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9.20 Latex

This section explains the Latex output functor.

The Latex output functor assumes that the graph principle is used on the output dimension.

The resulting LaTeX output makes use of the style file xdag.sty, which is based on the original style file dtree.sty by Denys Duchier.

Unix users can use the shell script xdag2eps to convert the latex output into encapsulated postscript (EPS), xdag2pdf into PDF, or xdag2jpg to JPG. xdag2eps, xdag2pdf and xdag2jpg require the style file xdag.sty to be in the current directory. The latex file to convert is also required to be in the current directory.

Below, we display an example Latex output after having been compiled into pdf:


And below, we display an example Dag output including node labels (written on the vertical projection edges):


To get the LaTeX output into a file, just tick file in the Extras pull-down menu instead of the default inspect. This effects that all output normally printed using the Oz Inspector is redirected into a file. Whenever this happens, you are asked where to create this file. Having the file in your hands, you can then convert it into EPS, PDF or JPG using the scripts xdag2eps, xdag2pdf and xdag2jpg, respectively.

Here is the LaTeX code for the latter Dag:


The Latex output functor paints dags using the xdag environment from the xdag.sty style file. xdag provides two basic commands: \node and \edge.

\node has four arguments:

  1. a unique index of the node
  2. the depth of the node (1 corresponds to the top of the dag, and >1 to a lower position)
  3. the word corresponding to the node (here: augmented with the index of the node using an array)
  4. the node label of the node (usually empty for all dimensions other than lp)

\edge has three arguments:

  1. a node index denoting the startpoint of the edge
  2. a node index denoting the endpoint of the edge
  3. the edge label

Notice that you can increase the horizontal distance between nodes using the \xdagExtraColSep command:


Here, the horizontal distance between the first and the second node is increased by 20pt. You can also set this distance all nodes using \xdagColsep, as in the following example:
