(*** Introduction to Computational Logic, Coq part of Assignment 14 ***) (*** Solutions ***) (*** Use Coq to complete the file below. If you have any questions, please use the discussion board. http://www.ps.uni-saarland.de/courses/cl-ss11/forum/ ***) Ltac stauto := (simpl ; tauto). (*** Cascaded functions ***) Fixpoint Cascade (A B : Type) (n : nat) : Type := match n with | O => B | S n => A -> Cascade A B n end. Notation "A ^ n --> B" := (Cascade A B n) (at level 20). Fixpoint K (A : Type) {B : Type} (b : B) (n : nat) : A ^ n --> B := match n with | O => b | S n => fun _ => K A b n end. Fixpoint comp {A B C : Type} (f : B -> C) (n : nat) : (A ^ n --> B) -> A ^ n --> C := match n with | O => fun b => f b | S n => fun g => fun x:A => comp f n (g x) end. Fixpoint comp2 {A B C : Type} (f : B -> B -> C) (n : nat) : (A ^ n --> B) -> (A ^ n --> B) -> A ^ n --> C := match n with | O => fun b b' => f b b' | S n => fun g h => fun x:A => comp2 f n (g x) (h x) end. Fixpoint unfoldR {A B : Type} (n : nat) : (A ^ (S n) --> B) -> A ^ n --> (A -> B) := match n with | O => fun g => g | S n => fun g x => unfoldR n (g x) end. (*** length indexed lists (lists carrying length) ***) Inductive ilist (A : Type) : nat -> Type := | nl : ilist A 0 | cns : forall n, A -> ilist A n -> ilist A (S n). Implicit Arguments nl [A]. Implicit Arguments cns [A n]. Notation "s :: t" := (cns s t) (at level 60, right associativity). (*** Idea for hd and tl from Chlipala http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/html/MoreDep.html ***) Definition hd {A : Type} {n : nat} (al : ilist A (S n)) : A := match al in (ilist _ n') return match n' with O => True | S n'' => A end with | nl => I | cns n' a ar => a end. Definition tl {A : Type} {n : nat} (al : ilist A (S n)) : ilist A n := match al in (ilist _ n') return match n' with O => True | S n'' => ilist A n'' end with | nl => I | cns n' a ar => ar end. Fixpoint Ap {A B : Type} {n : nat} : forall (f : A ^ n --> B) (al : ilist A n), B := match n with | O => fun b _ => b | S n => fun f al => Ap (f (hd al)) (tl al) end. Lemma Ap_K {A B : Type} (b : B) (n : nat) : forall (al : ilist A n), Ap (K A b n) al = b. induction n. intros al. reflexivity. intros al. simpl. apply IHn. Qed. Lemma Ap_mv {A B : Type} {n : nat} (g : A ^ (S n) --> B) (a : A) (al : ilist A n): Ap (g a) al = Ap g (cns a al). simpl. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Ap_comp {A B C : Type} (f : B -> C) (n : nat) : forall (g : A ^ n --> B), forall al:ilist A n, Ap (comp f n g) al = f (Ap g al). induction n. intros g al. reflexivity. intros g al. simpl. apply IHn. Qed. Lemma Ap_comp2 {A B C : Type} (f : B -> B -> C) (n : nat) : forall (g h : A ^ n --> B), forall al:ilist A n, Ap (comp2 f n g h) al = f (Ap g al) (Ap h al). induction n. intros g h al. reflexivity. intros g h al. simpl. apply IHn. Qed. (*** Fin ***) Inductive Fin : nat -> Type := | FinO : forall {n}, Fin (S n) | FinS : forall {n}, Fin n -> Fin (S n). Definition Fin0E (k : Fin 0) (A:Type) : A := match k in Fin n return match n with O => A | S _ => True end with | FinO _ => I | FinS _ _ => I end. Definition F01 : Fin 1 := FinO. Definition F02 : Fin 2 := FinO. Definition