Require Import CSet Util Fresh Filter Take MoreList OUnion AllInRel.
Require Import IL Annotation LabelsDefined Sawtooth Liveness.Liveness TrueLiveness.
Require SimF SimI.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Dead Variable Elimination

Fixpoint flt (lv:set var) X (Z:params) (L:list X) :=
  match Z, L with
  | x::Z, a::Lif [ x lv ] then a::flt (lv \ singleton x) Z L
                 else flt (lv \ singleton x) Z L
  | _, _nil

Lemma flt_length X Y Z lv (L:list X) (L':list Y)
  (LEN:length L = length L')
  : flt lv Z L = flt lv Z L'.
  general induction LEN; destruct Z; simpl; eauto.
  cases; simpl; rewrite IHLEN; eauto.

Local Hint Resolve flt_length.
Hint Resolve flt_length : len.

Lemma get_flt X lv Z (Y:list X) n y
      (Get:get (flt lv Z Y) n y)
  : z k, get Z k z get Y k y z lv.
  general induction Z; destruct Y; simpl in *; isabsurd.
  - cases in Get; eauto 20 using get.
    + inv Get; eauto using get.
      edestruct IHZ; dcr; eauto.
       x0, (S x1). repeat split; eauto using get. cset_tac.
    + edestruct IHZ; dcr; eauto.
       x0, (S x1). repeat split; eauto using get. cset_tac.

Lemma omap_flt A B Z (Y:list A) lv f (l:list B)
: omap f Y = Some l
   length Y = length Z
   omap f (flt lv Z Y) = Some (flt lv Z l).
  general induction H0; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
  monad_inv H. cases; simpl; eauto.
  rewrite EQ. erewrite IHlength_eq; simpl; eauto.

Lemma flt_InA (A : Type) (eqA : A A Prop) lv Z Y x
  : InA eqA x (flt lv Z Y) InA eqA x Y.
  general induction Z; destruct Y; isabsurd; simpl in ×.
  cases in H.
  - inv H; eauto using InA.
  - edestruct IHZ; eauto.

Lemma nodup_flt X lv (R:XXProp) Z (Y:list X)
  : NoDupA R Y
     NoDupA R (flt lv Z Y).
  general induction Z; destruct Y; simpl in *; dcr; eauto.
  - cases; eauto using NoDupA.
    constructor; eauto.
    intro XX. eapply flt_InA in XX.
    inv H. eauto.

Lemma of_list_flt lv Z
  : of_list (flt lv Z Z) [=] lv of_list Z.
  general induction Z; simpl.
  - cset_tac.
  - cases; simpl.
    + rewrite IHZ; eauto. cset_tac.
    + rewrite IHZ; eauto. cset_tac.

Lemma nodup_flt' lv Z
  : NoDupA _eq (flt lv Z Z).
  general induction Z; dcr; eauto.
  - eauto using NoDupA.
  - simpl flt. cases; eauto using NoDupA.
    constructor; eauto.
    rewrite <- of_list_1.
    rewrite of_list_flt.

Lemma argsLive_liveSound lv blv Y Z
  : argsLive lv blv Y Z
     (n : nat) (y : op) blv',
      get (flt blv' Z Y) n y
      blv' blv
      live_op_sound y lv.
  intros. general induction H; simpl in × |- ×.
  - isabsurd.
  - cases in H1; eauto with cset.
    + inv H1; eauto with cset.

Lemma agree_on_update_flt Y `{Equivalence (option Y)} (lv:set var) (V V':env (option Y)) (Z:params) VL

: length Z = length VL
   agree_on R (lv \ of_list Z) V V'
   agree_on R lv
             (V [Z <-- Some VL])
             (V' [(flt lv Z Z) <-- ( Some (flt lv Z VL))]).
  eapply agree_on_trans. eapply H.
  eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto with len.
  general induction Z; destruct VL; simpl; eauto.
  - exfalso; isabsurd.
  - cases; simpl in ×.
    + eapply agree_on_update_same. reflexivity.
      eapply IHZ; eauto.
      eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
    + eapply agree_on_update_dead; eauto.
      assert (lv [=] lv \ singleton a) by cset_tac.
      rewrite H2 at 1. eapply IHZ; eauto.
      eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. clear; cset_tac.

