
Require Import paco2 AllInRel Util Map Env Exp IL SimI DecSolve MoreList Sawtooth Sublist.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Pull all definitions to the top. D at index f holds the new index of function f n is the number of pulled-up defintions so far (n >= length D), not neccessarily equal yields the transformed statement and the global definitions

Definition egalize_funs (egalize:list nat nat stmt stmt × list (params × stmt))
           (D':list nat) (n:nat) (F:list (params × stmt)) :=
  fold_right (fun f nF'
                       let '(n, F1, F2) := nF' in
                       let (s, F'') := egalize D' n (snd f) in
                       let n' := n + length F'' in
                       (n', (fst f, s)::F1, F2 ++ F'')) (n, nil, nil) F.

Definition plus' n i (Z:params × stmt) := n + i.
Definition extend n (F:list (params × stmt)) D := mapi (fun i _i+n) F ++ D.

Fixpoint egalize (D:list nat) (n:nat) (s:stmt) : stmt × list (params × stmt) :=
  match s with
    | stmtLet x e s
      let (s', F) := egalize D n s in
      (stmtLet x e s', F)
    | stmtIf x s1 s2
      let (s1', F1) := egalize D n s1 in
      let (s2', F2) := egalize D (n + length F1) s2 in
      (stmtIf x s1' s2', F1 ++ F2)
    | stmtApp l Y(stmtApp (LabI (nth (counted l) D 0)) Y, nil)
    | stmtReturn x(stmtReturn x, nil)
    | stmtFun F s
      let D' := mapi (plus' n) F ++ D in
      let '(n', F1, F2) := egalize_funs egalize D' (length F + n) F in
      let (s', F'') := egalize D' n' s in
      (s', F1 ++ F2 ++ F'')

Lemma egalize_funs_length1 f D n F
      : length (snd (fst (egalize_funs f D n F))) = length F.
  induction F; intros; simpl; eauto.
  erewrite <- IHF. unfold egalize_funs.
  repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
  repeat f_equal.

Lemma egalize_funs_length2 f D n F
      : length (snd (egalize_funs f D n F)) + n = fst (fst (egalize_funs f D n F)).
  revert n. induction F; intros; simpl; eauto.
  repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
  rewrite app_length. rewrite <- IHF. omega.

Lemma egalize_funs_get F f Zb sb n D s p
: get F f (Zb, sb)
get (snd (fst (egalize_funs egalize D n F))) f (p, s)
let nF := egalize_funs egalize D n (drop (f+1) F) in
    fst (egalize D (fst (fst nF)) sb) = s p = Zb.
  intros GetF GetE nF.
  general induction F.
  - simpl in ×. subst nF. inv GetF.
    + simpl in ×.
      repeat let_case_eq. subst. simpl in ×. inv GetE. rewrite eq1; eauto.
    + inv GetE. simpl. eapply IHF; eauto.
      repeat let_case_eq; subst; simpl in *; eauto.
      inv H; eauto.

Lemma egalize_funs_get2 D n' F L' f Zb sb
  : get F f (Zb, sb)
      let h := egalize_funs egalize D n' in
      drop (length (snd (h (drop (f + 1) F))))
           (mapi_impl I.mkBlock n' (snd (h F))
                      ++ L') =
      mapi_impl I.mkBlock (length (snd (h (drop (f + 1) F))) + n')
                (snd (egalize D
                              (length (snd (h (drop (f + 1) F))) + n') sb)) ++
  intros. general induction f.
  - simpl in ×.
    repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
    rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2.
    rewrite mapi_app.
    simpl in ×.
    rewrite <- app_assoc.
    erewrite (drop_app_eq). eexists. rewrite Plus.plus_comm. reflexivity.
    rewrite mapi_impl_length; eauto.
  - inv H; simpl in ×.
    repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
    edestruct (IHf D) with (n':=n'); eauto.
    eexists. rewrite mapi_app. rewrite <- app_assoc.
    eapply H0.

Definition indexwise_r t (r:irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL' F AL L L' :=
   n n' Z s Z' s' a i,
    IndexRelI (AL' ++ AL) n n'
     get F n (Z,s)
     get L' n' (I.blockI Z' s' i)
     get AL' n a
     E E' VL VL',
        ArgRelI E E' a VL VL'
         r t (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L, E[Z <-- Some VL], s)
            (L', E'[Z' <-- Some VL'], s').

