Library PropiLindep

Require Export PropiLmodel.

Independence of Instuitionistic Connectives

Disjunction property

Fixpoint HarropF u: Prop :=
  match u with
    | Var _True
    | FalTrue
    | Imp s tHarropF t
    | And s tHarropF s HarropF t
    | Or s tFalse

Definition HarropC A: Prop := s, s el A HarropF s.

Lemma Harrop A p q: HarropC A gen A (Or p q) gen A p gen A q.

Lemma OrFree_Harrop s: OrFree s HarropF s.

Lemma genXM x:
  ¬ gen [] (Or (Var x) (Not (Var x))).

Lemma OrIndependence p q:
   ¬ (gen [p] q gen [q] p)
    ¬ s, OrFree s gen [] (Equi (Or p q) s).

Undefinability due to McKinsey

(* The results are from
  McKinsey, J. C. C. (1939). Proof of the independence of the primitive symbols
  of Heyting's calculus of propositions. Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):155-158

Independence of Falsehood

Section HeytingHMK1.
  (* McKinsey's Matrix I to prove undefinability of Fal *)

  (* Lattice:

  Inductive HMK1: Type := HMK1bot | HMK1a | HMK1top.

  Definition HMK1R (a b: HMK1) : Prop :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK1bot, _True
      | _, HMK1botFalse
      | _, HMK1topTrue
      | HMK1top, _False
      | HMK1a, HMK1aTrue

  Definition HMK1meet (a b: HMK1) : HMK1 :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK1bot, _HMK1bot
      | _ , HMK1botHMK1bot
      | HMK1top, bb
      | a, HMK1topa
      | HMK1a, HMK1aHMK1a

  Definition HMK1join (a b: HMK1) : HMK1 :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK1top, _HMK1top
      | _, HMK1topHMK1top
      | HMK1bot, bb
      | a, HMK1bota
      | HMK1a, HMK1aHMK1a

  Definition HMK1imp (a b : HMK1) : HMK1 :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK1bot, _HMK1top
      | _, HMK1topHMK1top
      | _, HMK1botHMK1bot
      | HMK1top, bb
      | HMK1a, HMK1aHMK1top

  Lemma HMK1Rref a: HMK1R a a.

  Lemma HMK1Rtra a b c: HMK1R a b HMK1R b c HMK1R a c.

  Definition HMK1HA : HeytingAlgebra.

  (* Fal is undefinable by other connectives *)
  Lemma FalIndependence_hey:
    ¬ s, FalFree s nd [] (Equi s Fal).

End HeytingHMK1.

Independence of Disjunction

Section HeytingHMK2.
  (* McKinsey's Matrix II to prove undefinability of Or *)

  (* Lattice: 
                      a \/ b
                     /      \
                    a        b
                     \      /
                      \    /

  Inductive HMK2 : Type := HMK2bot | HMK2a | HMK2b | HMK2ab | HMK2top.

  Definition HMK2R (a b: HMK2) : Prop :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK2bot, _True
      | _, HMK2botFalse
      | _, HMK2topTrue
      | HMK2top, _False
      | HMK2a, HMK2aTrue
      | HMK2a, HMK2bFalse
      | HMK2a, HMK2abTrue
      | HMK2b, HMK2aFalse
      | HMK2b, HMK2bTrue
      | HMK2b, HMK2abTrue
      | HMK2ab, HMK2aFalse
      | HMK2ab, HMK2bFalse
      | HMK2ab, HMK2abTrue

  Definition HMK2meet (a b: HMK2) : HMK2 :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK2bot, _HMK2bot
      | _, HMK2botHMK2bot
      | HMK2top, bb
      | a, HMK2topa
      | HMK2a, HMK2aHMK2a
      | HMK2a, HMK2bHMK2bot
      | HMK2a, HMK2abHMK2a
      | HMK2b, HMK2aHMK2bot
      | HMK2b, HMK2bHMK2b
      | HMK2b, HMK2abHMK2b
      | HMK2ab, bb

