;;; sml-site.el. Site initialisation for sml-mode ;; Copyright (C) 1997, Matthew J. Morley ;; Thanks to Ken Larsen for his suggestions. ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs, but it is distributed under the ;; same conditions. ;; ==================================================================== ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ;; ==================================================================== ;;; DESCRIPTION ;; This file is provided for site administrators to install and ;; configure sml-mode for the convenience of all their users. Even if ;; you only install sml-mode for your private use, this is still a ;; good place to do the necessary configuration. ;; Follow the comments below to set the (few) necessary defaults; add ;; any other configurations to the end of the file. Users just need to ;; put ;; (require 'sml-site) ;; in their .emacs files (along with any personal customisations). ;; Make sure this file is on the user's *default* load-path! ;;; CODE ;; ******************* ;; sml-lisp-directory: ;; ******************* ;; This is where the sml-mode lisp (.el and/or .elc) files are to be ;; kept. It is used for no purpose other than resetting the load-path ;; variable. Site administrators might consider setqing this in their ;; site-init.el file instead. ;; A subdirectory of site-lisp directory seems a reasonable place... (defvar sml-lisp-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/sml-mode" "*The directory where sml-mode lisp files are located. Used in sml-site.el in resetting the Emacs lisp `load-path' (qv).") (if (member sml-lisp-directory load-path) () ;take no prisoners (setq load-path (cons sml-lisp-directory load-path))) ;; **************** ;; auto-mode-alist: ;; **************** ;; Buffers for files that end with these extensions will be placed in ;; sml-mode automatically. (if (rassoc 'sml-mode auto-mode-alist) () ;assume user has her own ideas (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.sml$" . sml-mode) ("\\.sig$" . sml-mode) ("\\.fun$" . sml-mode) ("\\.ML$" . sml-mode)) auto-mode-alist))) ;; ************** ;; sml-mode-info: ;; ************** ;; This is where sml-mode will look for it's online documentation. ;; The default value in sml-mode.el is "sml-mode" which is correct if ;; sml-mode.info is placed somewhere on Emacs' default info directory ;; path. If you move sml-mode.info to the root of the site's info ;; hierarchy don't forget to add a `dir' file menu entry like ;; * SML: (sml-mode). Editing & Running Standard ML from Emacs ;; If you can't (or won't) move the .info file onto the default info ;; directory path, uncomment this defvar and set the full name here. ;;(defvar sml-mode-info "/usr/???/sml-mode" "*Where to find sml-mode Info.") ;; ***************** ;; sml-program-name: ;; ***************** ;; sml-mode (sml-proc.el) defaults all its complier settings to SML/NJ ;; (0.93, in this release of sml-mode). If the New Jersey compiler is ;; called anything other than "sml" at your site, uncomment this ;; defvar and set the correct name here. ;;(defvar sml-program-name "sml" "*Program to run as ML.") ;; The info file (Configuration) explains how to set up sml-mode for ;; use with other ML compilers. Point users in that direction. ;;; AUTOLOADS (autoload 'sml-mode "sml-mode" "Major mode for editing Standard ML." t) (autoload 'sml "sml-proc" "Run an inferior ML process." t) ;; By all means set up Moscow ML and/or Poly/ML to autoload, but first ;; check that "mosml" and/or "poly" appear on the user's default PATH. (autoload 'sml-mosml "sml-mosml" "Set up and run Moscow ML." t) (autoload 'sml-poly-ml "sml-poly-ml" "Set up and run Poly/ML." t) ;; If they don't, users will winge until they discover how to change ;; their PATH, or redefine sml-program-name, for themselves. ;; ****************************************** ;; Define key binding for feeding a paragraph ;; and auto-split window when starting SML ;; ****************************************** (setq sml-program-name "mosml") (add-hook 'sml-load-hook (lambda () "Highlights." (require 'sml-font))) (add-hook 'sml-mode-hook (lambda () "SML mode defaults." (define-key sml-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'sml-send-function) (defadvice sml-run (after sml-run-autosplit activate) (let* ((pname (file-name-nondirectory (ad-get-arg 0))) (bname (format "*%s*" pname))) (process-kill-without-query (get-buffer-process bname)) (let ((win (split-window))) (set-window-buffer win bname)))))) ;; Then (provide 'sml-site) ;; and tell users to (require 'sml-site) in their .emacs files for the ;; above to take effect. Byte compile this file or not, as you wish. ;;; sml-site.el endeth.