
Require Import Util LengthEq Map Env Exp IL AllInRel Computable Annotation.
Require Import Rename RenamedApart Alpha ILDB SetOperations Status Position.
Require Import Take Drop.
Import F.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Properties of Alpha Equivalence and Renamed Apart Programs

Given an renamedApart program, every alpha-equivalent program

can be obtained as a renaming according to some rho

Definition alpha_rho_F (alpha_rho:env var stmt stmt env var) :=
  fix f (rho: env var) (F F':list (params×stmt)) : env var :=
    match F, F' with
    | (Z,s)::F, (Z',s')::F'f (alpha_rho (rho [Z <-- Z']) s s') F F'
    | _, _rho

Fixpoint alpha_rho (rho:env var) (s t:stmt) : env var :=
  match s, t with
  | stmtLet x _ s, stmtLet y _ talpha_rho (rho [x <- y]) s t
  | stmtIf _ s1 s2, stmtIf _ t1 t2alpha_rho (alpha_rho rho s1 t1) s2 t2
  | stmtApp _ _, stmtApp _ _rho
  | stmtReturn _, stmtReturn _rho
  | stmtFun F1 s, stmtFun F2 talpha_rho (alpha_rho_F alpha_rho rho F1 F2) s t
  | _, _rho

Lemma alpha_rho_agrees_snd_F F F' ans ϱ ϱ' D
  : ( (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
       get F n Zs
       get ans n a
        (u : stmt) (ϱ ϱ' : var var) (D0 : set var),
       agree_on eq D0 ϱ ϱ'
       agree_on eq D0 (alpha_rho ϱ (snd Zs) u) (alpha_rho ϱ' (snd Zs) u))
     ( (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
          get F n Zs get ans n a renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
     length F = length ans
     agree_on eq D ϱ ϱ'
     agree_on eq D (alpha_rho_F alpha_rho ϱ F F') (alpha_rho_F alpha_rho ϱ' F F').
  intros AR RA LEN AGR. length_equify.
  general induction LEN; simpl; eauto.
  - destruct x as [Z u], F' as [|[Z' u'] F']; eauto.
    eapply IHLEN; eauto using get.
    + eapply AR with (Zs:=(Z,u)); eauto using get.
      eapply update_with_list_agree_preserve; eauto.

Lemma alpha_rho_agrees_snd s u ang ϱ ϱ' D
  : renamedApart s ang
     agree_on eq D ϱ ϱ'
     agree_on eq D (alpha_rho ϱ s u) (alpha_rho ϱ' s u).
  intros RA.
  general induction RA; destruct u; simpl in *; eauto.
  - eapply IHRA. eapply agree_on_update_same; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
  - eapply IHRA. eapply alpha_rho_agrees_snd_F; eauto.

Lemma alpha_rho_agree_F F F' ans ϱ ϱ' D
  : ( (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
       get F n Zs
       get ans n a
        (D0 : set var) (u : stmt) (ϱ ϱ' : var var),
       agree_on eq (D0 \ snd (getAnn a)) ϱ ϱ'
       agree_on eq (D0 \ snd (getAnn a)) ϱ (alpha_rho ϱ' (snd Zs) u))
     ( (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
          get F n Zs get ans n a renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
     length F = length ans
     agree_on eq (D \ list_union zip defVars F ans) ϱ ϱ'
     agree_on eq (D \ list_union zip defVars F ans)
               ϱ (alpha_rho_F alpha_rho ϱ' F F').

  intros AR RA LEN AGR. length_equify.
  general induction LEN; simpl.
  + eauto.
  + destruct x as [Z s1], F' as [|[Z' s2] F']; simpl in *; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_incl. eapply IHLEN; eauto using get.
    instantiate (1:=D \ defVars (Z, s1) y).
    eapply agree_on_incl. eapply AR with (Zs:=(Z,s1)); eauto using get.
    symmetry. eapply agree_on_incl. eapply update_with_list_agree_minus; eauto.
    symmetry; eauto.
    instantiate (1:=D \ fold_left union (zip defVars XL YL) ({} defVars (Z, s1) y) \ of_list Z).
    cset_tac; intuition. unfold defVars at 1. simpl.
    setoid_rewrite list_union_start_swap at 2. unfold defVars at 2.
    × clear_all; cset_tac.
    × rewrite list_union_start_swap. clear_all; cset_tac.

