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7 Solver

This chapter presents the heart of the XDG development kit, viz. the XDK solver, a solver for specialized constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). These CSPs are defined by:

  1. a list of tokens that we call words
  2. the lexicon which maps each word to a set of possible lexical entries.
  3. the set of used dimensions and the set of principles used on them

The CSP is split up into a set of dimensions, each of which uses a set of principles.

The principles are either taken from a predefined principle library, or can be conveniently written in a First-Order Logic using the principle compiler PrincipleWriter.

A principle definition includes:

We give an overview of the library in Principle overview (Principles overview). In Principle list (Principles list), we explain the whole range of principles in the current library.

Developers only: The node record is the internal representation of a node in a solution. We explicate it in Node record. In Writing new principles we explain how to write new principles.

-- developers only --