Base Library for ICL

  • Version: 7 January 2017
  • Author: Gert Smolka, Saarland University
  • Acknowlegments: Sigurd Schneider, Dominik Kirst, Yannick Forster

Require Export Bool Omega List Setoid Morphisms.

Global Set Implicit Arguments.
Global Unset Strict Implicit.
Global Unset Printing Records.
Global Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Global Set Warnings "-notation-overridden".

Export ListNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "x 'nel' A" := (~ x el A) (at level 70).
Notation "A <<= B" := (incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "| A |" := (length A) (at level 65).
Definition equi X (A B : list X) : Prop := incl A B /\ incl B A.
Notation "A === B" := (equi A B) (at level 70).
Hint Unfold equi.

Ltac inv H := inversion H; subst; try clear H.

Ltac contra XM A := (* proof by contradiction *)
  match goal with
  |[ |- ?t] => destruct (XM t) as [A|A]; [exact A|exfalso]

Hint Extern 4 => exact _. (* makes auto use type class inference *)

De Morgan laws

Lemma DM_or (X Y : Prop) :
  ~ (X \/ Y) <-> ~ X /\ ~ Y.

Lemma DM_exists X (p : X -> Prop) :
  ~ (exists x, p x) <-> forall x, ~ p x.

Boolean propositions and decisions

Coercion bool2Prop (b : bool) := if b then True else False.

Lemma bool_Prop_true b :
  b = true -> b.
  intros A. rewrite A. exact I.

Lemma bool_Prop_false b :
  b = false -> ~ b.
  intros A. rewrite A. cbn. auto.

Hint Resolve bool_Prop_true bool_Prop_false.

Hint Extern 4 =>
match goal with
|[ H: False |- _ ] => destruct H
|[ H: ?s <> ?s |- _ ] => contradict H; reflexivity
|[ H: ~ bool2Prop true |- _ ] => destruct H
|[ H: bool2Prop false |- _ ] => destruct H
|[ H: true=false |- _ ] => discriminate H
|[ H: false=true |- _ ] => discriminate H
|[ H: ?b=false, H': bool2Prop(?b) |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'; destruct H'
|[ H: _ el nil |- _ ] => destruct H

Definition dec (X: Prop) : Type := {X} + {~ X}.

Coercion dec2bool P (d: dec P) := if d then true else false.

Existing Class dec.

Definition Dec (X: Prop) (d: dec X) : dec X := d.
Arguments Dec X {d}.

Lemma Dec_reflect (X: Prop) (d: dec X) :
  Dec X <-> X.
  destruct d as [A|A]; cbn; tauto.

Notation Decb X := (dec2bool (Dec X)).

Lemma Dec_reflect_eq (X Y: Prop) (d: dec X) (e: dec Y) :
 Decb X = Decb Y <-> (X <-> Y).
  destruct d as [D|D], e as [E|E]; cbn; intuition congruence.

Lemma Dec_auto (X: Prop) (d: dec X) :
  X -> Dec X.
  destruct d as [A|A]; cbn; tauto.

Lemma Dec_auto_not (X: Prop) (d: dec X) :
  ~ X -> ~ Dec X.
  destruct d as [A|A]; cbn; tauto.

Hint Resolve Dec_auto Dec_auto_not.

Hint Extern 4 => (* Improves type class inference *)
match goal with
  | [ |- dec ((fun _ => _) _) ] => cbn
end : typeclass_instances.

Tactic Notation "decide" constr(p) :=
  destruct (Dec p).
Tactic Notation "decide" constr(p) "as" simple_intropattern(i) :=
  destruct (Dec p) as i.

Decided propositions behave classically

Ltac contra_dec A := (* proof by contradiction *)
  match goal with
  |[ |- ?t] => decide t as [A|A]; [exact A|exfalso]

Lemma dec_DN X :
  dec X -> ~~ X -> X.
  unfold dec; tauto.

Lemma dec_DM_and X Y :
  dec X -> dec Y -> ~ (X /\ Y) -> ~ X \/ ~ Y.
  unfold dec; tauto.

Lemma dec_DM_impl X Y :
  dec X -> dec Y -> ~ (X -> Y) -> X /\ ~ Y.
  unfold dec; tauto.

Propagation rules for decisions

Fact dec_transfer P Q :
  P <-> Q -> dec P -> dec Q.
  unfold dec. tauto.

Instance bool_dec (b: bool) :
  dec b.
  unfold dec. destruct b; cbn; auto.

Instance True_dec :
  dec True.
  unfold dec; tauto.

Instance False_dec :
  dec False.
  unfold dec; tauto.

Instance impl_dec (X Y : Prop) :
  dec X -> dec Y -> dec (X -> Y).
  unfold dec; tauto.

Instance and_dec (X Y : Prop) :
  dec X -> dec Y -> dec (X /\ Y).
  unfold dec; tauto.

Instance or_dec (X Y : Prop) :
  dec X -> dec Y -> dec (X \/ Y).
  unfold dec; tauto.

