Library Lists

Require Export Bool Options.

Section Fix_X.

  Variable X : Type.

  Variable enc : X -> term.

  Hypothesis enc_lam : (forall x, lambda (enc x)).

  Hypothesis enc_cls : (forall x, closed (enc x)).

  Hint Resolve enc_lam enc_cls : cbv.

  Hint Rewrite enc_cls : cbv.

  Fixpoint lenc (A : list X) :=
  match A with
  | nil => lam (lam #1)
  | a::A => lam(lam (#0 (enc a) (lenc A)))

  Definition Nil : term := .\ "n", "c"; "n".

  Definition Cons: term := .\ "a", "A", "n", "c"; "c" "a" "A".

  Hint Unfold Nil Cons : cbv.

  Lemma lenc_cls A : closed (lenc A).


    induction A.

    - value.

    - intros ? ? ; simpl; now rewrite IHA, enc_cls.


  Lemma lenc_lam A : lambda (lenc A).


    destruct A; value.


  Hint Resolve lenc_cls lenc_lam : cbv.

  Hint Rewrite lenc_cls : cbv.

  Lemma Cons_correct a A : Cons (enc a) (lenc A) == lenc(a::A).




  Definition Append := R (.\ "app", "A", "B";
    "A" "B" (.\"a", "A"; !Cons "a" ("app" "A" "B"))).

  Hint Unfold Append : cbv.

  Lemma Append_rec_Nil B : Append Nil (lenc B) == (lenc B).




  Lemma Append_rec_Cons a A B : Append (lenc (a::A)) (lenc B) == Cons (enc a) ((lam (Append #0)) (lenc A) (lenc B)).




  Lemma Append_correct A B : Append (lenc A) (lenc B) == lenc(A ++ B).


    induction A.

    - eapply Append_rec_Nil.

    - rewrite Append_rec_Cons.

      now rewrite !Eta, IHA, Cons_correct; value.


  Definition sim (F : term) f := proc F /\ forall x, F (enc x) == (enc (f x)).

  Definition Map := R (.\ "map", "F", "A";
    "A" !Nil (.\"a", "A"; !Cons ("F" "a") ("map" "F" "A"))).

  Lemma Map_rec_Nil F : proc F -> Map F Nil == Nil.


    intros [? ?]; crush.


  Lemma Map_rec_Cons a A F : proc F ->
    Map F (lenc (a::A)) == Cons (F (enc a)) ((lam (Map #0)) F (lenc A)).


    intros [? ?]; crush.


  Lemma Map_correct f A F : sim F f ->
    Map F (lenc A) == lenc(map f A).


    intros [[? ?] ?].

    induction A.

    - eapply Map_rec_Nil; eauto.

    - rewrite Map_rec_Cons; eauto.

      now rewrite !Eta, H1, IHA, Cons_correct; value.


  Variable Eq : term.

  Hypothesis Eq_correct: forall s t : X,
    (Eq (enc s) (enc t) == true /\ s = t) \/ (Eq (enc s) (enc t) == false /\ s <> t).

  Hypothesis Eq_cls : closed Eq.

  Hint Resolve Eq_cls.

  Hint Rewrite Eq_cls.

  Definition El := R (.\ "El", "x", "A";
    "A" !false (.\"a", "A"; !Orelse (!Eq "a" "x") ("El" "x" "A"))).

  Hint Unfold El : cbv.

  Lemma El_nil s : El (enc s) Nil == false.




  Lemma El_Cons s a A : El (enc s) (lenc (a :: A)) == Orelse (Eq (enc a) (enc s)) ((lam (El #0)) (enc s) (lenc A)).




  Lemma El_correct s A : (El (enc s) (lenc A) == true /\ s el A) \/ (El (enc s) (lenc A) == false /\ ~ s el A).


    induction A.

    - eauto using El_nil.

    - destruct (Eq_correct a s) as [[HE E] | [HE N]].

      + subst.
left. split; auto. rewrite El_Cons, HE, !Eta; value. destruct IHA as [[H _] | [H _]]; rewrite H; eauto using Orelse_rec_tt, Orelse_rec_tf; auto.
      + destruct IHA as [[H I] | [H I]].

