Library structures

Require Import algebra.

Natural Numbers

Inductive NatStruct : Type := mk_NatStruct :
 forall R : Type,
 forall o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall l : R -> R -> Prop,
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 distributes R p m ->
 irreflexive R l ->
 transitive R l ->
 trichotomy R l ->
 less_plus_2 R p l ->
 less_mult_2 R m l ->
 eq_plus_injective R p ->
 plus_irreflexive R p ->
 inductionaxiom R o p ->

Inductive NatStruct' : Type := mk_NatStruct' :
 forall R : Type,
 forall o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall le : R -> R -> Prop,
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 distributes R p m ->
 linear R le ->
 transitive R le ->
 antisymmetric R le ->
 less_plus_2 R p le ->
 less_mult_2 R m le ->
 NaturalNumbers_minimal R o p m ->


Inductive IntegerStruct : Type :=
mk_IntegerStruct :
 forall R : Type,
 forall z o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall n : R -> R,
 forall le : R -> R -> Prop,
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 identity_l R z p ->
 inverse_l R z p n ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 distributes R p m ->
 linear R le ->
 transitive R le ->
 antisymmetric R le ->
 less_plus_2 R p le ->
 less_mult_2 R m le ->
 Integer_minimal R z o p n ->

Positive Rational Numbers

Inductive PositiveRationalStruct : Type :=
mk_PositiveRationalStruct :
 forall R : Type,
 forall o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall r : R -> R,
 forall l : R -> R -> Prop,
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 inverse_l R o m r ->
 distributes R p m ->
 trichotomy R l ->
 transitive R l ->
 irreflexive R l ->
 less_plus_2 R p l ->
 less_mult_2 R m l ->
 dense R l ->
 noendp_l R l ->
 noendp_r R l ->
 PositiveRational_minimal R o p m r ->

Inductive PositiveRationalStruct' : Type :=
mk_PositiveRationalStruct' :
 forall R : Type,
 forall o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall r : R -> R,
 forall le : R -> R -> Prop,
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 inverse_l R o m r ->
 distributes R p m ->
 linear R le ->
 transitive R le ->
 antisymmetric R le ->
 less_plus_2 R p le ->
 less_mult_2 R m le ->
 PositiveRational_minimal R o p m r ->

Rational Numbers

Inductive RationalStruct : Type :=
mk_RationalStruct :
 forall R : Type,
 forall z o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall n : R -> R,
 forall r : R -> R,
 forall le : R -> R -> Prop,
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 identity_l R z p ->
 inverse_l R z p n ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 inverse_exception_l R z o m r ->
 distributes R p m ->
 linear R le ->
 transitive R le ->
 antisymmetric R le ->
 less_plus_2 R p le ->
 less_mult R z m le ->
 Rational_minimal R z o p m n r ->

Real Numbers

Harrison's Axioms for the Reals

Axioms from Section 2.1 of John Harrison's _Theorem Proving with the Real Numbers_
Inductive RealStructJH : Type :=
mk_RealStructJH :
 forall R : Type,
 forall z o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall n : R -> R,
 forall r : R -> R,
 forall l : R -> R -> Prop,
 zero_not_one R z o ->
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 identity_l R z p ->
 inverse_l R z p n ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 inverse_exception_l R z o m r ->
 distributes R p m ->
 trichotomy R l ->
 transitive R l ->
 irreflexive R l ->
 less_plus_1 R p l ->
 less_mult_pos R o m l ->
 HAsupremum R l ->

Dieudonne's Axioms for the Reals - Page 16 Fondements de l'analyse moderne

Inductive RealStructJD : Type :=
mk_RealStructJD :
 forall R : Type,
 forall z o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall le : R -> R -> Prop,
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 identity_l R z p ->
 exist_inv_l R z p ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 zero_not_one R z o ->
 identity_l R o m ->
 exist_inv_l_ex R z o m ->
 distributes R p m ->
 transitive R le ->
 antisymmetric R le ->
 linear R le ->
 less_plus_1 R p le ->
 less_mult_pos R o m le ->
 JDarchimedean R z p le ->
 JDnestedIntervals R le ->

Axiom System A'

Section 61 of Alfred Tarski's _Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences_ 1994 Edited by Jan Tarski.

Inductive RealStructTA' : Type :=
mk_RealStructTA' :
 forall R : Type,
 forall o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R,
 forall l : R -> R -> Prop,
 trichotomy R l ->
 asymmetric R l ->
 dense R l ->
 TAcompleteness R l ->
 ac_twist R p ->
 exist_solns_1 R p ->
 less_plus R p l ->
 one_less_two R o p l ->

Axiom System A''

Section 63 of Alfred Tarski's _Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences_ 1994 Edited by Jan Tarski. This is said to be similar to Hilbert's 1900 axiomatization.

Inductive RealStructTA'' : Type :=
mk_RealStructTA'' :
 forall R : Type,
 forall z o : R,
 forall p : R -> R -> R, forall m : R -> R -> R,
 forall l : R -> R -> Prop,
 trichotomy R l ->
 asymmetric R l ->
 transitive R l ->
 TAcompleteness R l ->
 commutative R p ->
 associative R p ->
 exist_solns_1 R p ->
 less_plus_1 R p l ->
 identity_r R z p ->
 commutative R m ->
 associative R m ->
 exist_solns_2 R z m ->
 less_mult R z m l ->
 distributes R p m ->
 identity_r R o m ->
 zero_not_one R z o ->