Tree Model of HF

Require Import HFS.Tree.

Implicit Types s t u v : tree.

Inductive equiv : tree -> tree -> Prop:=
| equivCancel s t : equiv (s@s@t) (s@t)
| equivSwap s t u : equiv (s@t@u) (t@s@u)
| EquivCongruent s s' t t' : equiv s s' -> equiv t t' -> equiv (s@t) (s'@t')
| EquivRefl s : equiv s s
| EquivSymm s t : equiv s t -> equiv t s
| EquivTrans s t u : equiv s t -> equiv t u -> equiv s u.

Notation "s '==' t" := (equiv s t) (at level 70). (* s ≈ t *)
Notation "s 'elt' t" := (equiv (s@t) t) (at level 70). (* s ∈ t *)

Instance equiv_Equivalence :
  Equivalence equiv.
  constructor; cbv; eauto using equiv.

Instance equiv_treeA_proper:
  Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) treeA.
  cbv. now constructor.

Discrimination law

Lemma equiv_empty s t:
  s == t -> s = 0 <-> t = 0.
  induction 1; intuition congruence.

Fact tdiscrim s t:
  ~ s@t == 0.
  intros A % equiv_empty. intuition congruence.

Membership law

Inductive eltd s : tree -> Prop :=
| eltdH t: eltd s (s@t)
| eltdT t u : eltd s u -> eltd s (t@u).

Notation "s 'eld' t" := (eltd s t) (at level 70). (* s ⋵ t *)

Fact adj_eld s t u :
  s eld t@u <-> s = t \/ s eld u.
  - intros A. inv A; eauto.
  - intros [-> |A]; now constructor.

Definition incl s t := forall u, u eld s -> exists v, v eld t /\ u == v.

Fact incl_trans s t u :
  incl s t -> incl t u -> incl s u.
  intros A B x C.
  apply A in C as (y&C&D).
  apply B in C as (z&C&E).
  eauto using equiv.

Ltac eld_inv :=
  try match goal with
      |[A: (_ eld _ @ _) |- _ ] =>
       apply adj_eld in A as [->|A]
      |[A: (_ eld ?s), B: incl ?s _ |- _ ] =>
       apply B in A as (?&?&?)

Lemma equiv_incl s t:
  s == t -> incl s t /\ incl t s.
  intros A.
  induction A as [s t | s t u| s s' t t' A IH1 B IH2 |
                  s |s t _ IH |s t u _ IH1 _ IH2 ];
    try solve [ unfold incl; intuition; do 2 eld_inv;
                eauto using eltd, equiv].
  intuition eauto using incl_trans.

Lemma eld_elt s t:
  s eld t -> s elt t.
  induction 1; eauto using equiv.

Fact tmember u s t:
  u elt s@t -> u == s \/ u elt t.
  intros (A&_) % equiv_incl.
  destruct (A u) as (v&B&C).
  - auto using eltd.
  - apply adj_eld in B as [<-|B].
    + auto.
    + right. rewrite C. apply eld_elt, B.

Lexical tree ordering

Inductive lto : tree -> tree -> Prop :=
| ltoE s t : lto 0 (s@t)
| ltoF s t u v : lto s u -> lto (s@t) (u@v)
| ltoS s t v : lto t v -> lto (s@t) (s@v).

Notation "s '<' t" := (lto s t).

Fact lto_trans s t u :
  s < t -> t < u -> s < u.
  intros A. revert u.
  induction A; intros ? B; inv B; auto using lto.

Lemma lto_irrefl' s t :
  s < t -> s <> t.
  induction 1; intros B; inv B; auto.

Fact lto_irrefl s :
  ~ s < s.
  intros A. eapply lto_irrefl'; eauto.

Fact lto_tricho s t :
  (s < t) + (s = t) + (t < s).
  revert t.
  induction s as [|s1 IHs1 s2 IHs2]; intros t;
    induction t as [|t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2]; auto using lto.
  - destruct (IHs1 t1) as [[?| -> ]|?]; auto using lto.
    + destruct (IHs2 t2) as [[?| -> ]|?]; auto using lto.

Insertion, order-respecting and duplicate-avoiding

Fixpoint alpha s t : tree :=
  match t with
  | 0 => s@0
  | u@t => match lto_tricho s u with
          | inl (inl _) => s @ u @ t
          | inl (inr _) => u @ t
          | inr _ => u @ alpha s t

Fact alpha_equiv s t:
  alpha s t == s@t.
  induction t as [|u _ t IH]; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct (lto_tricho s u) as [[_| <- ]|_].
    + reflexivity.
    + symmetry. apply equivCancel.
    + rewrite IH. apply equivSwap.

Lemma alpha_null s :
  alpha s 0 = s@0.

Ltac lto_cycle :=
  try match goal with
      |[A: ?s < ?s |- _ ] =>
       contradiction (lto_irrefl A)
      |[A: _ < ?s, B: ?s < _ |- _ ] =>
       contradiction (lto_irrefl (lto_trans A B))
      |[A: _ < ?s, B: ?s < ?t, C: ?t < _ |- _ ] =>
       contradiction (lto_irrefl (lto_trans (lto_trans A B) C))

Lemma alpha_eq s t :
  alpha s (s@t) = s@t.
  cbn. destruct (lto_tricho s s) as [[|]|];
         subst; auto; lto_cycle.

Lemma alpha_le s t u :
  s < t -> alpha s (t@u) = s@t@u.
  intros A. cbn.
  destruct (lto_tricho s t) as [[|]|];
    subst; auto; lto_cycle.