(* Coq standard modules make "not" and "iff" opaque for type class inference, 
   can be seen with Print HintDb typeclass_instances. *)

Instance not_dec (X : Prop) :
  dec X -> dec (~ X).
  unfold not. auto.

Instance iff_dec (X Y : Prop) :
  dec X -> dec Y -> dec (X <-> Y).
  unfold iff. auto.

Discrete types

Notation "'eq_dec' X" := (forall x y : X, dec (x=y)) (at level 70).

Structure eqType := EqType {
  eqType_X :> Type;
  eqType_dec : eq_dec eqType_X }.

Arguments EqType X {_} : rename.

Canonical Structure eqType_CS X (A: eq_dec X) := EqType X.

Existing Instance eqType_dec.

Instance bool_eq_dec :
  eq_dec bool.
  unfold dec. decide equality.

Instance nat_eq_dec :
  eq_dec nat.
  unfold dec. decide equality.

Instance prod_eq_dec X Y :
  eq_dec X -> eq_dec Y -> eq_dec (X * Y).
  unfold dec. decide equality.

Instance list_eq_dec X :
  eq_dec X -> eq_dec (list X).
  unfold dec. decide equality.


Instance nat_le_dec (x y : nat) : dec (x <= y) :=
  le_dec x y.

Lemma size_recursion (X : Type) (sigma : X -> nat) (p : X -> Type) :
  (forall x, (forall y, sigma y < sigma x -> p y) -> p x) ->
  forall x, p x.
  intros D x. apply D. revert x.
  enough (forall n y, sigma y < n -> p y) by eauto.
  intros n. induction n; intros y E.
  - exfalso; omega.
  - apply D. intros x F. apply IHn. omega.

Arguments size_recursion {X} sigma {p} _ _.

Section Iteration.
  Variables (X: Type) (f: X -> X).

  Fixpoint it (n : nat) (x : X) : X :=
    match n with
      | 0 => x
      | S n' => f (it n' x)

  Lemma it_ind (p : X -> Prop) x n :
    p x -> (forall z, p z -> p (f z)) -> p (it n x).
    intros A B. induction n; cbn; auto.

  Definition FP (x : X) : Prop := f x = x.

  Lemma it_fp (sigma : X -> nat) x :
    (forall n, FP (it n x) \/ sigma (it n x) > sigma (it (S n) x)) ->
    FP (it (sigma x) x).
    intros A.
    assert (B: forall n, FP (it n x) \/ sigma x >= n + sigma (it n x)).
    { intros n; induction n; cbn.
      - auto.
      - destruct IHn as [B|B].
        + left. now rewrite B.
        + destruct (A n) as [C|C].
          * left. now rewrite C.
          * right. cbn in C. omega. }
    destruct (A (sigma x)), (B (sigma x)); auto; exfalso; omega.
End Iteration.


(* Register additional simplification rules with autorewrite / simpl_list *)
(* Print Rewrite HintDb list. *)
Hint Rewrite <- app_assoc : list.
Hint Rewrite rev_app_distr map_app prod_length : list.

Lemma list_cycle (X : Type) (A : list X) x :
  x::A <> A.
  intros B.
  assert (C: |x::A| <> |A|) by (cbn; omega).
  apply C. now rewrite B.

Decisions for lists

Instance list_in_dec X (x : X) (A : list X) :
  eq_dec X -> dec (x el A).
  intros D. apply in_dec. exact D.

(* Certifying find *)

Lemma cfind X A (p: X -> Prop) (p_dec: forall x, dec (p x)) :
  {x | x el A /\ p x} + {forall x, x el A -> ~ p x}.
  induction A as [|x A]; cbn.
  - tauto.
  - destruct IHA as [[y [D E]]|D].
    + eauto.
    + decide (p x) as [E|E].
      * left. eauto.
      * right. intros y [[]|F]; auto.

Arguments cfind {X} A p {p_dec}.

Instance list_forall_dec X A (p : X -> Prop) :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) -> dec (forall x, x el A -> p x).
  intros p_dec.
  destruct (cfind A (fun x => ~ p x)) as [[x [D E]]|D].
  - right. auto.
  - left. intros x E. apply dec_DN; auto.

Instance list_exists_dec X A (p : X -> Prop) :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) -> dec (exists x, x el A /\ p x).
  intros p_dec.
  destruct (cfind A p) as [[x [D E]]|D].
  - unfold dec. eauto.
  - right. intros [x [E F]]. exact (D x E F).

Lemma list_exists_DM X A (p : X -> Prop) :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) ->
  ~ (forall x, x el A -> ~ p x) -> exists x, x el A /\ p x.
  intros D E.
  destruct (cfind A p) as [F|F].
  + destruct F as [x F]. eauto.
  + contradiction (E F).