Lemma indexwise_r_mon t (r r':irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL' F AL L L'
  : indexwise_r t r PR AL' F AL L L'
     ( t x y, r t x y r' t x y)
     indexwise_r t r' PR AL' F AL L L'.
  intros Idx LE; hnf; intros; eauto.

Definition indexwise_paramrel A (PR:ProofRelationI A) (F:params × stmt) AL' L' AL :=
   n n' Z s Z' s' a i,
    IndexRelI (AL' ++ AL) n n'
     get F n (Z,s)
     get L' n' (I.blockI Z' s' i)
     get AL' n a
     ParamRelI a Z Z'.

Lemma complete_paramrel A (PR:ProofRelationI A) F AL' AL L L' (Len1:length AL' = length F)
  : indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
     Image AL' = 0
     paramrel PR AL L L'
     paramrel PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'.
  intros IP Img PAR.
  intros f f' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RN GetAL GetFL GetL'.
  assert (Len3:AL' = mapi I.mkBlock F) by eauto with len.
  eapply get_app_cases in GetAL. destruct GetAL as [GetAL'| [GetAL LE]].
  - eapply get_app_lt_1 in GetFL; [| rewrite <- Len3; eauto using get_range].
    inv_get. destruct x. exploit IP; eauto.
  - eapply get_app_right_ge in GetFL; [ | rewrite <- Len3; eauto].
    eapply IndexRelDrop in RN; eauto.
    orewrite (f' - Image AL' = f') in RN.
    exploit (PAR (LabI (f - AL')) (LabI f')); simpl; eauto.
    rewrite Len3; eauto.

Definition labenv_sim t (r:irel)
           {A} (PR:ProofRelationI A) (AL:list A) L L' :=
  length AL = length L
  sawtooth L
  tooth 0 L'
  paramrel PR AL L L'
  app_r t r PR AL L L'.

Lemma labenv_sim_nil t r A PR
  : @labenv_sim t r A PR nil nil nil.
  do 4 (try split); eauto using @sawtooth, @tooth.
  - hnf; intros; isabsurd.
  - hnf; intros; isabsurd.

Hint Immediate labenv_sim_nil.

Lemma labenv_sim_mon t (r r':irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL L L'
  : labenv_sim t r PR AL L L'
     ( t x y, r t x y r' t x y)
     labenv_sim t r' PR AL L L'.
  intros [LEN [STL [STL' [PAR SIM]]]] LE; hnf; do 5 (try split); eauto.
  eapply app_r_mon; eauto.

Lemma labenv_sim_extension' t (r:irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) (AL AL':list A) F L L'
      (Len1:length AL' = length F)
  : indexwise_r t (sim r \3/ r) PR AL' F AL L L'
     indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
     Image AL' = 0
     labenv_sim t (sim r) PR AL L L'
     labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'.
  intros ISIM IP Img [Len2 [STL [TT [PAR SIML]]]].
  hnf. repeat split; eauto using sawtooth_I_mkBlocks, complete_paramrel with len.
  intros f f' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RN GetAL GetFL GetL'.
  assert (AL' = mapi I.mkBlock F) by eauto with len.
  eapply get_app_cases in GetAL. destruct GetAL as [GetAL'| [GetAL LE]].
  - eapply get_app_lt_1 in GetFL; [| rewrite <- H; eauto using get_range].
    inv_get. destruct x as [Z s]. simpl in ×. clear EQ.
    pone_step; eauto using get_app, get_mapi; eauto; simpl; eauto with len.
    exploit (tooth_index TT GetL'); eauto; simpl in *; subst.
    orewrite (f - f = 0). orewrite (f' - (f' + 0) = 0).
    eapply ISIM; eauto.
  - eapply get_app_right_ge in GetFL; [ | rewrite <- H; eauto].
    rewrite mapi_length in ×.
    eapply IndexRelDrop in RN; eauto.
    orewrite (f' - Image AL' = f') in RN.
    exploit (SIML (LabI (f - AL')) (LabI f')); simpl; eauto.
    rewrite H; eauto.
    exploit (PAR (LabI (f - AL')) (LabI f')); simpl; eauto.
    rewrite H; eauto.
    eapply (@sim_Y_left I.state _ I.state _).
    eapply (@sim_Y_right I.state _ I.state _).
    eapply H5.
    econstructor; simpl; eauto with len. simpl. eauto with len.
    eapply (I.StepGoto _ _ _ GetL'); simpl; eauto with len.
    econstructor; simpl; eauto. rewrite H; eauto. simpl. eauto with len.
    eapply (I.StepGoto_mapi _ _ _ _ GetFL); simpl; eauto with len.
    rewrite mapi_length. exploit (sawtooth_smaller STL); eauto; simpl in *; omega.
    simpl in *; omega.