  Definition HMK2join (a b: HMK2) : HMK2 :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK2bot, bb
      | a, HMK2bota
      | HMK2top, _HMK2top
      | _, HMK2topHMK2top
      | _, HMK2abHMK2ab
      | HMK2ab, _HMK2ab
      | HMK2a, HMK2aHMK2a
      | HMK2a, HMK2bHMK2ab
      | HMK2b, HMK2aHMK2ab
      | HMK2b, HMK2bHMK2b

  Definition HMK2imp (a b: HMK2) : HMK2 :=
    match a,b with
      | HMK2bot, _HMK2top
      | _, HMK2topHMK2top
      | HMK2a, HMK2botHMK2b
      | HMK2a, HMK2aHMK2top
      | HMK2a, HMK2bHMK2b
      | HMK2a, HMK2abHMK2top
      | HMK2b, HMK2botHMK2a
      | HMK2b, HMK2aHMK2a
      | HMK2b, HMK2bHMK2top
      | HMK2b, HMK2abHMK2top
      | HMK2ab, HMK2botHMK2bot
      | HMK2ab, HMK2aHMK2a
      | HMK2ab, HMK2bHMK2b
      | HMK2ab, HMK2abHMK2top
      | HMK2top, bb

  Lemma HMK2Rref a: HMK2R a a.

  Lemma HMK2Rtra a b c: HMK2R a b HMK2R b c HMK2R a c.

  Definition HMK2HA : HeytingAlgebra.

  Lemma OrIndependence_hey:
    ¬ s, OrFree s nd [] (Equi (Or (Var 0) (Var 1)) s).

End HeytingHMK2.

Independence of Implication and Conjunction

Section HeytingHMK3.
  (* McKinsey's Matrix III to prove undefinability of Imp and And *)

  (* Matrix III is actually the direct product of Matrix I with itself *)
  (* Lattice: 1-top 2-a 3-bot
                       /  \
                      12  21
                     /  \/  \
                    13  22  31
                     \  /\  /
                      23  32
                       \  /

  Definition HMK3: Type := prod HMK1 HMK1.

  Definition HMK3R (a b: HMK3) : Prop :=
    match a, b with
      | (a1,a2), (b1, b2)HMK1R a1 b1 HMK1R a2 b2

  Definition HMK3meet (a b: HMK3) : HMK3 :=
    match a, b with
      | (a1,a2), (b1, b2)(HMK1meet a1 b1, HMK1meet a2 b2)

  Definition HMK3join (a b: HMK3) : HMK3 :=
    match a, b with
      | (a1,a2), (b1, b2)(HMK1join a1 b1, HMK1join a2 b2)

  Definition HMK3imp (a b: HMK3) : HMK3 :=
    match a, b with
      | (a1,a2), (b1, b2)(HMK1imp a1 b1, HMK1imp a2 b2)

  Lemma HMK3Rref a: HMK3R a a.

  Lemma HMK3Rtra a b c: HMK3R a b HMK3R b c HMK3R a c.

  Definition HMK3HA : HeytingAlgebra.

  (* Idea: Fal, Or, And are closed on {11, 12, 22, 33}, but 11->22 = 21 
     where 1-top 2-a 3-bot *)

  Lemma ImpIndependence_hey:
    ¬ s, ImpFree s nd [] (Equi (Imp (Var 0) (Var 1)) s).

    (* Idea: Fal, Or, Imp are closed on {11, 12, 13, 31, 33}, but 12/\31 = 32
     where 1-top 2-a 3-bot *)

  Lemma AndIndependence_hey:
    ¬ s, AndFree s nd [] (Equi (And (Var 0) (Var 1)) s).

End HeytingHMK3.

Some underivability results using Heyting

Lemma ndXM_hey x:
  ¬ nd [] (Or (Var x) (Not (Var x))).

Lemma ndDN_hey x:
  ¬ nd [] (Imp (Not (Not (Var x))) (Var x)).

Lemma ndDN'_hey x:
  ¬ nd [] (Or (Not (Var x)) (Not (Not (Var x)))).

Lemma ndDeMorgan_hey:
  ¬ nd [] (Imp (Not (And (Var 0) (Var 1))) (Or (Not (Var 0)) (Not (Var 1)))).