F12 : Fin 2 := FinS FinO. Definition F03 : Fin 3 := FinO. Definition F13 : Fin 3 := FinS FinO. Definition F23 : Fin 3 := FinS (FinS FinO). (*** Projections ***) Fixpoint P {A : Type} {n : nat} (k : Fin n) : A ^ n --> A := match k in Fin n' return A ^ n' --> A with | FinO n' => fun a => K A a n' | FinS n' k' => fun _ => P k' end. Section QBL. Inductive Q (n : nat) : Type := | Q_Var : Fin n -> Q n | Q_Fal : Q n | Q_Imp : Q n -> Q n -> Q n | Q_All : Q (S n) -> Q n. Implicit Arguments Q_Var [n]. Local Coercion Q_Var : Fin >-> Q. Implicit Arguments Q_Fal [n]. Implicit Arguments Q_Imp [n]. Local Notation "#" := Q_Fal. Local Notation "s ==> t" := (Q_Imp s t) (at level 90, right associativity). Local Notation "'ALL' x , s " := (Q_All x s) (at level 100). Definition Impl (n:nat) (g h:bool ^ n --> bool) : bool ^ n --> bool := comp2 implb n g h. Definition allb (p : bool -> bool) : bool := andb (p false) (p true). Definition All (n:nat) (g:bool ^ (S n) --> bool) : bool ^ n --> bool := comp allb n (unfoldR n g). Fixpoint Q_Den {n : nat} (s : Q n) : bool ^ n --> bool := match s with | Q_Var k => P k | Q_Fal => K bool false n | Q_Imp s1 s2 => Impl n (Q_Den s1) (Q_Den s2) | Q_All s1 => All n (Q_Den s1) end. Implicit Arguments Q_Den [n]. Local Notation "[[ s ]]" := (Q_Den s). Fixpoint extend {n:nat} {A:Type} (al:ilist A n) (b:A) : ilist A (S n) := match al with | nl => (b::nl) | (a::ar) => (a::(extend ar b)) end. Lemma Ap_unfoldR (A B:Type) (n:nat) (g:A ^ (S n) --> B) (a:ilist A n) (a':A) : Ap (unfoldR n g) a a' = Ap g (extend a a'). induction a as [ |n a0 ar IH]. simpl. reflexivity. simpl. exact (IH (g a0)). Qed. Lemma QT_Start (s:Q 0) : (Ap [[s]] nl = false -> False) -> [[s]] = true. simpl. destruct [[s]]; stauto. Qed. Lemma QF_Start (s:Q 0) : (Ap [[s]] nl = true -> False) -> [[s]] = false. simpl. destruct [[s]]; stauto. Qed. Lemma Q_Conflict {b:bool} : b = true -> b = false -> False. destruct b; discriminate. Qed. Lemma QT_Fal {n:nat} {a:ilist bool n} : Ap [[#]] a = true -> False. simpl. rewrite Ap_K. discriminate. Qed. Lemma QT_Imp {n:nat} {s1 s2:Q n} {a:ilist bool n} : Ap [[s1 ==> s2]] a = true -> (Ap [[s1]] a = false -> False) -> (Ap [[s2]] a = true -> False) -> False. simpl. unfold Impl. rewrite Ap_comp2. destruct (Ap [[s1]] a); stauto. Qed. Lemma QF_Imp {n:nat} {s1 s2:Q n} {a:ilist bool n} : Ap [[s1 ==> s2]] a = false -> (Ap [[s1]] a = true -> Ap [[s2]] a = false -> False) -> False. simpl. unfold Impl. rewrite Ap_comp2. destruct (Ap [[s1]] a). stauto. discriminate. Qed. Lemma QT_All {n:nat} {s:Q (S n)} {a:ilist bool n} (b:bool) : Ap [[ALL n, s]] a = true -> (Ap [[s]] (extend a b) = true -> False) -> False. simpl. unfold All. rewrite Ap_comp. unfold allb. repeat rewrite Ap_unfoldR. simpl. destruct b; destruct (Ap ([[s]] (hd (extend a true))) (tl (extend a true))); destruct (Ap ([[s]] (hd (extend a false))) (tl (extend a false))); try stauto. Qed. Lemma QF_All {n:nat} {s:Q (S n)} {a:ilist bool n} : Ap [[ALL n, s]] a = false -> (forall b:bool, Ap [[s]] (extend a b) = false -> False) -> False. simpl. unfold All. rewrite Ap_comp. unfold allb. repeat rewrite Ap_unfoldR. simpl. intros H1 H2. generalize (H2 false). generalize (H2 