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9 Outputs

This chapter is about the output functors or just outputs of the XDK. The outputs visualize individual solutions.

Outputs can also be used to post-process XDG analyses using external programs written in another language than Mozart/Oz (e.g. perl-scripts). This is the purpose of the XML output functors, which output analyses in XML.

Each dimension specifies its own set of chosen outputs and used outputs. We call the dimension on which the output is used the output dimension Chosen outputs appear in the Outputs pull-down menu of the graphical user interface of the XDK. Used outputs are actually used to visualize the individual solutions.

An output definition includes:

The output functors are taken from a predefined output library. Below, we present the definitions of all the output functors in the current output library. Note that we leave out output functors which are currently in development and might vanish again in later releases.

Most output functors print information. This printing can be redirected (e.g. to the Oz Inspector, the Oz Browser, stdout, or into a file).

We explain the syntax of the Output Language (OL) used in the Pretty output functor (OL syntax).

Developers only: We describe the output record in Output record. The output record is the representation of a solution prepared to be used by the output functors. In Writing new outputs, we explain how to write new output functors.


-- developers only --