Fixpoint compile (LV:list ((set var) × params)) (s:stmt) (a:ann (set var)) :=
  match s, a with
    | stmtLet x e s, ann1 _ an
      if [x getAnn an isCall e]
      then stmtLet x e (compile LV s an)
      else compile LV s an
    | stmtIf e s t, ann2 _ ans ant
        stmtIf e (compile LV s ans) (compile LV t ant)
    | stmtApp f Y, ann0 _
      let lvZ := nth (counted f) LV (, nil) in
      stmtApp f (flt (fst lvZ) (snd lvZ) Y)
    | stmtReturn x, ann0 _stmtReturn x
    | stmtFun F t, annF lv ans ant
      let LV' := pair (getAnn ans) (fst F) ++ LV in
      stmtFun (zip (fun Zs a(flt (getAnn a) (fst Zs) (fst Zs), compile LV' (snd Zs) a)) F ans)
              (compile LV' t ant)
    | s, _s

Correctness with respect to the imperative semantics IL/I

Module I.

  Import SimI.

Instance SR : PointwiseProofRelationI ((set var) × params) := {
   ParamRelIP G Z Z' := Z' = flt (fst G) (snd G) Z snd G = Z;
   ArgRelIP V V' G VL VL' :=
     VL' = (flt (fst G) (snd G) VL)
     length (snd G) = length VL
     agree_on eq (fst G \ of_list (snd G)) V V';

Lemma sim_I ZL LV r L L' V V' s lv
: agree_on eq (getAnn lv) V V'
true_live_sound Imperative ZL LV s lv
labenv_sim Sim (sim r) SR (zip pair LV ZL) L L'
sim r Sim (L,V, s) (L',V', compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv).
  unfold sim. revert_except s.
  sind s; destruct s; simpl; intros; invt true_live_sound; simpl in × |- ×.
  - destruct e.
    + cases. exploit H9; eauto. inv H2.
      × eapply (sim_let_op il_statetype_I);
          eauto 20 using op_eval_live, agree_on_update_same, agree_on_incl.
      × case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
        -- pone_step_left.
           eapply (IH s); eauto. eapply agree_on_update_dead; eauto.
           eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
           rewrite <- H10. cset_tac; intuition.
        -- pno_step_left.
    + cases. exploit H9; eauto. inv H2.
      × eapply (sim_let_call il_statetype_I); eauto 10 using agree_on_update_same, agree_on_incl.
        erewrite <- omap_op_eval_live_agree; eauto. eapply agree_on_sym; eauto.
  - eapply (sim_cond il_statetype_I); intros; eauto 20 using op_eval_live, agree_on_incl.
  - eapply labenv_sim_app; eauto using zip_get.
    + intros; simpl in *; dcr; subst.
      split; [|split]; intros.
      × erewrite get_nth; eauto using zip_get; simpl.
        exploit (@omap_flt _ _ Z0 _ blv _ _ H7);
        exploit omap_op_eval_live_agree; eauto.
        intros; eapply argsLive_liveSound; eauto.
        rewrite H12. eexists; split; eauto.
        repeat split; eauto using filter_filter_by_length.
        eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
  - pno_step.
    simpl. erewrite <- op_eval_live_agree; eauto. eapply agree_on_sym; eauto.
  - eapply sim_fun_ptw; eauto.
    + intros. left. rewrite <- zip_app;[| eauto with len]. eapply IH; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    + intros. hnf; intros; simpl in *; dcr; subst.
      rewrite <- zip_app;[| eauto with len].
      eapply IH; eauto. simpl.
      eapply agree_on_update_flt; eauto.
    + hnf; intros; simpl in *; subst.
      inv_get; simpl; eauto.
    + eauto with len.
    + eauto with len.

