(* The code of this file is a modified version of the axioms included with Autosubst 2 *)
(* * Axiomatic Assumptions
For our development, we have to extend Coq with one well known axiomatic assumptions, namely _functional extensionality_.
(* ** Functional Extensionality
We import the axiom from the Coq Standard Library and derive a utility tactic to make the assumption practically usable.
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Program.Tactics.
Tactic Notation "nointr" tactic(t) :=
let m := fresh "marker" in
pose (m := tt);
t; revert_until m; clear m.
Ltac fext := nointr repeat (
match goal with
[ |- ?x = ?y ] =>
(refine (@functional_extensionality_dep _ _ _ _ _) ||
refine (@forall_extensionality _ _ _ _) ||
refine (@forall_extensionalityP _ _ _ _) ||
refine (@forall_extensionalityS _ _ _ _)); intro
(* * Axiomatic Assumptions
For our development, we have to extend Coq with one well known axiomatic assumptions, namely _functional extensionality_.
(* ** Functional Extensionality
We import the axiom from the Coq Standard Library and derive a utility tactic to make the assumption practically usable.
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Program.Tactics.
Tactic Notation "nointr" tactic(t) :=
let m := fresh "marker" in
pose (m := tt);
t; revert_until m; clear m.
Ltac fext := nointr repeat (
match goal with
[ |- ?x = ?y ] =>
(refine (@functional_extensionality_dep _ _ _ _ _) ||
refine (@forall_extensionality _ _ _ _) ||
refine (@forall_extensionalityP _ _ _ _) ||
refine (@forall_extensionalityS _ _ _ _)); intro