Lemma fix_compatible_I t A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL F L L' AL'
(LEN2:length AL' = length F)
  : ( r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'
             indexwise_r t (sim r) PR AL' F AL L L')
     indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
     tooth 0 L'
     Image AL' = 0
     r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR AL L L'
            indexwise_r t (sim r) PR AL' F AL L L'.
  intros ISIM IP TT Img r SIML; pcofix CIH.
  eapply ISIM; eauto.
  eapply labenv_sim_extension'; eauto using indexwise_r_mon.
  eapply labenv_sim_mon; eauto.

Lemma simILabenv_extension t A (PR:ProofRelationI A) (AL AL':list A) F L L'
      (LEN1:length AL' = length F)
  : ( r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'
           indexwise_r t (sim r) PR AL' F AL L L')
     indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
     tooth 0 L'
     Image AL' = 0
     r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR AL L L'
            labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'.
  intros. eapply labenv_sim_extension'; eauto.
  eapply indexwise_r_mon.
  eapply fix_compatible_I; eauto. eauto.

Instance PR : ProofRelationI (params × nat) :=
    ParamRelI G Z Z' := Z = Z' fst G = Z;
    ArgRelI V V' G VL VL' := VL = VL' length VL = length (fst G) V = V';
    IndexRelI D n n' := a, get D n a snd a = n';
    Image AL := 0
intros. dcr; repeat subst. eauto.
intros. destruct H; dcr; subst.
eexists x; split; eauto.
eapply get_app_ge; eauto.

Inductive approx (L':list I.block) (Z:params) (D:list nat)
  : nat I.block I.block Prop :=
  Approx s n m s' F f
  : egalize D m s = (s', F)
     approx L' Z D f (I.blockI Z s n) (I.blockI Z s' f).

Require Import LabelsDefined.

