The Oz Programming System

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What is Oz?

Oz is a high-level programming language combining constraint inference with concurrency. Typical application areas of Oz include optimization problems like scheduling, time tabling, placement and configuration, reasoning and knowledge representation, processing of natural language, simulations, multi agent systems, and sophisticated graphical user interfaces.

Oz is dynamically typed and has first-class procedures, classes, objects, exceptions and sequential threads synchronizing over a constraint store. It supports finite domain and feature constraints and has powerful primitives for programming constraint inference engines at a high level.


The successor of DFKI Oz 2.0 is Mozart. Mozart improves on DFKI Oz 2.0 by offering supported for distributed programming, more constraint systems, more tools (including debugger and profiler), much better documentation, a powerful Internet-based module system based on dynamic linking, and by other features.   Mozart

DFKI Oz 2.0

DFKI Oz 2.0 is an interactive implementation of Oz featuring an incremental compiler, support for stand-alone applications, an object-oriented interface to Tcl/Tk, and unique graphical tools for constraint programming. It provides an extensive library of constraint propagators, distributors, and search engines, including special support for scheduling. Users can add their own constraint propagators through a C++ interface. Performance is competitive with the best Prolog, Lisp, and constraint programming systems. DFKI Oz 2.0 is available for Unix and Windows.

Further Information

Features | Tools | Documentation | Download

Christian Schulte