Lemma sim_DVE V V' s lv
: agree_on eq (getAnn lv) V V'
true_live_sound Imperative nil nil s lv
@sim I.state _ I.state _ bot3 Sim (nil,V, s) (nil,V', compile nil s lv).
  eapply (@sim_I nil nil); eauto.
  eapply labenv_sim_nil.

End I.

Correctness with respect to the functional semantics IL

Functional here means that variables are lexically scoped binders instead of assignables.

Module F.

  Import SimF.

Instance SR : PointwiseProofRelationF ((set var) × params) := {
   ParamRelFP G Z Z' := Z' = (flt (fst G) (snd G) Z) snd G = Z;
   ArgRelFP E E' G VL VL' :=
     VL' = (flt (fst G) (snd G) VL)
     length (snd G) = length VL

Lemma sim_F ZL LV r L L' V V' s lv
: agree_on eq (getAnn lv) V V'
true_live_sound Functional ZL LV s lv
labenv_sim Sim (sim r) SR (zip pair LV ZL) L L'
sim r Sim (L,V, s) (L',V', compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv).
  unfold sim. revert_except s.
  sind s; destruct s; simpl; intros; invt true_live_sound; simpl in × |- ×.
  - destruct e.
    + cases. exploit H9; eauto. inv H2.
      × eapply (sim_let_op il_statetype_F);
          eauto 20 using op_eval_live, agree_on_update_same, agree_on_incl.
      × case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
        -- pone_step_left.
           eapply (IH s); eauto. eapply agree_on_update_dead; eauto.
           eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
           rewrite <- H10. cset_tac; intuition.
        -- pno_step_left.
    + cases. exploit H9; eauto. inv H2.
      × eapply (sim_let_call il_statetype_F); eauto 10 using agree_on_update_same, agree_on_incl.
        erewrite <- omap_op_eval_live_agree; eauto. eapply agree_on_sym; eauto.
  - eapply (sim_cond il_statetype_F); intros; eauto 20 using op_eval_live, agree_on_incl.
  - eapply labenv_sim_app; eauto using zip_get.
    + intros; simpl in *; dcr; subst.
      split; [|split]; intros.
      × erewrite get_nth; eauto using zip_get; simpl.
        exploit (@omap_flt _ _ Z0 _ blv _ _ H7);
        exploit omap_op_eval_live_agree; eauto.
        intros; eapply argsLive_liveSound; eauto.
        rewrite H12. eexists; split; eauto.
  - pno_step.
    simpl. erewrite <- op_eval_live_agree; eauto. eapply agree_on_sym; eauto.
  - eapply sim_fun_ptw; eauto.
    + intros. left. rewrite <- zip_app;[| eauto with len].
      eapply IH; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    + intros. hnf; intros; simpl in *; dcr; subst.
      rewrite <- zip_app; [| eauto with len].
      eapply IH; eauto. simpl in ×.
      exploit H9; eauto.
      eapply agree_on_update_flt; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    + hnf; intros; simpl in *; subst.
      inv_get; simpl; eauto.
    + eauto with len.
    + eauto with len.

Lemma sim_DVE V V' s lv
: agree_on eq (getAnn lv) V V'
true_live_sound Functional nil nil s lv
@sim F.state _ F.state _ bot3 Sim (nil,V, s) (nil,V', compile nil s lv).
  eapply (@sim_F nil nil); eauto. eapply labenv_sim_nil.

End F.

Reconstruction of Liveness Information after DVE

In this section we show that liveness information can be transformed alongside DVE. This means that liveness recomputation after the transformation is not neccessary.

Fixpoint compile_live (s:stmt) (a:ann (set var)) (G:set var) : ann (set var) :=
  match s, a with
    | stmtLet x e s, ann1 lv an as a
      if [x getAnn an isCall e] then ann1 (G lv) (compile_live s an {x})
                         else compile_live s an G
    | stmtIf e s t, ann2 lv ans ant
      ann2 (G lv) (compile_live s ans ) (compile_live t ant )
    | stmtApp f Y, ann0 lvann0 (G lv)
    | stmtReturn x, ann0 lvann0 (G lv)
    | stmtFun F t, annF lv ans ant
      let ans' := zip (fun Zs alet a' := compile_live (snd Zs) a in
                               setTopAnn a' (getAnn a' of_list (flt (getAnn a) (fst Zs) (fst Zs)))) F ans
      in annF (G lv) ans' (compile_live t ant )
    | _, aa

Lemma compile_live_incl G i ZL LV s lv
  : true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     getAnn (compile_live s lv G) G getAnn lv.
  intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto.
  - cases; simpl; try reflexivity.
    rewrite IHtrue_live_sound. rewrite <- H1. cset_tac; intuition.