Lemma renestSim_sim r L L' E s n D L'' ZL
      (SL: (f f': nat),
          get D f f'
           (b b' : I.block) Z,
            get L f b
            get L' f' b'
            get ZL f Z
            approx L' Z (drop (f - block_n b) D) f' b b')
      (DEF:labelsDefined s (length D))
      (SIM:labenv_sim Bisim (sim r) PR (zip pair ZL D) L L')
      (TT:tooth 0 L')
      (DROP:drop n L' = mapi_impl I.mkBlock n (snd (egalize D n s)) ++ L'')
      (LEN1:length L = length D) (LEN2:length L = length ZL)
  : sim r Bisim (L, E, s) (L', E, fst (egalize D n s)).
  revert_except s.
  sind s; intros; destruct s; simpl in *; invt labelsDefined;
    repeat let_case_eq; repeat simpl_pair_eqs; subst; simpl in ×.
  - destruct e.
    + eapply (sim_let_op il_statetype_I); eauto.
    + eapply (sim_let_call il_statetype_I); eauto.
  - case_eq (op_eval E e); [ intros | intros; pno_step ].
    rewrite mapi_app in DROP. rewrite <- app_assoc in DROP.
    case_eq (val2bool v); intros.
    + pone_step. left. eapply IH; eauto.
    + pone_step. left. eapply IH; eauto.
      eapply app_drop in DROP. rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
      rewrite drop_drop in DROP. rewrite plus_comm.
      rewrite DROP. rewrite plus_comm. eauto.
  - edestruct SIM as [Len2 [STL [STL' [PAR SIML]]]].
    edestruct (get_in_range D H2) as [f' GetD].
    edestruct SL as [b [b' [Z ?]]]; eauto; dcr; eauto. invt approx.
    repeat let_case_eq; repeat let_pair_case_eq; simpl in × |- *; subst.
    decide (length Z = length Y).
    + case_eq (omap (op_eval E) Y); [ intros | intros; pno_step; eauto ].
      exploit (SIML l (LabI f')); eauto using zip_get.
      simpl. eauto using zip_get.
      simpl. eauto with len. eauto with len. eauto with len.
      erewrite get_nth; [| eauto]; eauto using zip_get.
    + pno_step; simpl in ×.
      erewrite get_nth in Ldef; eauto. get_functional. eauto.
  - pno_step.
  - rename s into t. eapply sim_expansion_closed;
                       [ | eapply star2_silent; [ econstructor | eapply star2_refl ]
                         | eapply star2_refl].
    assert (SL': f f' : nat,
               get (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D) f f'
                (b b' : I.block) (Z : params),
                 get (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) f b
                 get L' f' b'
                 get (fst F ++ ZL) f Z approx L' Z (drop (f - I.block_n b) (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D)) f' b b'). {
      intros. eapply get_app_cases in H. destruct H as [H|[H ?]].
      - inv_get. destruct x as [Z s].
        exploit (@get_in_range _ (snd (fst (egalize_funs egalize (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D) (F + n) F)))
                               f) as Get.
        rewrite egalize_funs_length1; eauto using get_range. destruct Get as [[Z' s'] ?].
        do 2 eexists. eexists Z.
        split; eauto using get_app, mapi_get_1.
        split. unfold plus'. eapply get_drop.
        rewrite DROP. repeat rewrite mapi_app. rewrite <- app_assoc.
        eapply get_app. eapply mapi_get_1; eauto.
        split. eapply get_app. eapply (map_get_1 fst H).
        simpl. edestruct (egalize_funs_get _ _ H g); eauto; subst.
        eapply Approx. simpl. orewrite (f - f = 0). simpl.
        eapply pair_eta.
        edestruct SL as [b [b' [Z ?]]]; eauto.
        eexists b, b', Z.
        rewrite mapi_length in H0.
        repeat rewrite get_app_ge. rewrite mapi_length.
        rewrite map_length.
        rewrite mapi_length in H2. dcr.
        split; eauto. split; eauto. split; eauto.
        destruct SIM; dcr.
        pose proof (sawtooth_smaller H9 H4).
        rewrite drop_app_gen. rewrite mapi_length.
        simpl in ×.
        orewrite (f - I.block_n b - F = f - F - I.block_n b).
        eauto. rewrite mapi_length. simpl in ×. omega.
        eauto with len. eauto with len.
    eapply IH; eauto with len.
    + rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
      eapply simILabenv_extension; eauto 10 with len.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RN GetF GetL' GetA. simpl.
      inv_get. simpl in *; dcr; subst.
      destruct RN; dcr. subst.
      rewrite get_app_lt in H2; eauto.
      inv_get; simpl in ×. unfold plus' in GetL'.
      eapply drop_get in GetL'.
      rewrite DROP in GetL'. repeat rewrite mapi_app in GetL'.
      repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in GetL'.
      rewrite get_app_lt in GetL';
        [| rewrite mapi_impl_length, egalize_funs_length1; eauto 20 using get_range].
      inv_get. clear EQ.
      destruct x as [Z' s']; simpl.
      destruct (egalize_funs_get _ _ GetF GetL'); eauto; subst.
      edestruct (@egalize_funs_get2 (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D) (F + n) F) as [LX EQ]; eauto;
        simpl in ×.
      eapply IH; eauto with len. simpl in ×.
      × rewrite app_length, mapi_length. exploit H1; eauto.
      × instantiate (1:=LX).
        rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2.
        rewrite <- drop_drop.
        rewrite <- EQ.
        repeat rewrite mapi_app in DROP.
        repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in DROP.
        eapply app_drop with (L:=drop n L') in DROP.
        repeat rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
        rewrite egalize_funs_length1 in DROP.
        rewrite drop_drop in DROP.
        rewrite DROP. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite plus_comm. eauto.
      × eauto with len.
      × hnf; intros. simpl.
        inv_get. simpl. destruct H; dcr.
        rewrite get_app_lt in H4; eauto 20 using get_range with len.
        inv_get. simpl in ×. unfold plus' in H2.
        eapply drop_get in H2.
        rewrite DROP in H2. repeat rewrite mapi_app in H2.
        repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H2.
        rewrite get_app_lt in H2;
          [| rewrite mapi_impl_length, egalize_funs_length1; eauto 20 using get_range].
        inv_get. clear EQ.
        destruct x as [Z' s']; simpl.
        destruct (egalize_funs_get _ _ H0 H2); eauto; subst.
    + rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2 at 1. simpl.
      repeat rewrite mapi_app in DROP.
      repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in DROP.
      eapply app_drop with (L:=drop n L') in DROP.
      repeat rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
      rewrite egalize_funs_length1 in DROP.
      eapply app_drop in DROP. repeat rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
      repeat rewrite drop_drop in DROP. simpl. rewrite Plus.plus_assoc.
      rewrite DROP. simpl.
      rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2. f_equal. f_equal. omega.