Library libs.bcase

A simple checker for boolean tautologies

Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrbool.

Ltac bcase_atom b :=
  match b with
    | _ || _fail 1
    | _ && _fail 1
    | _ ==> _fail 1
    | _idtac

Ltac bcase_rec :=
  try reflexivity;
  match goal with
    | [ |- context[ ?b || _ ] ] ⇒ bcase_atom b; case: b
    | [ |- context[ ?b && _ ] ] ⇒ bcase_atom b; case: b
    | [ |- context[ ?b ==> _ ] ] ⇒ bcase_atom b; case: b
  end; rewrite /= ?andbT ?andbF ?orbT ?orbF; [bcase_rec..].

Ltac bcaseHyps :=
  (repeat match goal with
            | [ H : is_true ?b |- _ ] ⇒ move : H ; apply/implyP

Ltac bcase := move ⇒ × ; bcaseHyps ; bcase_rec.