Lemma compile_live_incl_empty i ZL LV s lv
  : true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     getAnn (compile_live s lv ) getAnn lv.
  eapply compile_live_incl in H.
  rewrite H. cset_tac; intuition.

Lemma incl_compile_live G i ZL LV s lv
  : true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     G getAnn (compile_live s lv G).
  intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto.
  - cases; simpl; eauto with cset.

Lemma dve_live i ZL LV s lv G
  : true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     live_sound i ((fun Z lvflt lv Z Z) ZL LV) LV (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv) (compile_live s lv G).
  intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto using live_sound, compile_live_incl.
  - cases; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
    + eapply live_exp_sound_incl; eauto.
    + rewrite compile_live_incl; eauto.
      rewrite <- H1. cset_tac; intuition.
    + eapply incl_compile_live; eauto.
  - repeat cases; eauto.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      eapply live_op_sound_incl; eauto.
      rewrite compile_live_incl_empty; eauto with cset.
      rewrite compile_live_incl_empty; eauto with cset.
  - econstructor; eauto using zip_get.
    + simpl. cases; eauto.
      rewrite <- H1. rewrite minus_inter_empty. eapply incl_right.
      rewrite of_list_flt. cset_tac.
    + erewrite get_nth; eauto using zip_get.
      simpl. eauto with len.
    + intros ? ? Get. erewrite get_nth in Get; eauto using zip_get. simpl in ×.
      edestruct get_flt; eauto; dcr.
      eapply live_op_sound_incl.
      eapply argsLive_live_exp_sound; eauto. eauto with cset.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    eapply live_op_sound_incl; eauto using incl_right.
  - econstructor; simpl in *; eauto with len.
    + eapply live_sound_monotone.
      rewrite map_zip. simpl.
      do 2 rewrite zip_app in IHtrue_live_sound; eauto with len.
      rewrite zip_map_l, zip_map_r in IHtrue_live_sound.
      eapply IHtrue_live_sound.
      eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      eapply PIR2_get; eauto 30 with len.
      intros; inv_get. simpl. rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn.
      rewrite compile_live_incl_empty; eauto.
      rewrite of_list_flt. clear. cset_tac.
    + intros; inv_get. simpl.
      eapply live_sound_monotone.
      eapply live_sound_monotone2; eauto.
      rewrite map_zip. simpl.
      do 2 rewrite zip_app in H2; eauto with len.
      rewrite zip_map_l, zip_map_r in H2.
      eapply H2; eauto.
      eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      eapply PIR2_get; eauto 30 with len.
      intros; inv_get. simpl. rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn.
      rewrite compile_live_incl_empty; eauto.
      rewrite of_list_flt. clear. cset_tac.
    + intros; inv_get.
      repeat rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn; simpl.
      split; eauto. cases; eauto.
      exploit H3; eauto.
      rewrite compile_live_incl_empty; eauto. rewrite <- H5.
      rewrite of_list_flt.
      split. eapply nodup_flt'.
      clear_all; cset_tac.
      split. eapply nodup_flt'. eauto.
    + rewrite compile_live_incl; eauto with cset.

DVE and Unreachable Code

We show that DVE does not introduce unreachable code.