Lemma list_exists_not_incl (X: eqType) (A B : list X) :
  ~ A <<= B -> exists x, x el A /\ ~ x el B.
  intros E.
  apply list_exists_DM; auto.
  intros F. apply E. intros x G.
  apply dec_DN; auto.

Lemma list_cc X (p : X -> Prop) A :
  (forall x, dec (p x)) ->
  (exists x, x el A /\ p x) -> {x | x el A /\ p x}.
  intros D E.
  destruct (cfind A p) as [[x [F G]]|F].
  - eauto.
  - exfalso. destruct E as [x [G H]]. apply (F x); auto.


We use the following lemmas from Coq's standard library List.
  • in_eq : x el x::A
  • in_nil : ~ x el nil
  • in_cons : x el A -> x el y::A
  • in_or_app : x el A \/ x el B -> x el A++B
  • in_app_iff : x el A++B <-> x el A \/ x el B
  • in_map_iff : y el map f A <-> exists x, f x = y /\ x el A

Hint Resolve in_eq in_nil in_cons in_or_app.

Section Membership.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types (x y: X) (A B: list X).

  Lemma in_sing x y :
    x el [y] -> x = y.
    cbn. intros [[]|[]]. reflexivity.

  Lemma in_cons_neq x y A :
    x el y::A -> x <> y -> x el A.
    cbn. intros [[]|D] E; congruence.

  Lemma not_in_cons x y A :
    ~ x el y :: A -> x <> y /\ ~ x el A.
    intuition; subst; auto.


  Definition disjoint A B :=
    ~ exists x, x el A /\ x el B.

  Lemma disjoint_forall A B :
    disjoint A B <-> forall x, x el A -> ~ x el B.
    - intros D x E F. apply D. exists x. auto.
    - intros D [x [E F]]. exact (D x E F).

  Lemma disjoint_symm A B :
    disjoint A B -> disjoint B A.

  Lemma disjoint_incl A B B' :
    B' <<= B -> disjoint A B -> disjoint A B'.

  Lemma disjoint_nil B :
    disjoint nil B.

  Lemma disjoint_nil' A :
    disjoint A nil.

  Lemma disjoint_cons x A B :
    disjoint (x::A) B <-> ~ x el B /\ disjoint A B.
    - intros D. split.
      + intros E. apply D. eauto.
      + intros [y [E F]]. apply D. eauto.
    - intros [D E] [y [[F|F] G]].
      + congruence.
      + apply E. eauto.

  Lemma disjoint_app A B C :
    disjoint (A ++ B) C <-> disjoint A C /\ disjoint B C.
    - intros D. split.
      + intros [x [E F]]. eauto 6.
      + intros [x [E F]]. eauto 6.
    - intros [D E] [x [F G]].
      apply in_app_iff in F as [F|F]; eauto.

End Membership.

Hint Resolve disjoint_nil disjoint_nil'.


We use the following lemmas from Coq's standard library List.
  • incl_refl : A <<= A
  • incl_tl : A <<= B -> A <<= x::B
  • incl_cons : x el B -> A <<= B -> x::A <<= B
  • incl_appl : A <<= B -> A <<= B++C
  • incl_appr : A <<= C -> A <<= B++C
  • incl_app : A <<= C -> B <<= C -> A++B <<= C

Hint Resolve incl_refl incl_tl incl_cons incl_appl incl_appr incl_app.

Lemma incl_nil X (A : list X) :
  nil <<= A.

Proof. intros x []. Qed.

Hint Resolve incl_nil.

Lemma incl_map X Y A B (f : X -> Y) :
  A <<= B -> map f A <<= map f B.

  intros D y E. apply in_map_iff in E as [x [E E']].
  subst y. apply in_map_iff. eauto.

Section Inclusion.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types A B : list X.

  Lemma incl_nil_eq A :
    A <<= nil -> A=nil.

    intros D. destruct A as [|x A].
    - reflexivity.
    - exfalso. apply (D x). auto.

  Lemma incl_shift x A B :
    A <<= B -> x::A <<= x::B.

  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma incl_lcons x A B :
    x::A <<= B <-> x el B /\ A <<= B.
    - intros D. split; hnf; auto.
    - intros [D E] z [F|F]; subst; auto.

  Lemma incl_sing x A y :
    x::A <<= [y] -> x = y /\ A <<= [y].
    rewrite incl_lcons. intros [D E].
    apply in_sing in D. auto.

  Lemma incl_rcons x A B :
    A <<= x::B -> ~ x el A -> A <<= B.

  Proof. intros C D y E. destruct (C y E) as [F|F]; congruence. Qed.

  Lemma incl_lrcons x A B :
    x::A <<= x::B -> ~ x el A -> A <<= B.

    intros C D y E.
    assert (F: y el x::B) by auto.
    destruct F as [F|F]; congruence.

  Lemma incl_app_left A B C :
    A ++ B <<= C -> A <<= C /\ B <<= C.

End Inclusion.

Hint Resolve incl_nil_eq.