Lemma alpha_rho_agree D s u ang ϱ ϱ'
  : renamedApart s ang
     agree_on eq (D \ snd (getAnn ang)) ϱ ϱ'
     agree_on eq (D \ snd (getAnn ang)) ϱ (alpha_rho ϱ' s u).
  intros RA.
  general induction RA; destruct u; simpl; eauto;
    set_simpl; pe_rewrite.
  - eapply agree_on_incl.
    + eapply IHRA.
      symmetry. instantiate (1:=D0 \ singleton x).
      eapply agree_on_update_dead; [ clear; cset_tac | ].
      symmetry. eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
      clear_all; cset_tac.
    + clear. cset_tac.
  - eapply agree_on_incl. eapply (IHRA2 (D0 \ Ds)).
    eapply agree_on_incl. eapply (IHRA1 (D0 \ Dt)).
    eapply agree_on_incl; eauto with cset.
    eauto with cset. eauto with cset.
  - eapply agree_on_incl. eapply IHRA.
    eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree_F; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
    + instantiate (1:=D0 \ Dt); eauto with cset.
    + instantiate (1:=D0 \ list_union zip defVars F ans).
      eauto with cset.
    + eauto with cset.

Lemma alpha_rho_agrees_snd2_F F F' ans ϱ ϱ' D
  : ( (n : nat) (Zs Zs': params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
       get F n Zs
       get ans n a
       get F' n Zs'
        (ϱ ϱ' : var var) (D0 : set var),
       agree_on eq (D0 \ definedVars (snd Zs)) ϱ ϱ'
       agree_on eq (D0) (alpha_rho ϱ (snd Zs) (snd Zs')) (alpha_rho ϱ' (snd Zs) (snd Zs')))
     ( (n : nat) (Zs Zs' : params × stmt),
           get F n Zs
           get F' n Zs' length (fst Zs) = length (fst Zs'))
     ( (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
          get F n Zs get ans n a renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
     length F = length ans
     length F = length F'
     agree_on eq (D \ list_union zip defVars F ans) ϱ ϱ'
     agree_on eq D (alpha_rho_F alpha_rho ϱ F F') (alpha_rho_F alpha_rho ϱ' F F').
  intros AR LENF RA LEN1 LEN2 AGR. length_equify.
  general induction LEN1; simpl in *; eauto using agree_on_incl with cset.
  - destruct x as [Z u], y0 as [Z' u']; eauto.
    eapply IHLEN1; eauto using get.
    + rewrite list_union_start_swap in AGR.
      exploit (AR 0); eauto using get.
      eapply update_with_list_agree with (XL:=Z) (YL:=Z'); eauto.
      eapply agree_on_incl. eapply AGR.
      unfold defVars at 2. simpl.
      exploit (RA 0); eauto using get.
      rewrite renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
      clear_all. cset_tac.
      exploit LENF; eauto using get.

Lemma list_union_incl {X} `{OrderedType X} (L L':list (set X)) (s s':set X)
: length L = length L'
   ( n s t, get L n s get L' n t s [<=] t)
   s [<=] s'
   fold_left union L s [<=] fold_left union L' s'.
  intros. length_equify.
  general induction H0; simpl; eauto.
  exploit H1; eauto using get. rewrite H2, H3; eauto using get.

Lemma alpha_rho_agrees_snd2 s u ang ϱ ϱ' D ρ ρ'
  : renamedApart s ang
     alpha ρ ρ' s u
     agree_on eq (D \ definedVars s) ϱ ϱ'
     agree_on eq D (alpha_rho ϱ s u) (alpha_rho ϱ' s u).
  intros RA ALPHA.
  general induction RA; invt alpha; simpl in *;
  only 1-4: eauto using agree_on_incl, agree_on_update_same with cset.
  - eapply IHRA; eauto.
    eapply alpha_rho_agrees_snd2_F; eauto.
    + eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
      unfold defVars.
      rewrite renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
      pe_rewrite. rewrite union_comm. rewrite <- minus_union.
      eapply incl_minus_lr; eauto.
      eapply list_union_incl; eauto with len.
      × intros; inv_get.
        rewrite <- renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
        eauto with cset.

Lemma funConstr_disjoint_defVars F ans D Dt
  : length F = length ans
     Indexwise.indexwise_R (funConstr D Dt) F ans
     disj (list_union (defVars F ans)) Dt.
  rewrite <- list_union_disjunct; intros; inv_get.
  edestruct H0; dcr; eauto.

