations, and disequations.

fdterm (s, d)

returns a freshly created finite domain variable term initialized with d.

fdtermVec (s, n, d)

returns a vector of n freshly created finite domain variable terms initialized with d.

post (s,r,cl)

post the constraint denoted by r in space s using consistency level cl.

distinct (s,v,cl)

post the constraint that all variables in the vector v in space s have to be distinct using consistency level cl. If the vector contains terms other than FD variables, an exception is thrown.

branch (s,v,b_var_sel,b_val_sel)

post a branching on the variables in the vector v in space s, with b_var_sel and b_val_sel as the branching strategies. If the vector contains terms other than FD variables, an exception is thrown.

datatype b_term =
    BV of boolvar
  | BC of bool
  | HOLDS of rel
  | `== of b_term * b_term
  | `-> of b_term * b_term
  | `<- of b_term * b_term
  | `! of b_term
  | `& of b_term * b_term
  | XOR of b_term * b_term
  | `| of b_term * b_term

This datatype is used to post boolean constraints.

boolterm s

returns a freshly created true/false domain variable term.

booltermVec (s, n)

returns a vector of n freshly created true/false domain variable terms.

postTrue (s, t)

post the constraint that the boolean term denoted by t holds in space s.

last modified 2007/Mar/30 17:10