
Require Import List Map Env AllInRel Exp.
Require Import IL Annotation AnnP InRel.
Require Import LabelsDefined SpillSound SpillUtil.

Correctness Predicate with 7 inference rules

Inductive spill_sound7 (k:nat) :
  (list params)
   (list (var × var))
   (var × var)
  | SpillLet
      (ZL : list params)
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M Sp L Kx : var)
      (x : var)
      (e : exp)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (Sp_empty : Sp [=] )
      (L_empty : L [=] )
      (spill_sub : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ ({x;R\Kx},M) s sl)
      (kgt0: k > 0)
      (card : cardinal {x; R \ Kx } k)
      (inR : Exp.freeVars e R)
      : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 (Sp,L,nil) sl)
  | SpillReturn
      (ZL : list (params))
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M Sp L : var)
      (e : op)
      (Sp_empty : Sp [=] )
      (L_empty : L [=] )
      (inVar : Op.freeVars e R)
      : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtReturn e) (ann0 (Sp,L,nil))
  | SpillIf
      (ZL : list (params))
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M Sp L : var)
      (e : op)
      (s t : stmt)
      (sl_s sl_t : spilling)
      (Sp_empty : Sp [=] )
      (L_empty : L [=] )
      (inVar : Op.freeVars e R)
      (spill_s : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl_s)
      (spill_t : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) t sl_t)
    : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtIf e s t) (ann2 (Sp,L,nil) sl_s sl_t)
  | SpillApp
      (ZL : list params)
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M Sp L R_f M_f R' M' : var)
      (f : lab)
      (Z : params)
      (Y : args)
      (Sp_empty : Sp [=] )
      (L_empty : L [=] )
      (getZ : get ZL (counted f) Z)
      (getΛ : get Λ (counted f) (R_f,M_f))
      (Rf_sub : R_f \ of_list Z R)
      (Mf_sub : M_f \ of_list Z M)
      (inVar : list_union (Op.freeVars Y) [=] R' M')
      (R_sub : R' R)
      (M_sub : M' M)
      : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtApp f Y)
                     (ann0 (Sp,L, (R', M')::nil))
  | SpillFun
      (ZL : list params)
      (Λ rms : list (var × var))
      (R M Sp L : var)
      (F : list (params × stmt))
      (t : stmt)
      (sl_F : list spilling)
      (sl_t : spilling)
      (Sp_empty : Sp [=] )
      (L_empty : L [=] )
      (len_Fsl : length F = length sl_F)
      (len_Frms : length F = length rms)
      (card : ( n Rf Mf, get rms n (Rf,Mf) cardinal Rf k))
      (spill_F : ( n Zs Rf Mf sl_s, get rms n (Rf,Mf)
                          get F n Zs
                          get sl_F n sl_s
                          spill_sound7 k ((fst F) ++ ZL)
                                       (rms ++ Λ) (Rf,Mf) (snd Zs) sl_s
      (spill_t : spill_sound7 k ((fst F) ++ ZL) (rms ++ Λ) (R,M) t sl_t)
      : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtFun F t)
                    (annF (Sp,L,rms) sl_F sl_t)
  | SpillLoad
      (ZL : list params)
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M K : var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (Sp_empty : getSp sl [=] )
      (L_sub : getL sl M)
      (card : cardinal (R \ K getL sl) k)
      (spill_s : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R \ K getL sl, M) s (clear_L sl))
    : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
  | SpillSpill
      (ZL : list params)
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M: var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (Sp_sub : getSp sl R)
      (spill_s : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R, getSp sl M) s (clear_Sp sl))
    : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl

Smpl Add
     match goal with
     | [ H : @equiv (@ann _) _ _ ?A ?B |- _ ] ⇒ inv_if_one_ctor H A B
     end : inv_trivial.

Instance clear_Sp_morph
  : Proper (@equiv _ (ann_R _eq) _ ==> equiv) clear_Sp.
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
  destruct x; clear_trivial_eqs; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H1; reflexivity.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H2; reflexivity.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H3; reflexivity.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H3; reflexivity.

Instance clear_L_morph
  : Proper (@equiv _ (ann_R _eq) _ ==> equiv) clear_L.
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
  destruct x; clear_trivial_eqs; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H1; reflexivity.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H2; reflexivity.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H3; reflexivity.
  × econstructor; eauto;
      rewrite H3; reflexivity.