true). destruct (Ap ([[s]] (hd (extend a true))) (tl (extend a true))); destruct (Ap ([[s]] (hd (extend a false))) (tl (extend a false))); try stauto. Qed. (*** Exercise 1 ***) Lemma ex1a : [[ALL 0, (ALL 1, F02 ==> F12) ==> F01 ==> #]] = true. (*** INSERT COQ SIMULATION OF TABLEAU ***) Lemma ex1b : [[ALL 0, (ALL 1, F02 ==> F12) ==> F01]] = false. (*** INSERT COQ SIMULATION OF TABLEAU ***) Lemma ex1c : [[ALL 0, (ALL 1, F12 ==> F02) ==> F01]] = true. (*** INSERT COQ SIMULATION OF TABLEAU ***) End QBL. (*** Mathematical Assumptions ***) Definition XM : Prop := forall X : Prop, X \/ ~X. Definition DN : Prop := forall X : Prop, ~~X -> X. Definition PEIRCE : Prop := forall X Y : Prop, ((X -> Y) -> X) -> X. (*** Exercise 2 ***) Lemma dnpeirce : DN <-> PEIRCE. (*** INSERT PROOF SCRIPT ***) Definition GD := forall X Y:Prop, (X -> Y) \/ (Y -> X). (*** Exercise 3 ***) Goal XM -> GD. (*** INSERT PROOF SCRIPT ***) Definition FE : Prop := forall X Y : Type, forall f g:X -> Y, (forall x:X, f x = g x) -> f = g. Definition PE : Prop := forall X Y : Prop, (X <-> Y) -> X = Y. (*** Exercise 4 ***) Definition SE : Prop := forall X : Type, forall Y Z : X -> Prop, (forall x:X, Y x <-> Z x) -> Y = Z. Lemma FE_PE_SE : FE -> PE -> SE. (*** INSERT PROOF SCRIPT ***) (*** Exercise 5 ***) Definition PCA : Prop := forall X : Prop, X = True \/ X = False. Goal (PCA -> XM). (*** INSERT PROOF SCRIPT ***) Goal (PCA -> PE). (*** INSERT PROOF SCRIPT ***) Goal (XM -> PE -> PCA). (*** INSERT PROOF SCRIPT ***) (*** First-Order ***) Variable xm : XM. Inductive F (n : nat) : Type := | F_E : forall x y:Fin n, F n | F_Fal : F n | F_Imp : F n -> F n -> F n | F_All : F (S n) -> F n. Implicit Arguments F_E [n]. Implicit Arguments F_Fal [n]. Implicit Arguments F_Imp [n]. Local Notation "#" := F_Fal. Local Notation "s ==> t" := (F_Imp s t) (at level 90, right associativity). Local Notation "'ALL' x , s " := (F_All x s) (at level 100). Definition inhabited (V : Type) : Prop := exists x : V, True. Inductive Mod : Type := | Mc : forall V:Type, inhabited V -> forall E:V -> V -> Prop, Mod. Coercion V_ (M:Mod) : Type := match M with Mc V _ _ => V end. Definition VI_ (M:Mod) : inhabited M := match M with Mc V' VI' _ => VI' end. Definition E_ (M:Mod) : M -> M -> Prop := match M with Mc V' _ E' => E' end. Section Interp1. Variable M : Mod. Fixpoint F_Den {n : nat} (s : F n) : M ^ n --> Prop := match s with | F_E j k => comp2 (E_ M) n (P j) (P k) | F_Fal => K M False n | F_Imp s1 s2 => comp2 (fun p q:Prop => p -> q) n (F_Den s1) (F_Den s2) | F_All s1 => comp (fun p : M -> Prop => forall v:M, p v) n (unfoldR n (F_Den s1)) end. End Interp1. Local Notation "[[ s ]] M" := (F_Den M s) (at level 40). Definition F_Valid (s : F 0) : Prop := forall M:Mod, F_Den M s. Definition F_Sat (s : F 0) : Prop := exists M:Mod, F_Den M s. (*** Exercise 6 ***) Lemma F_Val_Unsat' (s:F 0) : F_Valid s <-> ~ F_Sat (s ==> #). (*** INSERT PROOF SCRIPT ***) (*** Exercise 7 ***) Goal (F_Valid (ALL 0, ALL 1, (ALL 2, F_E F03 F23) ==> (ALL 2, F_E F23 F13 ==> #) ==> #)). intros M. simpl. (*** MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHY THE CURRENT PROOF STATE IS WHAT IT IS ***) (*** FINISH THE PROOF SCRIPT ***)