Lemma DVE_callChain b Lv ZL F als n l'
  : F = als
     ( (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann var),
         get F n Zs
         get als n a
          n0 : nat,
           isCalled b (snd Zs) (LabI n0)
           isCalled b (compile (pair (getAnn als ++ Lv) (fst F ++ ZL)) (snd Zs) a) (LabI n0))
      callChain (isCalled b) F (LabI l') (LabI n)
      callChain (isCalled b)
                 ((fun (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann var) ⇒
                     (flt (getAnn a) (fst Zs) (fst Zs),
                      compile (pair (getAnn als ++ Lv) (fst F ++ ZL)) (snd Zs) a)) F als)
                 (LabI l') (LabI n).
  intros LEN IH CC.
  general induction CC.
  + econstructor.
  + inv_get. econstructor 2.
    eapply zip_get; eauto.
    eapply IH; eauto.

Lemma DVE_isCalled i ZL LV s lv n
  : true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     isCalled true s (LabI n)
     isCalled true (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv) (LabI n).
  intros LS IC.
  general induction LS; invt isCalled; simpl; repeat cases; eauto using isCalled;
    try congruence.
  - destruct l' as [l'].
    econstructor; rewrite <- zip_app; eauto with len.
    rewrite zip_length2; eauto. eapply DVE_callChain; eauto.

Lemma DVE_noUnreachableCode i ZL LV s lv
  : true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     noUnreachableCode (isCalled true) s
     noUnreachableCode (isCalled true) (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv).
  intros LS UC.
  general induction LS; inv UC; simpl; repeat cases; eauto using noUnreachableCode.
  - econstructor; intros; inv_get; rewrite <- zip_app; simpl; eauto with len.
    + edestruct H8 as [[l] [IC CC]]. rewrite zip_length2 in H4; eauto.
      eexists (LabI l); split; eauto.
      eapply DVE_isCalled; eauto.
      eapply DVE_callChain; eauto using DVE_isCalled.

Require Import AppExpFree.

Lemma DVE_app_expfree LVZL s lv
: app_expfree s
   app_expfree (compile LVZL s lv).
  intros AEF.
  general induction AEF; destruct lv; simpl;
    repeat let_pair_case_eq; repeat simpl_pair_eqs; subst; simpl;
      repeat cases; eauto using app_expfree.
  - econstructor. intros; inv_get; eauto.
    edestruct get_flt; eauto; dcr. eauto.
  - econstructor; intros; inv_get; eauto.
    eapply H0; eauto.

Require Import RenamedApart PE.

Fixpoint compile_renamedApart (s:stmt) (lv:ann (set var)) (a:ann (set var × set var)) (D:set var)
  : ann (set var × set var) :=
  match s, lv, a with
  | stmtLet x e s, ann1 lv alv, ann1 (_, _) an as a

    if [x getAnn alv isCall e] then
      let an' := compile_renamedApart s alv an {x;D} in
      ann1 (D, {x;snd (getAnn an')}) an'
    else compile_renamedApart s alv an D
  | stmtIf e s t, ann2 lv ans ant, ann2 (_,_) bns bnt
    let bns' := compile_renamedApart s ans bns D in
    let bnt' := compile_renamedApart t ant bnt D in
    ann2 (D, snd (getAnn bns') snd (getAnn bnt')) bns' bnt'
    | stmtApp f Y, ann0 lv, ann0 _ann0 (D, )
    | stmtReturn x, ann0 lv, ann0 _ann0 (D, )
    | stmtFun F t, annF lv anF ant, annF (_, _) bnF bnt
      let abnF := (pair anF bnF) in
      let bnF' := zip (fun (Zs:params × stmt) ab
                        compile_renamedApart (snd Zs) (fst ab) (snd ab)
                                             (of_list (flt (getAnn (fst ab)) (fst Zs) (fst Zs)) D)) F abnF in
      let abnF' := (pair anF bnF') in
      let bnt' := compile_renamedApart t ant bnt D in
      annF (D, list_union ((fun Zs abof_list (flt (getAnn (fst ab)) (fst Zs) (fst Zs)) snd (getAnn (snd ab))) F abnF')
                           snd (getAnn bnt'))
           bnF' bnt'
    | _, _, aa

Lemma fst_getAnn_renamedApart i LV ZL s lv G D
  : renamedApart s G
     true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     fst (getAnn (compile_renamedApart s lv G D)) = D.
  intros RA TLS.
  general induction TLS; invt renamedApart; simpl; repeat cases; simpl; eauto.

