
Require Import RepairSpill RLiveMin RLiveSound LiveMin SpillMaxKill.
Require Import SpillSound Annotation Liveness.Liveness RenamedApart.
Require Import List Map IL Take TakeSet OneOrEmpty AllInRel PickLK.
Require Import RepairSpillInv RegLive.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Idempotence of repair_spill with reg_live

Corollary repair_spill_idem k ZL Λ Λ' s lv sl R M G ra VD
  : let rlv := reg_live ZL (fst Λ) G s sl in
    renamedApart s ra
     R M fst (getAnn ra)
     getAnn rlv R
     live_sound Imperative ZL (merge Λ) s lv
     live_min k ZL Λ G s sl lv
     spill_sound k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
     ( Rf Mf n, get Λ n (Rf,Mf) cardinal Rf k)
     ann_R (fun x (y : var × var) ⇒ (list_union (merge snd x)) fst y) sl ra
     spill_live VD sl lv
     PIR2 _eq Λ Λ'
     sl === repair_spill k ZL Λ' R M s rlv lv sl
  intros rlv rena RM_sub inclR lvSnd lvMin spillSnd rmf_card sl_ra spilli Λeq.
  eapply repair_spill_inv; eauto.
  - eapply reg_live_rlive_min; eauto.
    eapply reg_live_anno; eauto.
  - eapply reg_live_sound; eauto.