Authors: Christian Doczkal and Jan-Oliver Kaiser
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat fintype eqtype seq ssrfun ssrbool finset choice finfun.
Require Import automata misc regexp.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Prenex Implicits.


Section MyhillNerode.

Variable char: finType.
Definition word := word char.


We register an additional coercion. So we can write
  • x:E => x is a class of E
  • E w => the class of w
  • #|E| => the cardinality of the index type

Coercion finpar_classes : finPar >-> finType.
Coercion finpar_surj : finPar >-> surjective.

Definition right_congruent (X : eqType) (E : word -> X) :=
  forall u v a, E u = E v -> E (u ++ [::a]) = E (v ++ [::a]).

Definition refines (X: eqType) (L : dlang char) (E : word -> X) :=
  forall u v, E u = E v -> (u \in L) = (v \in L).

Record myhillPar L := {
    myhill_rel :> finPar;
    myhill_congruent : right_congruent myhill_rel;
    myhill_refines : refines L myhill_rel

Lemma myhill_lang_eq_proof L1 L2 (M1 : myhillPar L1) : L1 =i L2 -> refines L2 M1.

Definition myhill_lang_eq L1 L2 M1 (H : L1 =i L2) := {|
     myhill_congruent := @myhill_congruent L1 M1;
     myhill_refines := myhill_lang_eq_proof H

Definition nerode_spec (L : dlang char) u v :=
  forall w, u++w \in L = (v++w \in L).

Definition nerode (X : eqType) (L : dlang char) (E : word -> X) :=
  forall u v, E u = E v <-> forall w, (u++w \in L) = (v++w \in L).

Record nerodePar L := {
    nerode_par :> finPar;
    nerodeP : nerode L nerode_par

Nerode partitions can be seen as a special case of Myhill partitions. We make this explicit by defining a coercion from Nerode partitions to Myhill partitons. This way we only need one set of lemmas for cr (see below).

Conversions between Myhill-Partitions and DFAs

Lemma delta_s_right_congruent A : right_congruent (@delta_s _ A).

Lemma delta_s_refines A : refines (dfa_lang A) (@delta_s _ A).

Definition delta_s_finPar A (CA : connected A) :=
  {| finpar_surj := CA |}.

We define two translations from DFAs to Myhill-Partitions. The first translation only works for connected DFAs. The advantage of dfac_to_myhill is that the index type is convertible to the type of states of the input automaton. The second conversion first prunes unreachable states and therefore works an all DFAs.

Definition dfac_to_myhill (A : dfa char) (CA : connected A) := {|
      myhill_congruent := @delta_s_right_congruent _;
      myhill_refines := @delta_s_refines _;
      myhill_rel := delta_s_finPar CA |}.

Definition dfa_to_myhill (A : dfa char) : myhillPar (dfa_lang A) :=
   myhill_lang_eq (dfac_to_myhill (@dfa_prune_connected _ A))
                  (dfa_prune_correct A).

Lemma dfa_to_myhill_size A : #|A| >= #|dfa_to_myhill A|.

Conversion from Myhill partitons to DFAS.

Definition fp_trans (E : finPar) (x : E) a := E (cr E x ++ [:: a]).

Definition myhill_to_dfa L (M : myhillPar L) :=
  {| dfa_s := M [::]; dfa_fin x := cr M x \in L; dfa_trans := @fp_trans M |}.

Lemma myhill_to_dfa_delta L (M : myhillPar L) : @delta_s _ (myhill_to_dfa M) =1 M.

Lemma myhill_to_dfa_correct L (M : myhillPar L) : dfa_lang (myhill_to_dfa M) =i L.

Lemma myhill_to_connected L (M : myhillPar L) : connected (myhill_to_dfa M).

Nerode partitions coerce to Myhill partitions and hence can be converted the same way as Myhill partitions.
We can cast one Nerode partiton to a partiton for an equivalent language

Lemma nerode_eq_proof L1 L2 (N1 : nerodePar L1) : L1 =i L2 -> nerode L2 N1.

Definition nerode_eq L1 L2 N1 (H : L1 =i L2) := {| nerodeP := nerode_eq_proof N1 H |}.

Minimal DFAs are connected and can therefore be cast to Nerode partitions.

Section mDFA_To_Nerode.
  Variable A : dfa char.
  Variable MA : minimal A.

  Lemma minimal_nerode : nerode (dfa_lang A) (@delta_s _ A).

  Lemma minimal_surj : surjective (@delta_s _ A).

  Definition minimal_finPar := {| finpar_surj := minimal_surj |}.

End mDFA_To_Nerode.

Definition dfa_to_nerode A (MinA : minimal A) := {|
  nerode_par := minimal_finPar MinA;
  nerodeP := minimal_nerode MinA

End MyhillNerode.