Definition inclp (X : Type) (A : list X) (p : X -> Prop) : Prop :=
  forall x, x el A -> p x.

Setoid rewriting with list inclusion and list equivalence

Instance incl_preorder X :
  PreOrder (@incl X).
  constructor; hnf; unfold incl; auto.

Instance equi_Equivalence X :
  Equivalence (@equi X).
  constructor; hnf; firstorder.

Instance incl_equi_proper X :
  Proper (@equi X ==> @equi X ==> iff) (@incl X).
  hnf. intros A B D. hnf. firstorder.

Instance cons_incl_proper X x :
  Proper (@incl X ==> @incl X) (@cons X x).
  hnf. apply incl_shift.

Instance cons_equi_proper X x :
  Proper (@equi X ==> @equi X) (@cons X x).
  hnf. firstorder.

Instance in_incl_proper X x :
  Proper (@incl X ==> Basics.impl) (@In X x).
  intros A B D. hnf. auto.

Instance in_equi_proper X x :
  Proper (@equi X ==> iff) (@In X x).
  intros A B D. firstorder.

Instance app_incl_proper X :
  Proper (@incl X ==> @incl X ==> @incl X) (@app X).
  intros A B D A' B' E. auto.

Instance app_equi_proper X :
  Proper (@equi X ==> @equi X ==> @equi X) (@app X).
  hnf. intros A B D. hnf. intros A' B' E.
  destruct D, E; auto.

Section Equi.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types A B : list X.

  Lemma equi_push x A :
    x el A -> A === x::A.

  Lemma equi_dup x A :
    x::A === x::x::A.


  Lemma equi_swap x y A:
    x::y::A === y::x::A.
    split; intros z; cbn; tauto.

  Lemma equi_shift x A B :
    x::A++B === A++x::B.
    split; intros y.
    - intros [D|D].
      + subst; auto.
      + apply in_app_iff in D as [D|D]; auto.
    - intros D. apply in_app_iff in D as [D|D].
      + auto.
      + destruct D; subst; auto.

  Lemma equi_rotate x A :
    x::A === A++[x].
    split; intros y; cbn.
    - intros [D|D]; subst; auto.
    - intros D. apply in_app_iff in D as [D|D].
      + auto.
      + apply in_sing in D. auto.

End Equi.


Section Filter.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types (x y: X) (A B C: list X) (p q: X -> bool).

  Fixpoint filter p A : list X :=
    match A with
    | nil => nil
    | x::A' => if p x then x :: filter p A' else filter p A'

  Lemma in_filter_iff x p A :
    x el filter p A <-> x el A /\ p x.
    induction A as [|y A]; cbn.
    - tauto.
    - destruct (p y) eqn:E; cbn;
      rewrite IHA; intuition; subst; auto.

  Lemma filter_incl p A :
    filter p A <<= A.
    intros x D. apply in_filter_iff in D. apply D.

  Lemma filter_mono p A B :
    A <<= B -> filter p A <<= filter p B.
    intros D x E. apply in_filter_iff in E as [E E'].
    apply in_filter_iff. auto.

  Lemma filter_id p A :
    (forall x, x el A -> p x) -> filter p A = A.
    intros D.
    induction A as [|x A]; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct (p x) eqn:E.
      + f_equal; auto.
      + exfalso. apply bool_Prop_false in E. auto.

  Lemma filter_app p A B :
    filter p (A ++ B) = filter p A ++ filter p B.
    induction A as [|y A]; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite IHA. destruct (p y); reflexivity.

  Lemma filter_fst p x A :
    p x -> filter p (x::A) = x::filter p A.
    cbn. destruct (p x); auto.

  Lemma filter_fst' p x A :
    ~ p x -> filter p (x::A) = filter p A.
    cbn. destruct (p x); auto.

  Lemma filter_pq_mono p q A :
    (forall x, x el A -> p x -> q x) -> filter p A <<= filter q A.
    intros D x E. apply in_filter_iff in E as [E E'].
    apply in_filter_iff. auto.

  Lemma filter_pq_eq p q A :
    (forall x, x el A -> p x = q x) -> filter p A = filter q A.
    intros C; induction A as [|x A]; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct (p x) eqn:D, (q x) eqn:E.
      + f_equal. auto.
      + exfalso. enough (p x = q x) by congruence. auto.
      + exfalso. enough (p x = q x) by congruence. auto.
      + auto.

  Lemma filter_and p q A :
    filter p (filter q A) = filter (fun x => p x && q x) A.
    induction A as [|x A]; cbn. reflexivity.
    destruct (p x) eqn:E, (q x); cbn;
      try rewrite E; now rewrite IHA.

  Lemma filter_comm p q A :
    filter p (filter q A) = filter q (filter p A).
    rewrite !filter_and. apply filter_pq_eq.
    intros x _. now destruct (p x), (q x).

End Filter.

Element removal

Section Removal.
  Variable X : eqType.
  Implicit Types (x y: X) (A B: list X).