Lemma alpha_rho_agree_F_get D F F' ans ϱ ϱ' n Z Z' u u'
  : ( (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
        get F n Zs get ans n a renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
     ( (n : nat) (Zs Zs' : params × stmt),
                 get F n Zs get F' n Zs' fst Zs = fst Zs')
     length F = length ans
     length F = length F'
     agree_on eq (D \ list_union (take n (zip defVars F ans))) ϱ ϱ'
     get F n (Z, u)
     get F' n (Z', u')
     agree_on eq (D \ list_union (take n (zip defVars F ans))
                     \ list_union (drop (S n) (zip defVars F ans)))
               (alpha_rho (ϱ [Z <-- Z']) u u') (alpha_rho_F alpha_rho ϱ' F F').

  intros RA ZLEN LEN1 LEN2 AGR GetF GetF'. length_equify.
  general induction LEN1; simpl; inv GetF; inv GetF'.
  - simpl in ×.
    + exploit RA; eauto using get; simpl in ×.
      eapply alpha_rho_agree_F; eauto using get, alpha_rho_agree with len.
      eapply alpha_rho_agrees_snd; eauto.
      eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto.
      eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
      exploit ZLEN; eauto.
  - destruct x as [Z1 s1], y0 as [Z2 s2]; simpl.
    exploit RA; try econstructor. simpl in ×.
    eapply agree_on_incl.
    eapply (IHLEN1 (D \ (of_list Z1 snd (getAnn y)))) ; eauto using get.
    + eapply agree_on_incl.
      eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto.
      eapply agree_on_incl.
      symmetry. eapply update_with_list_agree_minus; eauto. symmetry; eauto.
      norm_lunion. unfold defVars at 1. simpl.
      instantiate (1:=D \ of_list Z1 \ list_union take n0 (defVars XL YL)).
      clear; cset_tac.
      clear; cset_tac.
    + norm_lunion. unfold defVars at 1. simpl.
      clear; cset_tac.

Lemma rename_renamedApart_all_alpha s t ang ϱ ϱ'
: renamedApart s ang
   alpha ϱ ϱ' s t
   rename (alpha_rho ϱ s t) s = t.
  intros RA ALPHA.
  intros. general induction ALPHA; invt renamedApart; pe_rewrite; simpl.
  - erewrite op_rename_renamedApart_all_alpha; eauto.
  - f_equal. length_equify.
    revert H H0; clear_all; intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto.
    + eapply op_rename_renamedApart_all_alpha; eauto using get.
    + eapply IHlength_eq; eauto using get, list_union_cons.
  - exploit IHALPHA; eauto; dcr; pe_rewrite.
    f_equal; eauto.
    + erewrite <- alpha_rho_agree; eauto. instantiate (1:=ra [x <- y]).
      lud; try congruence.
      pe_rewrite. eapply renamedApart_disj in H5. pe_rewrite.
      instantiate (1:={x}). specialize (H5 x).
      cset_tac; intuition.
    + eapply exp_rename_renamedApart_all_alpha.
      eapply alpha_exp_agree_on_morph; eauto.
      instantiate (1:=ira). eauto.
      etransitivity. symmetry. eapply agree_on_incl.
      eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto. reflexivity.
      instantiate (1:=D). pe_rewrite.
      eapply renamedApart_disj in H5. pe_rewrite. eauto with cset.
      eapply agree_on_update_dead; eauto.
  - f_equal.
    + erewrite rename_op_agree. eapply op_rename_renamedApart_all_alpha; eauto.
      symmetry. etransitivity. Focus 2.
      eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto. reflexivity.
      instantiate (1:=D). eapply renamedApart_disj in H7; pe_rewrite.
      eauto with cset.
      eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto.
      instantiate (1:=D). eapply renamedApart_disj in H6; pe_rewrite.
      eauto with cset.
    + erewrite rename_agree; eauto.
      rewrite occurVars_freeVars_definedVars.
      rewrite renamedApart_freeVars; eauto.
      rewrite renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
      pe_rewrite. symmetry.
      eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto.
      instantiate (1:=D Ds). pe_rewrite.
      eapply renamedApart_disj in H7. pe_rewrite.
      eauto with cset.
    + erewrite rename_agree; eauto.
      rewrite occurVars_freeVars_definedVars.
      rewrite renamedApart_freeVars; eauto.
      rewrite renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
      pe_rewrite. symmetry. eapply agree_on_union.
      × eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree. eauto.
        instantiate (1:=D \ Ds). pe_rewrite.
        etransitivity. symmetry.
        eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree. eauto. reflexivity.
        pe_rewrite. reflexivity.
        eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree. eauto. reflexivity.
        pe_rewrite. instantiate (1:=D\Dt). cset_tac; intuition. pe_rewrite.
        eapply renamedApart_disj in H7.
        eapply renamedApart_disj in H6.
        pe_rewrite. eauto with cset.
      × eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agrees_snd. eauto.
        eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto. pe_rewrite.
        instantiate (1:=Dt). cset_tac; intuition.
  - exploit IHALPHA; eauto; dcr; pe_rewrite.
    + eapply map_ext_get_eq; eauto.
      intros. destruct x as [Z u]. inv_get.
      exploit H6; eauto.
      exploit H2; eauto. simpl in ×.
      destruct y as [Z' u']; simpl in ×. f_equal.
      × erewrite lookup_list_agree.
        instantiate (1:=ra[Z <-- Z']).
        eapply lookup_list_nodup; eauto.
        exploit H0; eauto. edestruct H7; eauto.
        Focus 2.
        eapply agree_on_incl. eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto.
        eapply agree_on_incl.
        eapply alpha_rho_agree_F_get; eauto. reflexivity.
        instantiate (1:=of_list Z).
        instantiate (1:=of_list Z).
        rewrite minus_union.
        repeat rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto.
        eapply disj_app; split.
        symmetry. rewrite <- list_union_disjunct; intros; inv_get.
        exploit (H8 n0 n); eauto using zip_get. omega.
        eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. unfold defVars; simpl; eauto with cset.
        symmetry. rewrite <- list_union_disjunct; intros; inv_get.
        exploit (H8 (S n + n0) n); eauto using zip_get. omega.
        eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. unfold defVars; simpl; eauto with cset.

