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5.32 SAT

This is a grammar representing a reduction of the NP-complete SAT problem to XDG parsing, using the special principle (PL). It was written by Ralph Debusmann and Gert Smolka, and is featured in Ralph Debusmann's dissertation and the paper Multi-dimensional Dependency Grammar as Multigraph Description (References).

usedim pl
usedim lex
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% define dimension pl
defdim pl {
  %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %% define types
  deftype "pl.label" {arg1 arg2 bar "^"}
  deflabeltype "pl.label"
  defattrstype {truth: bool
                bars: int}
  defentrytype {in: valency("pl.label")
                out: valency("pl.label")
                order: set(tuple("pl.label" "pl.label"))}
  %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %% use principles
  useprinciple "principle.graph" {
    dims {D: pl}}
  useprinciple "principle.tree" {
    dims {D: pl}}
  useprinciple "principle.valency" {
    dims {D: pl}}
  useprinciple "principle.order2" {
    dims {D: pl}}
  useprinciple "principle.projectivity" {
    dims {D: pl}}
  useprinciple "" {
    dims {D: pl}}
  %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %% use and choose outputs
  output "output.pretty"
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% define dimension lex
defdim lex {
  %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %% define types
  defentrytype {word: string}
  %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %% use principles
  useprinciple "principle.entries" {}
  %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %% use and choose outputs
  output "output.dags1"
  output "output.latexs1"
  useoutput "output.dags1"
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% define lexicon
%% i.e., the ordered fragments

%% implications
defentry {
  dim pl {in: {arg1? arg2?}
          out: {arg1! arg2!}
          order: <"^" arg1 arg2>}
  dim lex {word: "impl"}}

%% zeros
defentry {
  dim pl {in: {arg1? arg2?}}
  dim lex {word: "0"}}

%% variables
defentry {
  dim pl {in: {arg1? arg2?}
          out: {bar!}
          order: <"^" bar>} 
  dim lex {word: "var"}}

%% bars
defentry {
  dim pl {in: {bar!}
          out: {bar?}
          order: <"^" bar>}
  dim lex {word: "I"}}