Library ip

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Require Import Omega.

Ltac inv H := inversion H; subst; clear H.

Notation "p '<=1' q" := (forall x, p x -> q x) (at level 70).

Notation "p '=1' q" := (p <=1 q /\ q <=1 p) (at level 70).

Notation "R '<=2' S" := (forall x y, R x y -> S x y) (at level 70).

Notation "R '=2' S" := (R <=2 S /\ S <=2 R) (at level 70).

Even numbers

Module Even.

Implicit Types p q : nat -> Prop.

Definition D1 q := q 0.

Definition D2 q := forall n, q n -> q (S (S n)).

Definition DI q := forall p, p 0 -> (forall n, q n -> p n -> p (S (S n))) -> q <=1 p.

Definition DL q := forall p, p 0 -> (forall n, p n -> p (S (S n))) -> q <=1 p.

Definition spec q := D1 q /\ D2 q /\ DI q.

Lemma spec_unique p q :
  spec p -> spec q -> p =1 q.




Lemma DI_to_DL :
  DI <=1 DL.




Lemma DL_to_DI q :
  D1 q -> D2 q -> DL q -> DI q.


  intros A B C p D E.

  cut (forall n, q n -> q n /\ p n).

  { firstorder. }
  apply C; firstorder.


Definition even n := forall p, D1 p -> D2 p -> p n.

Lemma B1 : D1 even.




Lemma B2 : D2 even.




Lemma BL : DL even.




Lemma BI : DI even.


  apply DL_to_DI.
exact B1. exact B2. exact BL.

Lemma specI : spec even.


  repeat split.
exact B1. exact B2. exact BI.

Lemma even_4 : even 4.


  apply B2, B2, B1.


Lemma even_1 :
  ~ even 1.


  intros A.
remember 1 as n. revert n A Heqn.
  refine (BI _ _).

  - intros A.
  - intros n A IH C.

Lemma even_SS n :
  even (S (S n)) -> even n.


  intros A.
remember (S (S n)) as k. revert k A n Heqk.
  refine (BI _ _).

  - intros n A.
exfalso. omega.
  - intros k A IH n C.
inv C. exact A.

Goal forall n, even n -> even (S n) -> False.


  refine (BI _ _).

  - apply even_1.

  - intros n A IH C.

    apply IH, even_SS, C.


End Even.

Reflexive Transitive Closure

We specify R* as the least predicate that is reflexive and closed under left composition with R.

Module RTC.

Section Fix.

  Variable X : Type.

  Implicit Types R S p q : X -> X -> Prop.

  Implicit Types x y z : X.

  Definition reflexive R := forall x, R x x.

  Definition lcomp R S := forall x y z, R x y -> S y z -> S x z.

  Definition least R S := forall p, reflexive p -> lcomp R p -> S <=2 p.

  Definition spec R S := reflexive S /\ lcomp R S /\ least R S.

  Lemma spec_unique R S S' :
    spec R S -> spec R S' -> S =2 S'.




We define R* as the intersection of all reflexive predicates closed under left composition with R.

  Definition star R x y := forall p, reflexive p -> lcomp R p -> p x y.

  Lemma star_spec R :
    spec R (star R).




We establish the augmented induction principle for R*.

  Definition ind R S := forall p, reflexive p ->
                            (forall x y z, R x y -> S y z -> p y z -> p x z) ->
                            S <=2 p.

  Lemma spec_to_ind R S :
    spec R S -> ind R S.


    intros [A [B L]] p C D.

    pose (q x y := S x y /\ p x y).

    cut (S <=2 q).

    { firstorder. }
    apply L; firstorder.


  Lemma ind_to_least :
    ind <=2 least.


    intros R S Ind p A B.
apply Ind; eauto.

We establish a further induction principle for R* quantifying only over the first argument.

  Definition ind1 R S := forall z (p : X -> Prop),
                          p z ->
                          (forall x y, R x y -> S y z -> p y -> p x) ->
                          forall x, S x z -> p x.

  Lemma ind1_ind :
    ind1 =2 ind.


    split; intros R S.

    - intros Ind1 p A B x z.
revert x.
      refine (Ind1 z _ _ _); eauto.

    - intros Ind z p A B x C.

      revert x z C A B.

      refine (Ind _ _ _); cbv; eauto.


End Fix.

End RTC.

Module KnasterTarski.

Section Fix.

  Variable X : Type.

  Variable F : (X -> Prop) -> (X -> Prop).

  Implicit Types p q : X -> Prop.

  Variable M : forall p q, p <=1 q -> F p <=1 F q.

  Definition I x := forall p, F p <=1 p -> p x.

  Lemma pure_induction p :
    F p <=1 p -> I <=1 p.


    intros A x B.
apply B, A.

  Lemma prefixpoint :
    F I <=1 I.


    intros x A p B.
apply B.
    revert A.
apply M.
    apply pure_induction, B.


  Lemma fixpoint :
    F I =1 I.



    - exact prefixpoint.

    - apply pure_induction, M, prefixpoint.


  Lemma I_ub p :
    p <=1 I -> F p <=1 I.


    intros A x B.
apply fixpoint. revert B. apply M, A.

  Notation "p '/\1' q" := (fun x => p x /\ q x) (at level 50).

  Lemma I_conj p :
    F (I /\1 p) <=1 I.


    apply I_ub.

  Lemma augmented_induction p :
    F (I /\1 p) <=1 p <-> I <=1 p.



    - intros A.

      cut (I <=1 I /\1 p).

      { intros B x C.
apply B, C. }
      apply pure_induction.

      eauto using I_conj.

    - eauto using I_conj.


End Fix.

End KnasterTarski.

Module Termination.

Section Fix.

  Variable X : Type.

  Implicit Types R : X -> X -> Prop.

  Implicit Types p : X -> Prop.

  Definition D1 R q := forall x, (R x <=1 q) -> q x.

  Definition DL R q := forall p, D1 R p -> q <=1 p.

  Definition DI R q := forall p, (forall x, R x <=1 q -> R x <=1 p -> p x) -> q <=1 p.

  Definition ter R x := forall p, D1 R p -> p x.

  Lemma B1 R :
    D1 R (ter R).


    intros x A p B.
apply B. intros y C. apply A; assumption.

  Lemma BL R :
    DL R (ter R).




  Lemma BI R :
    DI R (ter R).


    intros p A x B.

    pose (q x := ter R x /\ p x).

    cut (ter R <=1 q).

    { firstorder. }
    apply BL.
intros y C. split.
    - apply B1.
intros z D. apply C, D.
    - apply A; firstorder.


  Lemma ter_destruct R x :
    ter R x -> R x <=1 ter R.


    revert x.
refine (BI _). auto.

End Fix.

End Termination.