Authors: Christian Doczkal and Jan-Oliver Kaiser

Closure of Regular Languages under Homomorphisms

Set Implicit Arguments.
Import Prenex Implicits.

For the closure under images of homomorpisms, we need regular expressions for strings.

Prenex Implicits Conc.
Definition String (char : finType) (w : word char) :=
  foldr Conc Eps [seq Atom a | a <- w].

Lemma StringE (char : finType) (w : word char) : String w =i pred1 w.
  elim: w => [|a v IHv] w //=. rewrite inE /String /=. apply/concP/eqP.
  - move => [w1] [w2] [e []]. set r := foldr _ _ _.
    rewrite -/(re_lang r) inE e => /eqP -> H /=.
    rewrite IHv inE in H. by rewrite (eqP H).
  - move => e. exists [:: a]; exists v; split => //; split.
    by rewrite inE. by rewrite IHv inE eqxx.

Closure under Preimages of Homomorphisms

Section HomDef.
  Variables (char char' : finType).
  Variable (h : seq char -> seq char').

  Definition homomorphism := forall w1 w2, h (w1 ++ w2) = h w1 ++ h w2.
  Hypothesis h_hom : homomorphism.

  Lemma h0 : h [::] = [::].
    apply: size0nil. apply/eqP.
    by rewrite -(eqn_add2r (size (h [::]))) -size_cat -h_hom /=.

  Lemma h_seq w : h w = flatten [seq h [:: a] | a <- w].
  Proof. elim: w => [|a w IHw] /= ; by rewrite ?h0 // -cat1s h_hom IHw. Qed.

  Lemma h_flatten vv : h (flatten vv) = flatten (map h vv).
    elim: vv => //= [|v vv IHvv]; first exact: h0.
    by rewrite h_hom IHvv.
End HomDef.

Implicit Arguments homomorphism [char char'].

Section Homomorphism.
  Variables (char char' : finType).

  Definition image (h : word char -> word char') (L : word char -> Prop) v :=
    exists w, L w /\ h w = v.

  Definition preimage (h : word char -> word char') (L : word char' -> Prop) v :=
    L (h v).

  Lemma image_ext L1 L2 h w :
    (forall v, L1 v <-> L2 v) -> (image h L1 w <-> image h L2 w).
  Proof. by move => H; split; move => [v] [] /H; exists v. Qed.

  Variable (h : seq char -> seq char').
  Hypothesis h_hom : homomorphism h.

  Definition dfa_preim (A : dfa char') : dfa char :=
  {| dfa_s := dfa_s A;
     dfa_fin := dfa_fin A;
     dfa_trans x a := delta x (h [:: a]) |}.

  Lemma dfa_preim_aux A w: delta_s (dfa_preim A) w = delta_s A (h w).
    rewrite /= /delta_s {2}/dfa_preim /=.
    elim: w (dfa_s A) => [|a w IHw] x; first by rewrite h0.
    by rewrite -cat1s h_hom !delta_cat -!IHw IHw.

  Lemma dfa_preimP A : dfa_lang (dfa_preim A) =i preim h (dfa_lang A).
    move => w. rewrite [_ \in preim _ _]inE topredE !delta_accept.
    by rewrite -/(delta_s _ (h w)) -dfa_preim_aux.

Closure under Images of Homomorphimsms

  Fixpoint re_image (e : regexp char) : regexp char' :=
    match e with
    | Void => Void
    | Eps => Eps
    | Atom a => String (h [:: a])
    | Star e => Star (re_image e)
    | Plus e1 e2 => Plus (re_image e1) (re_image e2)
    | Conc e1 e2 => Conc (re_image e1) (re_image e2)

  Lemma re_imageP e v : reflect (image h (re_lang e) v) (v \in re_image e).
    elim: e v => [||a|e IHe|e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2|e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2] v /=.
    - rewrite inE; constructor. move => [u]. by case.
    - rewrite inE; apply: (iffP eqP) => [-> |[w] [] /eqP -> <-]; last exact: h0.
      exists [::]; by rewrite ?h0.
    - rewrite StringE. apply: (iffP eqP) => [->|[w /=]].
      + exists [::a] => //. by rewrite /atom inE.
      + by rewrite /atom inE => [[]] /eqP -> <-.
    - apply: (iffP idP) => [/starP [vv] /allP Hvv dev_v|].
        have {Hvv IHe} Hvv : forall v', v' \in vv -> image h (re_lang e) v'.
          by move => v' /Hvv /= /andP [_ /IHe].
        subst v. elim: vv Hvv => [|v vv IHvv] Hvv /=; first by exists [::]; rewrite ?h0.
        case: (Hvv v (mem_head _ _)) => w [Hw1 Hw2].
        case: (all1s Hvv) => Hv /IHvv [ww [Hww1 Hww2]].
        exists (w++ww); split; by [exact: star_cat | rewrite h_hom Hw2 Hww2].
      + case => w [] /starP [ww] /allP Hww1 -> <-. rewrite h_flatten //.
        apply: starI => v' /mapP [w' /Hww1 /= /andP [_ Hw' ->]].
        apply/IHe. by exists w'.
    - rewrite inE -/(re_lang (re_image e1)) -/(re_lang (re_image e2)).
       apply: (iffP orP).
       + case => [/IHe1 | /IHe2] [w] [] H <-.
           exists w => //. by rewrite /plus inE (_ : w \in re_lang e1).
         exists w => //. by rewrite /plus inE (_ : w \in re_lang e2) ?orbT.
       + case => w []. case/orP => H <-; [left; apply/IHe1 |right; apply/IHe2]; by exists w.
    - apply: (iffP idP).
      + case/concP => v1 [v2] [e] [/IHe1 [w [Hw1 Hw2]] /IHe2 [w' [Hw1' Hw2']]].
        exists (w++w'); split; first exact: conc_cat.
        by rewrite h_hom e Hw2 Hw2'.
      + case => w [] /concP [w1] [w2] [-> [H1 H2 <-]]. rewrite h_hom.
        apply: conc_cat; [apply/IHe1|apply/IHe2]. by exists w1. by exists w2.

End Homomorphism.

Implicit Arguments dfa_preim [char char'].

Lemma im_regular (char char' : finType) (h : word char -> word char') L :
  homomorphism h -> regular L -> regular (image h L).
  move => hom_h [e He]. exists (@re_image _ _ h e) => w.
  transitivity (image h (re_lang e) w); first exact: image_ext.
  exact: rwP (re_imageP _ _ _).

Lemma preim_regular (char char' : finType) (h : word char -> word char') L :
  homomorphism h -> regular L -> regular (preimage h L).
  move => hom_h [e He]. exists (dfa_to_re (dfa_preim h (re_to_dfa e))) => w.
  by rewrite -dfa_to_re_correct dfa_preimP // inE topredE re_to_dfa_correct -He.