Lemma alpha_ge u s t :
  t < s -> alpha s (t@u) = t @ alpha s u.
  intros A. cbn.
  destruct (lto_tricho s t) as [[|]|];
    subst; auto; lto_cycle.

Fact alpha_cancel s t:
  alpha s (alpha s t) = alpha s t.
  induction t as [|u _ t IH].
  - now rewrite !alpha_null, alpha_eq.
  - destruct (lto_tricho s u) as [[A| <- ]|A];
      repeat (rewrite (alpha_le _ A) || rewrite (alpha_ge _ A) || rewrite alpha_eq);
      intuition congruence.

Fact alpha_swap s t u:
  alpha s (alpha t u) = alpha t (alpha s u).
  induction u as [|u _ v IH].
  - destruct (lto_tricho s t) as [[A| <- ]|A];
      repeat (rewrite (alpha_le _ A) || rewrite (alpha_ge _ A) || rewrite alpha_null);
  - destruct (lto_tricho s u) as [[A| <- ]|A];
      try destruct (lto_tricho t u) as [[B| <- ]|B];
      destruct (lto_tricho s t) as [[C| <- ]|C];
      repeat (rewrite (alpha_le _ A) || rewrite (alpha_ge _ A)
              || rewrite (alpha_le _ B) || rewrite (alpha_ge _ B)
              || rewrite (alpha_le _ C) || rewrite (alpha_ge _ C)
              || rewrite alpha_eq);
      (lto_cycle || intuition congruence).

Tree normalizer, based on lexical tree order-sorting

Fixpoint sigma s := match s with
               | 0 => 0
               | s@t => alpha (sigma s) (sigma t)

Fact sigma_equiv s :
  sigma s == s.
  induction s as [|s IHs t IHt]; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - now rewrite alpha_equiv, IHs, IHt.

Fact sigma_equiv_eq s t:
  s == t <-> sigma s = sigma t.
  split; intros A.
  - induction A; cbn; try congruence.
    + apply alpha_cancel.
    + apply alpha_swap.
  - now rewrite <- (sigma_equiv s), <- (sigma_equiv t), A.

Fact sigma_idem s:
  sigma (sigma s) = sigma s.
  apply sigma_equiv_eq, sigma_equiv.

Fact equiv_dec s t:
  dec (s == t).
  apply (dec_trans (sigma s = sigma t)).
  - now rewrite sigma_equiv_eq.
  - auto.

Model construction

Theorem tree_model :
  Sigma (X: HF) (S: tree -> X) (I: X -> tree),
      (forall x, S (I x) = x) /\
      (forall s, I (S s) == s) /\
      (forall s t, S s = S t <-> s == t) /\
      (forall x y, I x = I y <-> x = y) /\
      (forall s t, S (s@t) = adj (S s) (S t)) /\
      (forall x y, I (adj x y) == I x @ I y) /\
      S 0 = eset /\
      I eset = 0.
  destruct (@sub_norm (EqType tree) sigma sigma_idem) as (X&S&I&SI&IS).
  pose (eset := S 0).
  pose (adj x y := S (I x @ I y)).

  assert (IS' : forall s, I (S s) == s).
  { intros s. rewrite IS. apply sigma_equiv. }
  assert (I_agree : forall x y, I x = I y <-> x = y).
  { intuition congruence. }

  assert (S_agree : forall s t, S s = S t <-> s == t).
  { intros s t. rewrite <- I_agree, !IS. symmetry. apply sigma_equiv_eq. }
  assert (S_homo : forall s t, S (s@t) = adj (S s) (S t)).
  { intros s t. apply S_agree. now rewrite !IS'. }
  assert (I_homo : forall x y, I (adj x y) == I x @ I y).
  { intros x y. apply S_agree. now rewrite SI. }

  assert (S0 : S 0 = eset).
  { reflexivity. }

  assert (I0 : I eset = 0).
  { destruct (I eset) as [|s t] eqn:A. reflexivity.
    contradiction (@tdiscrim s t). apply S_agree. congruence. }
  assert (cancel: forall x y, adj x (adj x y) = adj x y).
  { intros x y. apply S_agree. unfold adj. rewrite IS'. apply equivCancel. }

  assert (swap: forall x y z, adj x (adj y z) = adj y (adj x z)).
  { intros x y z. apply S_agree. unfold adj. rewrite !IS'. apply equivSwap. }

  assert (discrim: forall x y, adj x y <> eset).
  { unfold adj, eset. intros x y A % S_agree. contradiction (tdiscrim A). }

  assert (member: forall x y z, adj x (adj y z) = adj y z -> x = y \/ adj x z = z).
  { intros x y z. unfold adj. rewrite IS, S_agree, sigma_equiv.
    intros [A|A] % tmember.
    + left. now rewrite <- S_agree, !SI in A.
    + right. now rewrite <- S_agree, !SI in A. }

  pose (XS := HFS (SI2sip SI S0 S_homo) swap cancel discrim member).

  exists XS, S, I. tauto.

Extensionality of tree equivalence

Corollary tree_extensionality s t:
  (forall u, u elt s <-> u elt t) -> s == t.
  destruct tree_model as (X&S&I&SI&_&S_agree&_&S_homo&_).
  intros K. apply S_agree. extensio as z.
  generalize (K (I z)).
  rewrite <- !S_agree, !S_homo, SI. auto.