@Misc{dg, author = {Ralph Debusmann}, title = {An Introduction to Dependency Grammar}, year = 2000, authorURLs = {http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~rade/}, abstract = {Many linguists consider Dependency Grammar (DG) to be inferior to established phrase structure based theories like GB (Chomsky 1986), LFG (Kaplan/Bresnan 1982) and HPSG (Pollard/Sag 1994). The aim of this article is to remedy this state of affairs by seeking to make those unconvinced of DG perceive the benefits it offers. To this end, section 2 makes the reader acquainted with the basic concepts of DG, before section 3 sets the theory against phrase structure based theories, arguing that it has considerable advantages in the analysis of languages with relatively free word order (e.g. German, Finnish, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Russian ...). Section 4 describes Duchier's (1999) DG axiomatization as a prototypical example of a DG that separates dependencies and surface order. Thereafter, section 5 proceeds with an overview of current Dependency Grammar formalisms and section 6 rounds the paper up.}, keywords = {dependency grammar, free word order}, note = {Hausarbeit}, }