Record Constraints


Oz supports fine-grained constraints for the description of records as they are typically used in natural language processing with constraint-based grammars.

Record Construction

In Oz 1, one could only describe records whose label and arity was fully known, i.e., determined ones, using an equation like the following.

X = s(np:N vp:V) 

Feature Constraints

The most important additional record constraint in Oz 2 is the feature constraint X^Y = Z. Such a constraint blocks until Y is determined and then constrains X to denote a record whose arity includes feature Y and whose subtree at Y is Z. These constraints are immediately available for further processing. For instance, telling the constraints

X^np = N1
X^np = N2

results in equating N1 and N2.

Path Equations

Nesting feature constraints yields what computational linguists call path equations:

VP^head^subject = NP^head

Label Constraint

It is possible to fix the label of a record without giving any of its features. The constraint:

{TellRecord F X}

blocks until F is a determined literal and then a tells the store that X is a record with label F.


There is a convenient notation for a labelling and a number of feature constraints which resembles the construction of a determined record. The statement:

X = f(a:Y b:Z ...) 

is equivalent to the constraints:

{TellRecord f X}
X^a = Y
X^b = Z

Type Test

As soon as the store contains a labelling or a feature constraint for X, this variable is known to denote a record. While the type test {IsRecord X} blocks until X is determined, the test:

{IsRecordC X}

reduces as soon as possible.

Record Inspection

The procedures for record inspection:

{Label X}
{HasFeature X f}

need no longer block until X is determined. They reduce as soon as the label of X is known, respectively as soon as X is constrained to have feature f.

Record Propagator

There is a record propagator which detects when new features have been added to a record.

{Record.monitorArity X P Ls}

connects the record X to the stream Ls (i.e., a non-terminated list). As soon as X becomes known to have a feature F, this feature appears on the stream. Record.monitorArity is a primitive from which user-defined propagators can be derived: By observing Ls, one can react to new arity information. P is a nullary procedure that kills the primitive propagator and disconnects R from L.

Martin Müller