  Definition rem A x : list X :=
    filter (fun z => Dec (z <> x)) A.

  Lemma in_rem_iff x A y :
    x el rem A y <-> x el A /\ x <> y.
    unfold rem. rewrite in_filter_iff, Dec_reflect. tauto.

  Lemma rem_not_in x y A :
    x = y \/ ~ x el A -> ~ x el rem A y.
    unfold rem. rewrite in_filter_iff, Dec_reflect. tauto.

  Lemma rem_incl A x :
    rem A x <<= A.
    apply filter_incl.

  Lemma rem_mono A B x :
    A <<= B -> rem A x <<= rem B x.
    apply filter_mono.

  Lemma rem_cons A B x :
    A <<= B -> rem (x::A) x <<= B.
    intros E y F. apply E. apply in_rem_iff in F.
    destruct F as [[|]]; congruence.

  Lemma rem_cons' A B x y :
    x el B -> rem A y <<= B -> rem (x::A) y <<= B.
    intros E F u G.
    apply in_rem_iff in G as [[[]|G] H]. exact E.
    apply F. apply in_rem_iff. auto.

  Lemma rem_in x y A :
    x el rem A y -> x el A.
    apply rem_incl.

  Lemma rem_neq x y A :
    x <> y -> x el A -> x el rem A y.
    intros E F. apply in_rem_iff. auto.

  Lemma rem_app x A B :
    x el A -> B <<= A ++ rem B x.
    intros E y F. decide (x=y) as [[]|]; auto using rem_neq.

  Lemma rem_app' x A B C :
    rem A x <<= C -> rem B x <<= C -> rem (A ++ B) x <<= C.
    unfold rem; rewrite filter_app; auto.

  Lemma rem_equi x A :
    x::A === x::rem A x.
    split; intros y;
    intros [[]|E]; decide (x=y) as [[]|D];
    eauto using rem_in, rem_neq.

  Lemma rem_comm A x y :
    rem (rem A x) y = rem (rem A y) x.
    apply filter_comm.

  Lemma rem_fst x A :
    rem (x::A) x = rem A x.
    unfold rem. rewrite filter_fst'; auto.

  Lemma rem_fst' x y A :
    x <> y -> rem (x::A) y = x::rem A y.
    intros E. unfold rem. rewrite filter_fst; auto.

  Lemma rem_id x A :
    ~ x el A -> rem A x = A.
    intros D. apply filter_id. intros y E.
    apply Dec_reflect. congruence.

  Lemma rem_reorder x A :
    x el A -> A === x :: rem A x.
    intros D. rewrite <- rem_equi. apply equi_push, D.

  Lemma rem_inclr A B x :
    A <<= B -> ~ x el A -> A <<= rem B x.
    intros D E y F. apply in_rem_iff.
    intuition; subst; auto.

End Removal.

Hint Resolve rem_not_in rem_incl rem_mono rem_cons rem_cons' rem_app rem_app' rem_in rem_neq rem_inclr.


Section Cardinality.
  Variable X : eqType.
  Implicit Types A B : list X.

  Fixpoint card A :=
    match A with
      | nil => 0
      | x::A => if Dec (x el A) then card A else 1 + card A

  Lemma card_cons x A :
    x el A -> card (x::A) = card A.
    intros H. cbn. decide (x el A) as [H1|H1]; tauto.

  Lemma card_cons' x A :
    ~ x el A -> card (x::A) = 1 + card A.
    intros H. cbn. decide (x el A) as [H1|H1]; tauto.

  Lemma card_in_rem x A :
    x el A -> card A = 1 + card (rem A x).
    intros D.
    induction A as [|y A].
    - contradiction D.
    - decide (y = x) as [->|H].
      + clear D. rewrite rem_fst.
        cbn. decide (x el A) as [H1|H1].
        * auto.
        * now rewrite (rem_id H1).
      + assert (x el A) as H1 by (destruct D; tauto). clear D.
        rewrite (rem_fst' _ H). specialize (IHA H1).
        simpl card at 2.
        decide (y el rem A x) as [H2|H2].
        * rewrite card_cons. exact IHA.
          apply in_rem_iff in H2. intuition.
        * rewrite card_cons'. now rewrite IHA.
          contradict H2. now apply in_rem_iff.

  Lemma card_not_in_rem A x :
    ~ x el A -> card A = card (rem A x).
    intros D; rewrite rem_id; auto.

  Lemma card_le A B :
    A <<= B -> card A <= card B.
  revert B.
  induction A as [|x A]; intros B D; cbn.
  - omega.
  - apply incl_lcons in D as [D D1].
    decide (x el A) as [E|E].
    + auto.
    + rewrite (card_in_rem D).
      enough (card A <= card (rem B x)) by omega.
      apply IHA. auto.

  Lemma card_eq A B :
    A === B -> card A = card B.
    intros [E F]. apply card_le in E. apply card_le in F. omega.

