Library CL

Combinatory Logic

Require Export ARS.

Definition NS := S.

Definition var := nat.

Implicit Types x : var.

Inductive term := Var x | K | S | App (s t : term).

Coercion App : term >-> Funclass.

Implicit Types s t u v : term.

Inductive step : term -> term -> Prop :=
| stepK s t :
    step (K s t) s
| stepS s t u :
    step (S s t u) (s u (t u))
| stepAL s s' t :
    step s s' -> step (s t) (s' t)
| stepAR s t t' :
    step t t' -> step (s t) (s t').

Definition I : term := S K K.

Lemma I_correct s :
  star step (I s) s.


  repeat econstructor.



Inductive predex : term -> Prop :=
| predexK u : predex (K u)
| predexS u v : predex (S u v).

Lemma predex_dec s :
  dec (predex s).

with try (left; now constructor) ||
         (right; intros A; now inv A).

  destruct s as [| | |s v]...

  destruct s as [| | |s u]...

  destruct s...


Lemma reducible_dec s :
  dec (reducible step s).

with eauto using step, predex.

  induction s as [x| | |s IHs t IHt];
  try (right; intros [t A]; now inv A).

  destruct IHs as [A|A].

  - left.
destruct A...
  - destruct IHt as [B|B].

    + left.
destruct B...
    + destruct (predex_dec s) as [C|C].

      * left.
inv C...
      * right.
intros [u D]. inv D...

Parallel Reduction

Inductive pstep : term -> term -> Prop :=
| pstepK s s' t :
    pstep s s' -> pstep (K s t) s'
| pstepS s s' t t' u u' :
    pstep s s' -> pstep t t' -> pstep u u' ->
    pstep (S s t u) (s' u' (t' u'))
| pstepA s s' t t' :
    pstep s s' -> pstep t t' -> pstep (s t) (s' t')
| pstepRV x :
    pstep (Var x) (Var x)
| pstepRK :
    pstep K K
| pstepRS :
    pstep S S.

Lemma pstep_refl s :
  pstep s s.


  induction s; eauto using pstep.


Lemma step_pstep s t :
  step s t -> pstep s t.


  induction 1; eauto using pstep, pstep_refl.


Lemma red_app s s' t t' :
  star step s s' -> star step t t' -> star step (s t) (s' t').

with eauto using star, step, star_trans.

  induction 1...
induction 1...

Lemma pstep_step s t : pstep s t -> star step s t.


  induction 1; eauto using star, step, red_app.


Lemma star_step_star_pstep :
  star step =2 star pstep.


  apply interpolation.
apply step_pstep. apply pstep_step.


Fixpoint rho (s : term) : term :=
  match s with
    | App (App K s) t => rho s
    | App (App (App S s) t) u => rho s (rho u) (rho t (rho u))
    | App s t => (rho s) (rho t)
    | s => s

Lemma rho_hom s t :
  ~ predex s -> rho (s t) = (rho s) (rho t).

with try reflexivity || (exfalso; apply A; now constructor).

  intros A.

  destruct s as [| | |s v]...

  destruct s as [| | |s u]...

  destruct s...


Ltac inv_pstep :=
  match goal with
    | H : pstep K _ |- _ => inv H
    | H : pstep S _ |- _ => inv H
    | H : pstep (App _ _) _ |- _ => inv H

Lemma rho_triangle :
  triangle pstep rho.

with eauto using pstep.

  intros s s' A.
induction A...
  destruct (predex_dec s) as [B|B].

  - inv B; repeat inv_pstep...

  - rewrite (rho_hom _ B)...


Theorem step_confluent :
  confluent step.


  apply (@confluent_stable _ _ pstep).

  - exact star_step_star_pstep.

  - apply semi_confluent_confluent.
apply diamond_to_semi_confluent.
    apply (triangle_to_diamond (rho := rho)).
exact rho_triangle.

rho sound and cofinal for step

Lemma rho_sound :
  sound step rho.


  apply (@sound_stable _ _ _ pstep).

  - exact star_step_star_pstep.

  - apply triangle_to_sound.
exact rho_triangle. exact pstep_refl.

Lemma rho_cofinal :
  cofinal step rho.


  apply (@cofinal_stable _ _ _ pstep).

  - exact star_step_star_pstep.

  - apply triangle_to_cofinal.
exact rho_triangle.


Definition substitution := var -> term.

Implicit Types sigma tau : substitution.

Fixpoint subst sigma s : term :=
  match s with
    | App s t => (subst sigma s) (subst sigma t)
    | Var x => sigma x
    | s => s

Notation "sigma '!' s" := (subst sigma s) (at level 52, right associativity).

Lemma step_substitutive s t sigma :
  step s t -> step (sigma!s) (sigma!t).


  induction 1; simpl; eauto using step.



Fixpoint lam (x : var) (s : term) : term :=
  match s with
    | Var y => if decision (x = y) then I else K (Var y)
    | App s t => S (lam x s) (lam x t)
    | s => K s

Definition sub (x : var) (s : term) : substitution :=
  fun y => if decision (x = y) then s else Var y.

Lemma lam_correct x s t :
  star step (lam x s t) (sub x t ! s).

with simpl; try now repeat econstructor.

  induction s...

  - unfold sub.
decide (x = x0); subst...
  - econstructor.

    + constructor.

    + apply red_app; assumption.


Simple Typing

Inductive type : Type := BT (X : nat) | AT (A B : type).