        pe_rewrite. edestruct H7; dcr; eauto with cset.

        pe_rewrite. rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto.
        edestruct H7; dcr; eauto; simpl in ×.
        eapply disj_1_incl; eauto with cset.

        eapply agree_on_incl.
        eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto.
        instantiate (1:=of_list Z).
        edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; simpl in ×.
        eapply renamedApart_disj in H14.
        rewrite H16 in H14.
        rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto with cset.
      × erewrite rename_agree; eauto.
        exploit renamedApart_occurVars as OC; eauto.
        exploit renamedApart_freeVars as FV; eauto.
        assert (DISJ:disj (occurVars u) Dt). {
          pe_rewrite. rewrite occurVars_freeVars_definedVars.
          edestruct H7; dcr; eauto; simpl in ×.
          symmetry; eapply disj_app; split; symmetry.
          rewrite FV. rewrite H16.
          symmetry; eapply disj_app; split; symmetry. eauto with cset.
          eapply renamedApart_disj in RA. simpl in ×.
          eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. rewrite <- H12. eauto with cset.
          rewrite OC. eauto with cset.

        eapply agree_on_incl.
        eapply alpha_rho_agree; eauto.
        eapply agree_on_incl.
        eapply alpha_rho_agree_F_get; eauto.
        instantiate (2:=occurVars u).
        instantiate (1:=occurVars u).

        rewrite minus_union.
        repeat rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto.
        rewrite occurVars_freeVars_definedVars.
        eapply disj_app; split.
        symmetry. rewrite <- list_union_disjunct; intros; inv_get.
        rewrite (@incl_minus_union2 _ _ (freeVars u) (of_list Z)).
        rewrite union_assoc.
        exploit (H8 n0 n); eauto using zip_get. omega.
        eapply disj_app; split.

        exploit renamedApart_freeVars; try eapply RA; eauto. simpl in ×.
        exploit renamedApart_disj; try eapply RA; eauto. simpl in ×.
        symmetry. eapply (disj_incl H22).
        rewrite <- H21. eapply incl_union_left, incl_list_union.
        eapply map_get_1; try eapply H4. simpl. reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H12. eapply incl_union_left, incl_list_union; eauto using zip_get.

        rewrite OC. unfold defVars in H20 at 2. simpl in ×. eauto.

        symmetry. rewrite <- list_union_disjunct; intros; inv_get.
        rewrite (@incl_minus_union2 _ _ (freeVars u) (of_list Z)).
        rewrite union_assoc.
        eapply disj_app; split.

        exploit renamedApart_freeVars; try eapply RA; eauto. simpl in ×.
        exploit renamedApart_disj; try eapply RA; eauto. simpl in ×.
        symmetry. eapply (disj_incl H20).
        rewrite <- H19. eapply incl_union_left, incl_list_union.
        eapply map_get_1; try eapply H4. simpl. reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H12. eapply incl_union_left, incl_list_union; eauto using zip_get.

        exploit (H8 (S n + n0) n); eauto using zip_get. omega.
        eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. unfold defVars. simpl.
        rewrite OC. eauto with cset.

        pe_rewrite; eauto.

        pe_rewrite. rewrite disj_minus_eq; eauto.

