Incompleteness of Propagation

Constraint propagation is not a complete solution method. It may happen that a space has a unique solution and that constraint propagation does not find it. It may also happen that a space has no solution and that constraint propagation does not lead to a failed propagator.

A straightforward example for the second case consists of three propagators for

X $ \neq$ Y   X $ \neq$ Z   Y $ \neq$ Z
and a constraint store
$ X \in \ensuremath{\{0,1\}} \hspace{4mm} Y \in \ensuremath{\{0,1\}} \hspace{4mm} Z \in \ensuremath{\{0,1\}}.$
This space has no solution. Nevertheless, none of the propagators is inconsistent or can tell something to the constraint store.

To see an example for the case where a unique solution is not found by constraint propagation, suppose we have interval propagators for the constraints

3 . X + 3 . Y = 5 . Z   X - Y = Z   X + Y = Z + 2
and a constraint store
$ X \in \ensuremath{\{4,\dots,10\}} \hspace{4mm} Y \in \ensuremath{\{1,\dots,7\}} \hspace{4mm} Z
\in \ensuremath{\{3,\dots,9\}}$
This space has the unique solution X = 4, Y = 1, Z = 3. Nevertheless, none of the propagators can narrow a variable domain.

If we narrow the domains to

$ X \in \ensuremath{\{5,\dots,10\}} \hspace{4mm} Y \in \ensuremath{\{1,\dots,6\}} \hspace{4mm} Z \in \ensuremath{\{4,\dots,9\}}$
the space becomes unsatisfiable. Still, none of the above propagators is inconsistent or can narrow a variable domain.

Andreas Rossberg 2006-08-28