Notation "A '~>' B" := (AT A B) (at level 70, right associativity).

Definition context : Type := var -> type -> Prop.

Inductive ty (Gamma : context) : term -> type -> Prop :=
| tyV A x :
    Gamma x A -> ty Gamma (Var x) A
| tyK A B :
    ty Gamma K (A~>B~>A)
| tyS A B C :
    ty Gamma S ((A~>B~>C)~>(A~>B)~>A~>C)
| tyA A B s t :
    ty Gamma s (A~>B) -> ty Gamma t A -> ty Gamma (s t) B.

Lemma ty_I Gamma A :
  ty Gamma I (A~>A).


  repeat econstructor.

  Grab Existential Variables.

  exact A.


Subject Reduction

Ltac inv_ty := match goal with
                  | H : ty _ K _ |- _ => inv H
                  | H : ty _ S _ |- _ => inv H
                  | H : ty _ (App _ _) _ |- _ => inv H

Lemma subject_reduction Gamma s s' A :
  ty Gamma s A -> step s s' -> ty Gamma s' A.


  intros D E.
revert A D.
  induction E; intros A D; repeat inv_ty; eauto using ty.


Abstraction is well-typed

Section AWT.

  Variable Gamma : context.

  Variable Gamma_fun : forall x A B, Gamma x A -> Gamma x B -> A = B.

  Lemma ty_abs x s A B :
  Gamma x A -> ty Gamma s B -> ty Gamma (lam x s) (A~>B).


    intros D E.

    induction E; simpl; eauto using ty.

    decide (x=x0).

    - subst.
rewrite (Gamma_fun H D). apply ty_I.
    - eauto using ty.


End AWT.

A substitution lemma

Lemma ty_subst Gamma Delta s A sigma :
  ty Gamma s A -> (forall x B, Gamma x B -> ty Delta (sigma x) B) -> ty Delta (sigma!s) A.


  intros D E.
induction D; simpl; eauto using ty.

Strong Normalization

Fixpoint L (s : term) (A : type) : Prop :=
  match A with
    | BT _ => SN step s
    | AT A B => forall t, L t A -> L (s t) B

Lemma L_step A s s' :
  L s A -> step s s' -> L s' A.


  revert s s'.

  induction A as [X|A IHA B IHB]; simpl; intros s s' D E.

  - inv D; auto.

  - intros t F.
eapply IHB.
    + apply D, F.

    + eauto using step.


Definition neutral (s : term) : Prop :=
  match s with
    | K | S | App K _ | App S _ | App (App S _) _ => False
    | _ => True

Fact neutral_app s t :
  neutral s -> neutral (s t).


  destruct s as [| | |s u]; auto.
destruct s; simpl; auto.

Definition L_red s A := (forall s', step s s' -> L s' A) -> L s A.

Arguments L_red s A /.

Lemma L_two_in_one A :
  (forall s, L s A -> SN step s) /\ (forall s, neutral s -> L_red s A).


  induction A as [X|A IHA B IHB]; simpl.

  - split.
now auto. intros s _. apply SNI.
  - destruct IHA as [IHA1 IHA2].

    destruct IHB as [IHB1 IHB2].


    + intros s D.

      pose (x:=Var 0).

      cut (SN step (s x)).

      { apply (SN_preimage_closed (h:= fun s => s x)).
eauto using step. }
      apply IHB1, D.

      apply IHA2.
now trivial. intros t E; inv E.
    + intros s D E t F.

      assert (G := IHA1 t F).

      induction G as [t G IHSN].

      apply IHB2.

      * apply neutral_app, D.

      * { intros u H.
inv H; try contradiction D.
          - now apply E, F.

          - apply IHSN; trivial.
eauto using L_step. }

Corollary L_SN A s :
  L s A -> SN step s.


  apply L_two_in_one.


Corollary L_neutral A s :
  neutral s -> L_red s A.


  apply L_two_in_one.


Corollary L_var A x :
  L (Var x) A.


  apply L_neutral.
now trivial. intros s E. inv E.

Ltac inv_step := match goal with
                  | H : step K _ |- _ => inv H
                  | H : step S _ |- _ => inv H
                  | H : step (App _ _) _ |- _ => inv H

Lemma L_K A B :
  L K (A~>B~>A).


intros s Ls.
  assert (Ss := L_SN Ls).
induction Ss as [s _ IHs]. intros t Lt.
  assert (St := L_SN Lt).
induction St as [t _ IHt].
  apply L_neutral.
now trivial. intros u D.
  repeat inv_step; eauto using L_step.


Lemma L_S A B C :
  L S ((A~>B~>C)~>(A~>B)~>A~>C).


intros s Ls.
  assert (Ss := L_SN Ls).
induction Ss as [s _ IHs]. hnf. intros t Lt.
  assert (St := L_SN Lt).
induction St as [t _ IHt]. hnf. intros u Lu.
  assert (Su := L_SN Lu).
induction Su as [u _ IHu].
  apply L_neutral.
now trivial. intros v D. simpl L in *.
  repeat inv_step; eauto 6 using L_step, step.


Lemma ty_L Gamma s A :
  ty Gamma s A -> L s A.


  intros D.

  induction D as [|A B|A B C|A B s t _ IHs _ IHt].

  - apply L_var.

  - apply L_K.

  - apply L_S.

  - apply IHs, IHt.


Theorem strong_normalization Gamma s A :
  ty Gamma s A -> SN step s.


  intros D.
eapply L_SN, ty_L, D.