    + erewrite rename_agree; eauto.
      eapply alpha_rho_agrees_snd2; eauto.
      eapply agree_on_incl. symmetry.
      eapply alpha_rho_agree_F; eauto using alpha_rho_agree.
      setoid_rewrite disj_minus_eq at 2; [ reflexivity | ].
      eapply disj_incl.
      eapply (renamedApart_disj RA).
      simpl. rewrite occurVars_freeVars_definedVars.
      eapply renamedApart_freeVars in RA. simpl in ×.
      rewrite <- RA. clear_all; cset_tac.
      simpl. rewrite <- H12. eauto with cset.

Alpha Equivalent programs map to identical De-Bruijn terms

Lemma op_alpha_real ϱ ϱ' e e' symb symb'
: alpha_op ϱ ϱ' e e'
   ( x y, ϱ x = y ϱ' y = x pos symb x 0 = pos symb' y 0)
   exp_idx symb e = exp_idx symb' e'.
  intros. general induction H; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
  - erewrite H1; eauto.
  - erewrite IHalpha_op; intros; eauto.
  - erewrite IHalpha_op1; eauto with cset.
    erewrite IHalpha_op2; eauto with cset.

Lemma alpha_real ϱ ϱ' s t symb symb'
: alpha ϱ ϱ' s t
   ( x y, ϱ x = y ϱ' y = x pos symb x 0 = pos symb' y 0)
   stmt_idx symb s = stmt_idx symb' t.
  intros. general induction H; simpl in × |- ×.
  - erewrite op_alpha_real; eauto.
  - erewrite smap_agree_2; eauto.
    intros; erewrite op_alpha_real; eauto.
  - inv H.
    + erewrite op_alpha_real; eauto with cset.
      case_eq (exp_idx symb' e'0); intros; simpl; eauto.
      erewrite IHalpha; eauto with cset.
      simpl; intros.
      lud; repeat cases; try congruence.
      exploit H1; try eapply H5; eauto. eapply pos_inc with (k':=1); eauto.
    + erewrite smap_agree_2; eauto; [| intros; erewrite op_alpha_real; eauto].
      erewrite IHalpha; eauto.
      simpl; intros.
      lud; repeat cases; try congruence.
      exploit H1; try eapply H5; eauto. eapply pos_inc with (k':=1); eauto.
  - erewrite op_alpha_real; eauto with cset.
    erewrite IHalpha1; eauto with cset.
    erewrite IHalpha2; eauto with cset.
  - erewrite IHalpha; eauto with cset.
    erewrite smap_agree_2; eauto.
    intros m [Z u] [Z' u'] ? ?. erewrite H0; eauto.
    erewrite H2; eauto.
    exploit H0; eauto. simpl in ×.
    decide (x of_list Z).
    + edestruct (of_list_get_first _ i) as [n]; eauto; dcr.
      hnf in H11. subst x0.
      rewrite pos_app_in; eauto.
      exploit (update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first ra _ H9 H12 H14); eauto; dcr.
      assert (x0 = y) by congruence. subst x0. clear_dup.
      rewrite H7 in H13.
      edestruct (list_lookup_in_list_first _ _ Z (eq_sym H9) H8) as [n'];
        eauto using get_in_of_list; dcr.
      hnf in H11; subst x0.
      rewrite pos_app_in; eauto.
      decide (n < n'). now exfalso; exploit H17; eauto.
      decide (n' < n). now exfalso; exploit H14; eauto.
      assert (n = n') by omega. subst n'.
      repeat erewrite get_first_pos; eauto.
      eapply get_in_of_list; eauto.
    + exploit (update_with_list_lookup_not_in ra Z Z' y n); eauto.
      assert ((ira [Z' <-- Z]) y of_list Z). rewrite H8; eauto.
      eapply lookup_set_update_not_in_Z'_not_in_Z in H11; eauto.
      repeat rewrite pos_app_not_in; eauto.
      exploit (update_with_list_lookup_not_in ira Z' Z x H11); eauto.
      rewrite H9. eapply pos_inc; eauto.