
Require Import List Map Env AllInRel Exp AppExpFree Filter LengthEq.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Liveness.Liveness LabelsDefined.

Require Import ToBeOutsourced Slot SetUtil.

Definition choose_y (slot : var var)
           (X : var) (x:var)
           (RMapp : var × var)
           (y:var) :=
  if [x X] then
    if [y fst RMapp] then Var y
    else Var (slot y)
    if [y snd RMapp] then Var (slot y)
    else Var y.

Lemma choose_y_freeVars slot X x RM y
  : Op.freeVars (choose_y slot X x RM y) {y; singleton (slot y)}.
  unfold choose_y; repeat cases; simpl; cset_tac.

Fixpoint slot_lift_args
           (slot : var var)
           (RM : var × var)
           (RMapp : var × var)
           (Y: list op) (Z : params)
  : list op
    match Y, Z with
    | e::Y, z::Zlet y := getVar e in
      if [z fst RM snd RM]
      then choose_y slot (fst RM) z RMapp y::
                    choose_y slot (snd RM) z RMapp y::
                    slot_lift_args slot RM RMapp Y Z
      else if [z fst RM]
           then choose_y slot (fst RM) z RMapp y::slot_lift_args slot RM RMapp Y Z
           else choose_y slot (snd RM) z RMapp y::slot_lift_args slot RM RMapp Y Z
    | _, _nil

Lemma slot_lift_args_length slot RM RMapp Y Z (Len:Y=Z)
      (NoDup:NoDupA eq Z)
  : slot_lift_args slot RM RMapp Y Z =
    Z + cardinal (of_list Z (fst RM snd RM)).
  general induction Len; simpl; eauto.
  inv NoDup.
  repeat cases; simpl; rewrite IHLen; eauto.
  - rewrite cap_special_in; eauto.
    rewrite add_cardinal_2; eauto. cset_tac.
  - rewrite cap_special_notin; eauto.
  - rewrite cap_special_notin; eauto.

Smpl Add match goal with
         | [ H : context [ slot_lift_args ?slot ?RM ?RMapp ?Y ?Z ],
             Len : ?Y = ?Z, NoDup : NoDupA eq ?Z |- _ ]
           ⇒ rewrite (@slot_lift_args_length slot RM RMapp Y Z Len NoDup) in H
         | [ Len : ?Y = ?Z, NoDup : NoDupA eq ?Z |-
             context [ slot_lift_args ?slot ?RM ?RMapp ?Y ?Z ] ]
           ⇒ rewrite (@slot_lift_args_length slot RM RMapp Y Z Len NoDup)
         end : len.

Lemma choose_y_isVar slot X y RMapp v
  : isVar (choose_y slot X y RMapp v).
  unfold choose_y; repeat cases; eauto using isVar.

Lemma slot_lift_args_isVar (slot:var var) RM RMapp Y Z
  : ( (n : nat) (y : op), get Y n y isVar y)
     (n : nat) (y : op), get (slot_lift_args slot RM RMapp Y Z) n y isVar y.
  general induction Y; destruct Z; simpl in *; isabsurd.
  exploit H; eauto using get. inv H1; simpl in ×.
  repeat cases in H0; inv H0; eauto using get, choose_y_isVar.
  inv H6; eauto using get, choose_y_isVar.

Lemma slot_lift_args_get slot RM RMapp Y Z n x
  : get (slot_lift_args slot RM RMapp Y Z) n x
     n y z X, get Y n y get Z n z
               x = choose_y slot X z RMapp (getVar y)
               (X = fst RM X = snd RM).
  general induction Y; destruct Z; isabsurd; simpl in ×.
  - repeat cases in H; clear_trivial_eqs; inv H; eauto 20 using get.
    + inv H4; eauto 20 using get. eapply IHY in H5; dcr.
      eauto 20 using get.
    + eapply IHY in H4; dcr.
      eauto 20 using get.
    + eapply IHY in H4; dcr.
      eauto 20 using get.

Lemma lifted_args_in_RL_slot_SpM
      (Y : args)
      (R M : var) RM
      (slot : var var)
      (H5 : (n : nat) (y : op), get Y n y isVar y)
      (Sp L K M' R' : var)
      (Cover : list_union (Op.freeVars Y) R' M')
      (M'_incl: M' Sp M) (R'_incl : R' (R \ K L)) Z
  : list_union (Op.freeVars slot_lift_args slot RM (R',M') Y Z) R L map slot (Sp M) .
  apply list_union_incl; [|eauto with cset].
  intros; inv_get.
  eapply slot_lift_args_get in H. dcr; subst.
  exploit H5; eauto. inv H; simpl in ×.
  assert (v R' M'). {
    rewrite <- Cover.
    eapply incl_list_union; eauto using get. reflexivity. simpl. cset_tac.
  unfold choose_y; repeat cases; simpl in ×.
  - rewrite R'_incl in COND0. revert COND0; clear. intros. cset_tac.
  - rewrite <- map_singleton; eauto.
    apply incl_union_right.
    apply lookup_set_incl; eauto.
  - rewrite <- map_singleton; eauto.
    apply incl_union_right.
    apply lookup_set_incl; eauto.
  - assert (v R') by cset_tac.
    rewrite R'_incl in H3. revert H3; clear. intros. cset_tac.

Lemma slot_lift_args_app_expfree (slot:var var) RM RMapp Y Z f
  (IV : (n : nat) (y : op), get Y n y isVar y)
  : app_expfree (stmtApp f (slot_lift_args slot RM RMapp Y Z)).
  intros; inv_get; eauto using slot_lift_args_isVar.