        * left.
split; auto.
          rewrite El_Cons, HE, !Eta, H; value.
eapply Orelse_rec_ft.
        * right.
split; auto.
          rewrite El_Cons, HE, !Eta, H; value.
eapply Orelse_rec_ff.


  Definition Filter := R (.\ "F", "p", "A";
     "A" !Nil (.\"a", "A"; ("p" "a") (!Cons "a" ("F" "p" "A")) ("F" "p" "A"))).

  Hint Unfold Filter : cbv.

  Lemma Filter_Nil P : proc P -> Filter P Nil == Nil.


    destruct 1; crush.


  Lemma proc_lambda p : proc p -> lambda p.


    firstorder intuition.


  Hint Resolve proc_lambda : cbv.

  Lemma Filter_Cons (P : term) a A :
    proc P ->
    Filter P (lenc (a::A))
       == (P (enc a)) (Cons (enc a) ((lam (Filter #0)) P (lenc A))) ((lam (Filter #0)) P (lenc A)).



  Lemma Filter_correct (P : term) p A (D : (forall x : X, dec (p x))) :
    proc P ->
    (forall x, P (enc x) == true /\ p x \/ P (enc x) == false /\ ~ p x)
    -> Filter P (lenc A) == lenc(@filter X p D A).

  Proof with eauto.

    intros proc_P dec_P.

    induction A.

    - now rewrite Filter_Nil.

    - rewrite Filter_Cons...
destruct (dec_P a) as [[HP Hp] | [HP Hp]];
        simpl; decide (p a); try tauto;
        rewrite !Eta; value;
        rewrite HP, IHA, Cons_correct;


  Definition Nth := R (.\ "nth", "A", "n";
    "n" ("A" !none (.\ "a", "A"; !some "a"))
        (.\"n"; ("A" !none (.\"a", "A"; "nth" "A" "n"))) ).

  Lemma Nth_Nil n : Nth Nil (Nat.enc n) == none.


    destruct n; crush.


  Lemma Nth_0 a A : Nth (lenc(a::A)) Zero == some (enc a).


    transitivity ((λ (λ #1 (enc a)))).

  Lemma Nth_Sn a A n : Nth (lenc(a::A)) (Nat.enc(S n)) == (lam (Nth #0)) (lenc A) (Nat.enc n).




  Definition oenc x := match x with None => none | Some x => (lam(lam(#1 (enc x)))) end.

  Lemma Nth_correct A n : Nth (lenc A) (Nat.enc n) == oenc(nth_error A n).


    revert A; induction n; intros A.

    - destruct A.

      + now rewrite Nth_Nil.

      + rewrite Nth_0; crush.

    - destruct A.

      + now rewrite Nth_Nil.

      + rewrite Nth_Sn.

        now rewrite !Eta, IHn; value.


  Definition Pos := R (.\ "pos", "s", "A";
     "A" !none (.\ "a", "A"; !Eq "s" "a" !(lam (some Zero))
     (.\""; "pos" "s" "A" (.\"n"; !some (!Succ "n")) !none) !I)).

  Lemma Pos_rec_nil s : Pos (enc s) Nil == none.




  Lemma Pos_rec_cons s a A : Pos (enc s) (lenc(a::A)) ==
     Eq (enc s) (enc a) (lam(some Zero)) (lam ( (lam(Pos #0)) (enc s) (lenc A) (lam(some (Succ #0))) none)) I.




  Lemma Pos_correct s A (E : eq_dec X) : Pos (enc s) (lenc A) == match pos s A with None => none | Some n => some (Nat.enc n) end.


    induction A.

    - now rewrite Pos_rec_nil.

    - rewrite Pos_rec_cons.
simpl. destruct (Eq_correct s a) as [[F B] | [F B]].
      + rewrite F.
decide (s = a); try tauto. crush.
      + rewrite F.
decide (s = a); try tauto; destruct (pos s A); crush.

End Fix_X.