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11.3 xdkconv

This section is about the standalone grammar file converter of the XDK (xdkconv). The grammar file converter takes a source grammar file and converts it into a destination grammar file. The grammar file language into which the destination grammar file is converted depends on its suffix.

The source grammar file can be one of the following:

And the destination grammar file can be one of the following:

11.3.1 Invocation

These are the commandline arguments of xdkconv:

11.3.2 Example

Here is an example. Assume you would like to convert the source grammar file Grammars/Diplom.ul, which is written in the User Language (UL) into the destination grammar file Grammars/Diplom.xml in the XML language. Here is how you do this with xdkconv:

     xdkconv.exe -g Grammars/Diplom.ul -o Grammars/Diplom.xml

xdkconv reads the UL grammar Grammars/Diplom.ul, and saves the corresponding XML language grammar Grammars/Diplom.xml.


[1] The functor must export the IL grammar under the key grammar.