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7.3 Node record

The node record is the internal representation of a node in the XDK solver. Each node corresponds to a word in the input.

The node record is defined as follows:

     o(word: A
       index: I
       nodeSet: M
       entryIndex: I
       <dimension identifier 1>: o(attrs: SL
                                   entry: SL
                                   model: SL)
       <dimension identifier n>: o(attrs: SL
                                   entry: SL
                                   model: SL))

The value of the word feature is an Oz atom representing the word.

The value of the index feature is an Oz integer representing the unique node index of the node.

The value of the nodeSet feature is an Oz finite set of integers representing the set of node indices of all nodes.

The value of the entryIndex feature is the an Oz integer representing the entry index of the node. Notice that the entry index is different from the node index: Each word corresponds to a set of lexical entries, and each of these has an entry index. The entry index of the node is the index of the selected lexical entry for the node.

The next features introduce sub records for the used dimensions <dimension identifier i> (1<=i<=n). Each of these sub records has the features attrs, entry and model. The value of the attrs feature is the attributes record of the node. The value of the entry feature is the entry record of the node. The value of the model feature is the model record of the node.