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3 Installation

The newest version of the XDK is available at this URL:

The XDK is written in Mozart-Oz. The current version requires Mozart-Oz 1.3.2, which can be downloaded from the Mozart-Oz homepage at URL Mozart-Oz is available for all popular platforms, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS X.

3.1 Installing a binary release

To install a binary release, you need to do the following:

  1. install Mozart
  2. extract the archive

3.2 Installing a source release

To install a source release (archived in an ozmake package), you need to do the following:

  1. install Mozart
  2. (Windows only) install Cygwin.1 Select at least the packages containing the C/C++ compiler “gcc”
  3. (Windows only, optional) install Emacs2
  4. extract the XDK package into the current directory: ozmake --extract -p debusmann-xdk.pkg
  5. change directory to the XDK: cd debusmann-xdk
  6. prepare installation3 sh scripts/prepinstall
  7. compile the XDK: ozmake

Optionally, you can now install the XDK globally (into ~/.oz) by calling ozmake -i (first install) or ozmake -U (updating your already installed XDK).

Also optionally, you can add the path to the scripts to your path (e.g. in your ~/.bashrc if you use bash). If installed locally, that path is scripts/ (relative to the XDK directory), and if installed globally, ~/.oz/1.3.2/cache/x-ozlib/debusmann/xdk/scripts/. In the latter case, you need to set the executable bit for the scripts:

     chmod u+x ~/.oz/1.3.2/cache/x-ozlib/debusmann/xdk/scripts/*

3.3 Using the Emacs mode for User Language files

We provide an Emacs mode which implements syntax highlighting for User Language files.

3.3.1 Manual invocation

The Emacs mode can be invoked manually as follows:

  1. M-x load-file (press ALT and x, then type “load-file”)
  2. select the file ul.el (in the XDK top directory if XDK is locally installed, otherwise ~/.oz/1.3.2/cache/x-ozlib/debusmann/xdk/ul.el
  3. M-x ul-mode

3.3.2 Automatic invocation

The Emacs mode can be invoked automatically upon the launch of Emacs by adding the line:

     (load-file "<path to ul.el>")

to your emacs configuration file (~/.emacs). <path to ul.el> corresponds to the path to the file ul.el.

3.4 Optional installation bits

3.4.1 IOzSeF

To use Guido Tack's IOzSeF exploration tool instead of the Explorer for the GUI, you need to install the appropriate package available in MOGUL at URL, and also the package TkTreeWidget available at For your convenience, we have also included the two packages in the XDK distribution: tack-iozsef-1.1.pkg and tack-TkTreeWidget-0.7.pkg. To install, type:

     ozmake -i -p tack-iozsef-1.1.pkg
     ozmake -i -p tack-TkTreeWidget-0.7.pkg

3.4.2 CLLS output functor

The CLLS output functor requires Joachim Niehren's DaVinci package from MOGUL:, and all the things this package requires in turn for itself.

3.4.3 XTAG grammar generator

The XTAG grammar generator in subdirectory XTAG requires the following files in the directory XTAG/Grammar:

The files are taken from the lem parser distribution available here: Within the archive, the files can be found in the directory: lem-0.14.0/data/english. For best-fitting comparisons with the lem parser, use the preferences file: xtag.prefs, i.e., put it into its suitable directory, i.e., lem-0.14.0/lib/.

3.4.4 XTAG additional functionality

For the additional XTAG functionality (the function Compare lem solutions in xdk.exe and the output functor output.xTAGDerivation), the lem parser ( must be installed and its executables must be put into the search path.


[1] Cygwin is a Linux-like environment which you can obtain at URL

[2] Emacs is a powerful editor available as an additional package at URL It is well integrated into Mozart-Oz and is also very handy for using the XDK (e.g. you can use the UL Emacs mode).

[3] This sets the user executable bit for all the provided scripts.