
Require Import internalize_tac.

Section Fix_X.

  Variable X:Type.

  Variable intX : registered X.

  Definition option_enc (t:option X) :term :=
  match t with
  | Some t => .\"s", "n"; "s" !!(enc t)
  | None => .\"s", "n"; "n"

  (* do not use this, but (internalizes some) once registered!*)
  Definition option_none : term := .\"s", "n"; "n".

  Definition option_some : term := .\"t", "s", "n"; "s" "t".

  Global Instance register_option : registered (option X).


    register option_enc.


  Global Instance option_enc_inj (H : inj_reg intX) : inj_reg register_option.




  (* now we must register the constructors*)
  Global Instance term_None : internalized (@None X).


    internalizeC option_none.


  Global Instance term_Some : internalized (@Some X).


    internalizeC option_some.


  Lemma option_enc_correct (o:option X) (s t:term): proc s -> proc t -> enc o s t >* match o with Some x => s (enc x ) | None => t end.




  Hint Extern 0 (app (app (@enc (@option X) _ _) _) _ >* _)=> apply option_enc_correct;value : LCor.

  Lemma oenc_correct_some s (v : term) : lambda v -> enc s == option_some v -> exists s', s = Some s' /\ v = enc s'.


    intros lam_v H.
lazy [option_some] in H. simpl in H;crushHypo. redStep in H.
    apply unique_normal_forms in H;[|value..].
destruct s;simpl in H.
    -injection H;eauto.

    -discriminate H.


Inernalized Maybe type

   Lemma none_equiv_some v : proc v -> ~ none == some v.
     intros eq. rewrite some_correct. Lrewrite. apply unique_normal_forms in eq;discriminate|value...
     intros H. assert (converges (some v)) by (eexists; split;rewrite <- H; cbv; now unfold none| auto). destruct (app_converges H0) as _ ?. destruct H1 as u [H1 lu]. rewrite H1 in H.
     symmetry in H. eapply eqTrans with (s := (lam (lam (1 u)))) in H. eapply eq_lam in H. inv H. symmetry. unfold some. clear H. old_crush. Qed. *)

End Fix_X.

Hint Extern 0 (app (app (@enc (@option _) _ _) _) _ >* _)=> apply option_enc_correct;value : LCor.

(* this is more or lest just an test for internalization automation... *)
Instance term_option_map X Y (Hy:registered Y) (Hx : registered X) : internalized (@option_map X Y).


  internalize' 0.
cbn. intros y u pu H1. intros y' u' pu' H1'. crush. destruct y';crush.

Require Import Encoding.
Instance term_unenc : internalized ltac:(Coq_name unenc) unenc.
  internalizeR. apply size_induction with (x:=y) (f:=size). clear y. intros y IH.
  recStep P;crush. destruct y;crush. destruct y;crush. destruct y;crush. destruct n;crush.