Lemma spill_sound7_ext'
      (k : nat)
      (ZL : list params) s
      (Λ Λ2 : list (var × var))
      (R R2 M M2 : var)
      (sl sl2 : spilling)
    PIR2 _eq Λ Λ2
     R [=] R2
     M [=] M2
     sl === sl2
     spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl spill_sound7 k ZL Λ2 (R2,M2) s sl2
  intros Λeq Req Meq sleq H.
  general induction H; simpl; eauto; clear_trivial_eqs.
  - eapply SpillLet with (Kx:=Kx); simpl; eauto.
    + rewrite <-H2. assumption.
    + rewrite <-H7. assumption.
    + eapply IHspill_sound7; eauto.
      rewrite Req. reflexivity.
    + rewrite <- Req. eauto.
    + rewrite <- Req. eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto;
      try rewrite <- H1; try rewrite <- H5; try rewrite <- Req; eauto.
  - eapply SpillIf; try eapply IHspill_sound71; try eapply IHspill_sound72; eauto;
      try rewrite <- H4; try rewrite <- H9; try rewrite <- Req; eauto.
  - PIR2_inv.
    eapply SpillApp; eauto;
      (try rewrite <- H1); (try rewrite <- H5); (try rewrite <- H3);
        (try rewrite <- H4); (try rewrite <- H8); (try rewrite <- Req);
          try rewrite <- Req0; try rewrite <- H7;
          (try rewrite <- Meq); eauto.
  - eapply SpillFun; eauto.
    + rewrite <- H4; eauto.
    + rewrite <- H10; eauto.
    + eauto with len.
    + eapply list_eq_length in H9. eauto with len.
    + intros. symmetry in H9.
      edestruct @list_eq_get; try eapply H9; eauto; dcr. inv H6.
      exploit card; eauto. rewrite H12; eauto.
    + intros. inv_get.
      exploit H7; eauto.
      edestruct @list_eq_get; try eapply H9; eauto; dcr.
      eapply H; eauto.
      × eapply PIR2_app; eauto using list_eq_PIR2.
      × assumption.
      × assumption.
    + eapply IHspill_sound7; eauto.
      × eapply PIR2_app; eauto using list_eq_PIR2.
  - eapply SpillLoad; eauto.
    + rewrite <- sleq; eauto.
    + rewrite <- sleq, <- Meq; eauto.
    + rewrite <- Req, <- sleq; eauto.
    + eapply IHspill_sound7; eauto.
      × rewrite Req, sleq. reflexivity.
      × rewrite sleq. reflexivity.
  - eapply SpillSpill; eauto.
    + rewrite <- sleq, <- Req; eauto.
    + eapply IHspill_sound7; eauto.
      × rewrite Meq, sleq. eauto.
      × rewrite sleq. reflexivity.

Instance spill_sound7_morph k ZL Λ
  : Proper (_eq ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> iff) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros; subst; split; intros; inv H.
  - eapply spill_sound7_ext'; eauto; try reflexivity.
    eapply H2. eapply H3.
  - eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H0; try reflexivity.
    rewrite H2; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.

Instance spill_sound7_morph_impl k ZL Λ
  : Proper (_eq ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> impl) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
  unfold Proper, respectful, impl; intros; subst; intros; inv H.
  - eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H2; try reflexivity.
    rewrite H0; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.

Instance spill_sound7_morph_flip_impl k ZL Λ
  : Proper (_eq ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> flip impl) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
  unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; subst; intros; inv H.
  - eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H2; try reflexivity.
    rewrite H0; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.

Instance spill_sound7_morph' k ZL Λ
  : Proper (@pe _ _ ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> iff) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros; subst; split; intros; inv H.
  - eapply spill_sound7_ext'; eauto; try reflexivity.
  - eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H0; try reflexivity.
    rewrite H2; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.

Lemma spill_sound7_spill_sound
      (k : nat)
      (ZL : list params)
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M : var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (Rsmall: cardinal R k)
  : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
     spill_sound k ZL Λ (R, M) s sl.
  intros SPS.
  general induction SPS.
  - eapply SpillSound.SpillLet with (Kx:=Kx);
      set_simpl; eauto with cset.
    + set_simpl. eauto.
    + set_simpl. eauto.
    + set_simpl; eauto.
  - eapply SpillSound.SpillReturn;
      set_simpl; eauto with cset.
    + set_simpl. eauto.
  - eapply SpillSound.SpillIf;
      set_simpl; eauto with cset.
    + set_simpl; eauto.
    + set_simpl; eauto.
    + set_simpl; eauto.
  - eapply SpillSound.SpillApp;
      set_simpl; eauto with cset.
    + set_simpl; eauto.
  - eapply SpillSound.SpillFun;
      set_simpl; eauto with cset.
    + instantiate (1:={}). set_simpl. eauto.
    + intros. destruct rm. exploit card; eauto.
    + intros. destruct rm. eapply H; try reflexivity; eauto.
    + set_simpl. eauto.
  - eapply spill_sound_load_ext; eauto.
  - eapply spill_sound_spill_ext; eauto.

Lemma spill_sound_spill_sound7
      (k : nat)
      (ZL : list params)
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (R M : var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
  : spill_sound k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
     spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R, M) s sl.
  intros spillSnd.
  general induction spillSnd; eapply SpillSpill; eauto; eapply SpillLoad; eauto;
    econstructor; eauto.
  intros. exploit H4; eauto.