  Lemma card_cons_rem x A :
    card (x::A) = 1 + card (rem A x).
    rewrite (card_eq (rem_equi x A)). cbn.
    decide (x el rem A x) as [D|D].
    - exfalso. apply in_rem_iff in D; tauto.
    - reflexivity.

  Lemma card_0 A :
    card A = 0 -> A = nil.
    destruct A as [|x A]; intros D.
    - reflexivity.
    - exfalso. rewrite card_cons_rem in D. omega.

  Lemma card_ex A B :
    card A < card B -> exists x, x el B /\ ~ x el A.
    intros D.
    decide (B <<= A) as [E|E].
    - exfalso. apply card_le in E. omega.
    - apply list_exists_not_incl; auto.

  Lemma card_equi A B :
    A <<= B -> card A = card B -> A === B.
    revert B.
    induction A as [|x A]; cbn; intros B D E.
    - symmetry in E. apply card_0 in E. now rewrite E.
    - apply incl_lcons in D as [D D1].
      decide (x el A) as [F|F].
      + rewrite (IHA B); auto.
      + rewrite (IHA (rem B x)).
        * symmetry. apply rem_reorder, D.
        * auto.
        * apply card_in_rem in D. omega.

  Lemma card_lt A B x :
    A <<= B -> x el B -> ~ x el A -> card A < card B.
    intros D E F.
    decide (card A = card B) as [G|G].
    + exfalso. apply F. apply (card_equi D); auto.
    + apply card_le in D. omega.

  Lemma card_or A B :
    A <<= B -> A === B \/ card A < card B.
    intros D.
    decide (card A = card B) as [F|F].
    - left. apply card_equi; auto.
    - right. apply card_le in D. omega.

End Cardinality.

Instance card_equi_proper (X: eqType) :
  Proper (@equi X ==> eq) (@card X).
  hnf. apply card_eq.

Duplicate-free lists

Inductive dupfree (X : Type) : list X -> Prop :=
| dupfreeN : dupfree nil
| dupfreeC x A : ~ x el A -> dupfree A -> dupfree (x::A).

Section Dupfree.
  Variable X : Type.
  Implicit Types A B : list X.

  Lemma dupfree_cons x A :
    dupfree (x::A) <-> ~ x el A /\ dupfree A.
    split; intros D.
    - inv D; auto.
    - apply dupfreeC; tauto.

  Lemma dupfree_app A B :
    disjoint A B -> dupfree A -> dupfree B -> dupfree (A++B).
    intros D E F. induction E as [|x A E' E]; cbn.
    - exact F.
    - apply disjoint_cons in D as [D D'].
      constructor; [|exact (IHE D')].
      intros G. apply in_app_iff in G; tauto.

  Lemma dupfree_map Y A (f : X -> Y) :
    (forall x y, x el A -> y el A -> f x = f y -> x=y) ->
    dupfree A -> dupfree (map f A).
    intros D E. induction E as [|x A E' E]; cbn.
    - constructor.
    - constructor; [|now auto].
      intros F. apply in_map_iff in F as [y [F F']].
      rewrite (D y x) in F'; auto.

  Lemma dupfree_filter p A :
    dupfree A -> dupfree (filter p A).
    intros D. induction D as [|x A C D]; cbn.
    - left.
    - destruct (p x) eqn:E; [|exact IHD].
      right; [|exact IHD].
      rewrite in_filter_iff, E. intuition.

End Dupfree.

Section Undup.
  Variable X : eqType.
  Implicit Types A B : list X.

  Lemma dupfree_dec A :
    dec (dupfree A).
    induction A as [|x A].
    - left. left.
    - decide (x el A) as [E|E].
      + right. intros F. inv F; tauto.
      + destruct (IHA) as [F|F].
        * unfold dec. auto using dupfree.
        * right. intros G. inv G; tauto.

  Lemma dupfree_card A :
    dupfree A -> card A = |A|.
    induction 1 as [|x A D _ IH]; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - decide (x el A) as [G|].
      + exfalso; auto.
      + omega.

  Fixpoint undup (A : list X) : list X :=
    match A with
      | nil => nil
      | x::A' => if Dec (x el A') then undup A' else x :: undup A'

  Lemma undup_id_equi A :
    undup A === A.
    induction A as [|x A]; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - decide (x el A) as [E|E]; rewrite IHA; auto.

  Lemma dupfree_undup A :
    dupfree (undup A).
    induction A as [|x A]; cbn.
    - left.
    - decide (x el A) as [E|E]; auto.
      right; auto. now rewrite undup_id_equi.

  Lemma undup_incl A B :
    A <<= B <-> undup A <<= undup B.
    now rewrite !undup_id_equi.

  Lemma undup_equi A B :
    A === B <-> undup A === undup B.
    now rewrite !undup_id_equi.

  Lemma undup_id A :
    dupfree A -> undup A = A.
    intros E. induction E as [|x A E F]; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite IHF. decide (x el A) as [G|G]; tauto.