Lemma fst_getAnn_renamedApart' i LV ZL s lv G D
  : renamedApart s G
     true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     fst (getAnn (compile_renamedApart s lv G D)) [=] D.
  intros RA TLS.
  general induction TLS; invt renamedApart; simpl; repeat cases; simpl; eauto.

Hint Resolve fst_getAnn_renamedApart fst_getAnn_renamedApart'.

Lemma snd_getAnn_renamedApart i LV ZL s lv G D
  : renamedApart s G
     true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     snd (getAnn (compile_renamedApart s lv G D)) snd (getAnn G).
  intros RA TLS.
  general induction TLS; invt renamedApart; simpl; repeat cases; simpl; srewrite D'; eauto.
  - rewrite IHTLS; eauto. rewrite H9; eauto.
  - rewrite IHTLS; eauto. rewrite H9; eauto with cset.
  - rewrite IHTLS1, IHTLS2; eauto. pe_rewrite; eauto.
  - rewrite IHTLS, H11; eauto.
    eapply incl_union_lr; eauto.
    eapply list_union_incl; intros; inv_get; simpl.
    eapply incl_list_union; eauto using zip_get.
    rewrite H1; eauto.
    unfold defVars; rewrite of_list_flt; simpl.
    clear. cset_tac. clear; cset_tac.

Lemma nodup_filter X R p `{Proper _ (R ==> eq) p} (L:list X)
  : NoDupA R L
     NoDupA R (filter p L).
  intros ND.
  general induction ND; simpl in *; dcr; eauto.
  - cases; eauto using NoDupA.
    constructor; eauto.
    rewrite filter_InA; intuition.

Lemma DVE_renamedApart i LV ZL s lv G D
  : renamedApart s G
     true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     D fst (getAnn G)
     freeVars (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv) D
     renamedApart (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv) (compile_renamedApart s lv G D).
  intros RA TLS Dincl inclD.
  general induction TLS; invt renamedApart; simpl in × |- *; eauto using renamedApart.
  - cases; simpl in ×.
    + econstructor; try reflexivity; eauto with cset.
      × rewrite <- inclD; eauto with cset.
      × eapply IHTLS; eauto.
        -- rewrite H9, Dincl; simpl; eauto with cset.
        -- rewrite <- inclD. clear; cset_tac.
      × eapply pe_eta_split; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    + eapply IHTLS; eauto.
      × rewrite H9; simpl; cset_tac.
  - econstructor; try reflexivity; eauto.
    + rewrite <- inclD. eauto with cset.
    + rewrite !snd_getAnn_renamedApart, H11, H12; eauto.
    + exploit IHTLS1; eauto.
      pe_rewrite; eauto with cset.
      rewrite <- inclD; eauto with cset.
    + exploit IHTLS2; eauto.
      pe_rewrite; eauto with cset.
      rewrite <- inclD; eauto with cset.
    + eapply pe_eta_split; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    + eapply pe_eta_split; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto with len; (try eapply eq_union_lr); eauto.
    × intros; inv_get. simpl in ×.
      rewrite <- zip_app;[| eauto with len].
      eapply H1; eauto.
      -- edestruct H8; eauto; dcr. rewrite H4. rewrite Dincl; eauto.
         rewrite of_list_flt. clear; cset_tac.
      -- rewrite of_list_flt.
         rewrite <- inclD.
         rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using zip_get; [| reflexivity].
         simpl. rewrite of_list_flt.
         rewrite <- union_assoc. eapply incl_union_left.
         rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
         clear; cset_tac.
    × hnf; intros; inv_get.
      edestruct H8; eauto; dcr.
      simpl. econstructor; simpl in ×.
      erewrite fst_getAnn_renamedApart; eauto with cset.
      split. eapply nodup_flt; eauto.
      split. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. rewrite of_list_flt.
      eapply disj_1_incl; eauto. cset_tac.
      erewrite fst_getAnn_renamedApart, !snd_getAnn_renamedApart; only 2-7: eauto.
      pe_rewrite. rewrite of_list_flt. eapply disj_1_incl; eauto.
      clear; cset_tac.
    × hnf; intros. inv_get.
      unfold defVars; simpl.
      exploit H9; try eapply H4; only 1-2: eauto using zip_get.
      unfold defVars in×.
      rewrite !snd_getAnn_renamedApart; only 2-5: eauto.
      rewrite !of_list_flt.
      eapply disj_incl; eauto.
      clear; cset_tac.
      clear; cset_tac.
    × rewrite <- zip_app; eauto with len; simpl in ×.
      eapply IHTLS; eauto.
      pe_rewrite. eauto. rewrite <- inclD; eauto.
    × eapply pe_eta_split; econstructor; eauto.
      erewrite fst_getAnn_renamedApart; eauto.
    × eapply list_union_eq; intros; eauto 20 with len.
      inv_get. unfold defVars; simpl.
      simpl. reflexivity.

