Require Import Classical.
Require Import Preliminaries.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Specialized Tower Construction

Section Tower.
  Variable (X : ExtType) (eta : set X -> set X).
  Implicit Types (p q : set X) (F : set X -> Prop).

  Hypothesis eta_ext : forall p x, eta p x -> ~ p x.
  Hypothesis eta_uniq : forall p, unique (eta p).

  Definition adj p := p :|: eta p.

  Inductive Stage : set X -> Prop :=
  | StgA p : Stage p -> Stage (adj p)
  | StgU F : F <<= Stage -> Stage (Union F).

  Lemma eta_full_empty : ~ inhab (eta (Union Stage)).

Linearity of Specialized Towers

  Lemma compare_union p F :
    (forall q, F q -> cmp p q) -> cmp p (Union F).

  Lemma compare_adj p q :
    p <<= adj q -> q <<= adj p -> cmp (adj p) (adj q).

  Theorem linearity : linears Stage.

Well-Ordering of Specialized Towes

  Hypothesis eta_greedy : forall p, inhab (complement p) -> inhab (eta p).

  Lemma adj_fix p : adj p <<= p -> (forall x, p x).

  Lemma StgU_full x : Union Stage x.

  Lemma StgT : Stage setT.

  Lemma sandwich p q : p << q -> q <<= adj p -> adj p <<= q.

  Lemma adj_incl p q : Stage p -> Stage q -> p << q -> adj p <<= q.

  Lemma tower_least (F : set (set X)) :
    F <<= Stage -> inhab F -> F (Inter F).

Inclusion is a well-ordering of Stages
  Theorem tower_wo : wo_on Stage (@incl _).

  Corollary tower_inter F :
    F <<= Stage -> Stage (Inter F).

Additional Facts -- only needed for bar_suj below

  Lemma eta_fix p : eta p <<= p -> (forall x, ~ eta p x).

  Lemma etaN_full p : (forall x, ~ eta p x) -> (forall x, p x).

  Lemma eta_ssub_neq p q :
    Stage p -> Stage q -> p << q -> eta p <> eta q.

  Lemma eta_inj p q :
    Stage p -> Stage q -> eta p = eta q -> p = q.

End Tower.

Instances of the Special Tower Construction


Module Hausdorff.
Section Hausdorff.
  Variables (X : ExtChoiceType) (R : X -> X -> Prop).
  Implicit Types (p q : set X) (F : set X -> Prop).

  Definition chain p := forall x y, p x -> p y -> R x y \/ R y x.

  Definition eta p := gamma (fun x => ~ p x /\ chain (setU1 p x)).

  Lemma unique_eta p : unique (eta p).

  Lemma co_choice_eta p x : eta p x -> ~p x.

  Local Notation Stage := (Stage eta).

  Lemma linear_Chains : linears Stage.

  Lemma ChainsP : Stage <<= chain.

  Theorem Hausdorff :
    exists M, chain M /\ (forall x, chain (setU1 M x) -> M x).

End Hausdorff.
End Hausdorff.
Export Hausdorff.


Module Zermelo.
Section Zermelo.
  Variables (X : ExtChoiceType).
  Implicit Types (x : X) (p q : set X).

  Definition eta p := gamma (fun x => ~ p x).

  Lemma cochoice_eta p x : eta p x -> ~ p x.

  Lemma greedy_eta p : inhab (fun x => ~ p x) -> inhab (eta p).

  Lemma unique_eta p : unique (eta p).

  Local Notation Stage := (Stage eta).
  Local Notation adj := (adj eta).

  Definition bar x := Union (fun p => Stage p /\ ~ p x).

  Lemma stage_bar x : Stage (bar x).

  Lemma barN x : ~ bar x x.

  Lemma barP x : eta (bar x) = set1 x.

  Lemma inj_bar : injective bar.

  Definition bar_rel x y := bar x <<= bar y.

  Theorem wo_bar_rel : wo_on setT bar_rel.

  Lemma bar_sub p x : p x -> Stage p -> bar x <<= p /\ bar x <> p.

  Definition Seg R x := fun z => R z x /\ z <> x.

  Lemma bar_seg x : bar x = Seg bar_rel x.

  Definition agrees R := forall x, gamma (complement (Seg R x)) = set1 x.

  Lemma agrees_bar : agrees bar_rel.

  Theorem Zermelo : exists2 R, wo_on setT R & agrees R.

  Fact bar_suj p : Stage p -> inhab (complement p) -> exists x, p = bar x.

End Zermelo.

Existence of Well-Ordered Extensions

Section Extension.
  Variables (X : ExtChoiceType) (R : relation X).

  Definition min p x := p x /\ (forall y, p y -> R y x -> y = x).

  Hypothesis well_founded_R : forall p, inhab p -> inhab (min p).

Build a second ExtChoiceType for sort X whose choice function picks R-minimal elements

  Definition gamma' p := gamma (min p).

  Lemma gammaP1' p : gamma' p <<= p.

  Lemma gammaP2' p : inhab p -> single (gamma' p).

  Definition X' := Build_ExtChoiceType gammaP1' gammaP2'.

For gamma' all stages are downward closed

  Theorem Extension :
    exists2 R' : relation X, (forall x y, R x y -> R' x y) & wo_on setT R'.

End Extension.
End Zermelo.
Export Zermelo.