  Lemma undup_idempotent A :
    undup (undup A) = undup A.

  Proof. apply undup_id, dupfree_undup. Qed.

End Undup.

Power lists

Section Power.
  Variable X : Type.

  Fixpoint power (U: list X ) : list (list X) :=
    match U with
    | nil => [nil]
    | x :: U' => power U' ++ map (cons x) (power U')

  Lemma power_incl A U :
    A el power U -> A <<= U.
    revert A; induction U as [|x U]; cbn; intros A D.
    - destruct D as [[]|[]]; auto.
    - apply in_app_iff in D as [E|E]. now auto.
      apply in_map_iff in E as [A' [E F]]. subst A.

  Lemma power_nil U :
    nil el power U.
    induction U; cbn; auto.

End Power.

Section PowerRep.
  Variable X : eqType.
  Implicit Types A U : list X.

  Definition rep (A U : list X) : list X :=
    filter (fun x => Dec (x el A)) U.

  Lemma rep_cons A x U :
    x el A -> rep A (x::U) = x :: rep A U.
    intros H. apply filter_fst. auto.

  Lemma rep_cons' A x U :
    ~ x el A -> rep A (x::U) = rep A U.
    intros H. apply filter_fst'. auto.

  Lemma rep_cons_eq x A U :
    ~ x el U -> rep (x::A) U = rep A U.
    intros D. apply filter_pq_eq. intros y E.
    apply Dec_reflect_eq. split.
    - intros [<-|F]; tauto.
    - auto.

  Lemma rep_power A U :
    rep A U el power U.
    revert A; induction U as [|x U]; intros A.
    - cbn; auto.
    - decide (x el A) as [H|H].
      + rewrite (rep_cons _ H). cbn. auto using in_map.
      + rewrite (rep_cons' _ H). cbn. auto.

  Lemma rep_incl A U :
    rep A U <<= A.
    intros x. unfold rep. rewrite in_filter_iff, Dec_reflect.

  Lemma rep_in x A U :
    A <<= U -> x el A -> x el rep A U.
    intros D E. apply in_filter_iff; auto.

  Lemma rep_equi A U :
    A <<= U -> rep A U === A.
    intros D. split. now apply rep_incl.
    intros x. apply rep_in, D.

  Lemma rep_mono A B U :
    A <<= B -> rep A U <<= rep B U.
    intros D. apply filter_pq_mono.
    intros E; rewrite !Dec_reflect; auto.

  Lemma rep_eq' A B U :
    (forall x, x el U -> (x el A <-> x el B)) -> rep A U = rep B U.
    intros D. apply filter_pq_eq. intros x E.
    apply Dec_reflect_eq. auto.

  Lemma rep_eq A B U :
    A === B -> rep A U = rep B U.
    intros D. apply filter_pq_eq. intros x E.
    apply Dec_reflect_eq. firstorder.

  Lemma rep_injective A B U :
    A <<= U -> B <<= U -> rep A U = rep B U -> A === B.
    intros D E F. transitivity (rep A U).
    - symmetry. apply rep_equi, D.
    - rewrite F. apply rep_equi, E.

  Lemma rep_idempotent A U :
    rep (rep A U) U = rep A U.
    unfold rep at 1 3. apply filter_pq_eq.
    intros x D. apply Dec_reflect_eq. split.
    + apply rep_incl.
    + intros E. apply in_filter_iff. auto.

  Lemma dupfree_power U :
    dupfree U -> dupfree (power U).
    intros D. induction D as [|x U E D]; cbn.
    - constructor. now auto. constructor.
    - apply dupfree_app.
      + intros [A [F G]]. apply in_map_iff in G as [A' [G G']].
        subst A. apply E. apply (power_incl F). auto.
      + exact IHD.
      + apply dupfree_map; congruence.

  Lemma dupfree_in_power U A :
    A el power U -> dupfree U -> dupfree A.
    intros E D. revert A E.
    induction D as [|x U D D']; cbn; intros A E.
    - destruct E as [[]|[]]. constructor.
    - apply in_app_iff in E as [E|E].
      + auto.
      + apply in_map_iff in E as [A' [E E']]. subst A.
        * intros F; apply D. apply (power_incl E'), F.
        * auto.

  Lemma rep_dupfree A U :
    dupfree U -> A el power U -> rep A U = A.
    intros D; revert A.
    induction D as [|x U E F]; intros A G.
    - destruct G as [[]|[]]; reflexivity.
    - cbn in G. apply in_app_iff in G as [G|G].
      + rewrite rep_cons'. now auto.
        contradict E. apply (power_incl G), E.
      + apply in_map_iff in G as [A' [<- H]].
        specialize (IHF _ H).
        rewrite rep_cons. Focus 2. now auto.
        rewrite rep_cons_eq. now rewrite IHF. exact E.

  Lemma power_extensional A B U :
    dupfree U -> A el power U -> B el power U -> A === B -> A = B.
    intros D E F G.
    rewrite <- (rep_dupfree D E). rewrite <- (rep_dupfree D F).
    apply rep_eq, G.