Require Import RenamedApart_Liveness.

Lemma DVE_freeVars_live ZL LV s lv
      (LS:true_live_sound Functional ZL LV s lv)
  : freeVars (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv) getAnn lv.
  general induction LS; simpl; repeat cases; simpl;
    eauto using Op.freeVars_live; set_simpl.
  - exploit Exp.freeVars_live; eauto with cset.
  - cset_tac.
  - exploit Op.freeVars_live; eauto.
    rewrite IHLS1, IHLS2; eauto. rewrite H0, H1, H2; eauto.
    clear; cset_tac.
  - erewrite get_nth; eauto using zip_get; simpl.
    eapply list_union_incl; intros; inv_get; eauto with cset.
    edestruct get_flt; eauto; dcr.
    exploit argsLive_live_exp_sound; eauto.
    exploit Op.freeVars_live; eauto with cset.
  - rewrite <- zip_app; eauto with len.
    rewrite IHLS; eauto.
    eapply union_incl_split; eauto.
    eapply list_union_incl; intros; inv_get; [|eauto with cset]; simpl.
    rewrite of_list_flt. rewrite H1; eauto.
    exploit H2 as INCL; dcr; eauto; simpl in ×.
    rewrite <- INCL. clear; cset_tac.

Lemma DVE_freeVars ZL LV s lv
      (LS:true_live_sound Functional ZL LV s lv)
  : freeVars (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv) freeVars s.
  general induction LS; simpl; repeat cases; simpl; eauto.
  - rewrite IHLS; eauto.
  - rewrite not_or_dist in NOTCOND; dcr.
    assert (x freeVars (compile (pair Lv ZL) b al)). {
      exploit DVE_freeVars_live; eauto.
  - rewrite IHLS1, IHLS2; eauto with cset.
  - erewrite get_nth; eauto using zip_get; simpl.
    eapply list_union_incl; intros; inv_get; eauto with cset.
    eapply get_flt in H4; eauto; dcr.
    eapply incl_list_union; eauto using get.
  - rewrite <- zip_app; eauto with len.
    rewrite IHLS; eauto. eapply incl_union_lr; eauto.
    eapply list_union_incl; intros; inv_get;[|eauto with cset]; simpl.
    eapply incl_list_union; eauto using get.
    rewrite of_list_flt.
    exploit H0; eauto. simpl in ×.
    exploit DVE_freeVars_live; eauto.
    exploit H1; eauto.
    set (X:=compile (pair (getAnn als ++ Lv) (fst F ++ ZL)) (snd x0) x1) in ×.
    revert H7 H8; clear. cset_tac.