End PowerRep.

Finite inductive predicates

Section Fip.
  Variables (X: eqType) (sigma: list X -> X -> bool) (R: list X).

  Inductive fip : X -> Prop :=
  | fip_intro A x : (forall x, x el A -> fip x) -> sigma A x -> x el R -> fip x.

  Definition fip_monotone := forall A B x, A <<= B -> sigma A x -> sigma B x.
  Definition fip_closed A := forall x, x el R -> sigma A x -> x el A.

  Lemma fip_least A x :
    fip_monotone -> fip_closed A -> fip x -> x el A.
    intros C D. induction 1 as [B x _ IH F G].
    apply (D _ G). revert F. apply C. exact IH.

  Fixpoint fip_it n A : list X :=
    match n, cfind R (fun x => ~ x el A /\ sigma A x) with
    | S n', inleft (exist _ x _) => fip_it n' (x::A)
    | _, _ => A

  Lemma fip_it_sound n A :
    inclp A fip -> inclp (fip_it n A) fip.
    revert A; induction n as [|n IH]; cbn; intros A H.
    - exact H.
    - destruct (cfind R _) as [(y&H2)|_].
      + apply IH. intros z [<-|H3].
        * apply fip_intro with (A:= A); intuition.
        * apply H, H3.
      + apply H.

  Lemma fip_it_closed n A :
    A <<= R -> card R <= n + card A -> fip_closed (fip_it n A).
    revert A. induction n as [|n IH]; cbn; intros A H H1.
    - enough (A === R) as (H2&H3) by (hnf; auto).
      apply card_or in H as [H|H]. exact H. omega.
    - destruct (cfind R _) as [(y&H2)|H2].
      + apply (IH (y::A)). now intuition.
        rewrite card_cons'. omega. intuition.
       + intros x H3 H4. apply dec_DN. now auto.
        specialize (H2 _ H3). now contradict H2.

  Theorem fip_dec x :
    fip_monotone -> dec (fip x).
    intros D.
    apply dec_transfer with (P:= x el fip_it (card R) nil).
    Focus 2. now auto.
    - revert x. apply fip_it_sound. hnf. auto.
    - apply (fip_least D). apply fip_it_closed. now auto. omega.

End Fip.

Finite closure iteration

Module FCI.
Section FCI.
  Variables (X: eqType) (sigma: list X -> X -> bool) (R: list X).

  Lemma pick (A : list X) :
    { x | x el R /\ sigma A x /\ ~ x el A } + { forall x, x el R -> sigma A x -> x el A }.
    destruct (cfind R (fun x => sigma A x /\ ~ x el A)) as [E|E].
    - auto.
    - right. intros x F G.
      decide (x el A). assumption. exfalso.
      eapply E; eauto.

  Definition F (A : list X) : list X.
    destruct (pick A) as [[x _]|_].
    - exact (x::A).
    - exact A.

  Definition C := it F (card R) nil.

  Lemma it_incl n :
    it F n nil <<= R.
    apply it_ind. now auto.
    intros A E. unfold F.
    destruct (pick A) as [[x G]|G]; intuition.

  Lemma incl :
    C <<= R.
    apply it_incl.

  Lemma ind p :
    (forall A x, inclp A p -> x el R -> sigma A x -> p x) -> inclp C p.
    intros B. unfold C. apply it_ind.
    + intros x [].
    + intros D G x. unfold F.
      destruct (pick D) as [[y E]|E].
      * intros [[]|]; intuition; eauto.
      * intuition.

  Lemma fp :
    F C = C.
    pose (size (A : list X) := card R - card A).
    replace C with (it F (size nil) nil).
    - apply it_fp. intros n. cbn.
      set (J:= it F n nil). unfold FP, F.
      destruct (pick J) as [[x B]|B].
      + right.
        assert (G: card J < card (x :: J)).
        { apply card_lt with (x:=x); intuition. }
        assert (H: card (x :: J) <= card R).
        { apply card_le, incl_cons. apply B. apply it_incl. }
        unfold size. omega.
      + auto.
    - unfold C, size. f_equal. change (card nil) with 0. omega.

  Lemma closure x :
    x el R -> sigma C x -> x el C.
    assert (A2:= fp).
    unfold F in A2.
    destruct (pick C) as [[y C]| B].
    + contradiction (list_cycle A2).
    + apply B.

  Theorem fip_dec x : (* Proof using FCI *)
    fip_monotone sigma -> dec (fip sigma R x).
    intros D.
    apply dec_transfer with (P:= x el C). Focus 2. now auto.
    - revert x. apply FCI.ind. intros A x IH E F.
      apply fip_intro with (A:=A); auto.
    - apply (fip_least D). intros z. apply FCI.closure.

End FCI.
End FCI.

(* Print Graph. (* prints transitive closure of coercions *) *)