Lemma DVE_paramsMatch i ZL LV s lv
  : true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv
     paramsMatch s (@length _ ZL)
     paramsMatch (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv) (@length _ ((fun Z lvflt lv Z Z) ZL LV)).
  intros TLS PM.
  general induction PM; invt true_live_sound; simpl in × |- *; repeat cases;
    eauto 10 using paramsMatch.
  - erewrite !get_nth; eauto using zip_get.
    econstructor; eauto with get. simpl.
    eapply map_get_eq; eauto using zip_get.
    erewrite flt_length; eauto.
  - econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl.
    + rewrite <- !zip_app; eauto with len.
      rewrite <- !List.map_app.
      exploit H0; eauto.
      × rewrite <- !List.map_app; eauto.
      × eqassumption.
        rewrite map_zip; simpl.
        rewrite zip_app. f_equal. f_equal.
        rewrite zip_map_l, zip_map_r. reflexivity.
        eauto with len.
    + rewrite <- !zip_app; eauto.
      exploit IHPM; eauto.
      × rewrite <- !List.map_app; eauto.
      × eqassumption.
        rewrite <- List.map_app.
        rewrite map_zip; simpl.
        rewrite zip_app. f_equal. f_equal.
        rewrite zip_map_l, zip_map_r. reflexivity.
        eauto with len.
      × eauto with len.

Lemma DVE_live_incl i (FNC:isFunctional i) ZL LV s ra (RA:renamedApart s ra) lv (G D:set var)
      (TLS:true_live_sound i ZL LV s lv)
      (AN:ann_R (fun x yx fst y) lv ra)
      (Incl1:getAnn lv D)
      (Incl3:D fst (getAnn ra))
      (Incl2:G D)
  : ann_R (fun x yx fst y)
          (compile_live s lv G)
          (compile_renamedApart s lv ra D).
  time (general induction AN; invt true_live_sound; invt renamedApart; simpl in *;
  - econstructor; eauto with cset len.
  - econstructor; eauto with cset len.
  - cases; simpl in ×.
    + econstructor. eauto with cset.
      eapply IHAN; try eassumption.
      eauto with cset. pe_rewrite. eauto with cset.
      eauto with cset.
    + eapply IHAN; eauto. cset_tac. pe_rewrite. cset_tac.
  - econstructor. simpl. rewrite Incl1, Incl2; clear_all; cset_tac.
    + eapply IHAN1; eauto with cset. pe_rewrite. eauto with cset.
    + eapply IHAN2; eauto with cset. pe_rewrite. eauto.
  - econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    + rewrite Incl1, Incl2; clear; cset_tac.
    + eauto with len.
    + intros; inv_get.
      eapply ann_R_setTopAnn_left; eauto; simpl.
      × rewrite fst_getAnn_renamedApart';eauto.
        rewrite compile_live_incl_empty; eauto. rewrite of_list_flt.
        exploit H12; eauto.
        cases in H3. rewrite Incl1 in H3.
        rewrite <- H3. clear; cset_tac.
      × exploit H1; eauto.
        eapply ann_R_get in H3.
        edestruct H15; dcr; eauto.
        rewrite H9 in H3.
        exploit H14; try eassumption.
        exploit H12; try eassumption. simpl in ×.
        cases in H21.
        rewrite Incl1 in H21.
        eapply H2; eauto.
        -- rewrite of_list_flt.
           rewrite <- H21.
           clear; cset_tac.
        -- rewrite of_list_flt.
           rewrite H9. rewrite <- Incl3.
           clear; cset_tac.
        -- eauto with cset.
    + eapply IHAN; eauto. eauto with cset.
      pe_rewrite. eauto with cset. eauto with cset.

Require Import VarP.

Lemma DVE_var_P o (P:var Prop) LV ZL (s:stmt) lv
      (VP:var_P P s)
      (TLS:true_live_sound o ZL LV s lv)
  : var_P P (compile (zip pair LV ZL) s lv).
  general induction VP; invt true_live_sound; simpl;
    repeat cases; eauto 10 using var_P.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    erewrite get_nth; eauto using zip_get. simpl.
    hnf; intros.
    eapply list_union_get in H0; destruct H0; dcr; inv_get; [|cset_tac].
    eapply get_flt in H0; dcr.
    eapply H; eauto. eapply incl_list_union; eauto using zip_get.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + intros; inv_get; simpl.
      rewrite <- zip_app; eauto with len.
    + intros; inv_get; simpl.
      rewrite of_list_flt.
      rewrite meet_comm.
      rewrite meet_incl; eauto.
    + rewrite <- zip_app; eauto with len.