Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Combinators.Combinators


Export Modules for Combinators

Simple Combinators

Identity operator
Section Id.
The purpose of this operator is to deactivate TM_Correct. For example, when using ChangeAlphabet, but the machine realises a relation, you would like to apply ChangeAlphabet_Computes manually.
  Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat).
  Variable (F : finType).

  Variable (pM : pTM sig F n).

  Definition Id := pM.
End Id.

Simple operator to change the labelling function
Section Relabel.
  Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat).
  Variable F F' : finType.
  Variable pM : { M : mTM sig n & states M -> F }.
  Variable p : F -> F'.

  Definition Relabel : pTM sig F' n :=
    (projT1 pM; fun q => p (projT2 pM q)).

  Lemma Relabel_Realise R :
    pM R ->
    Relabel _y (R |_ y) ||_(p y).
    intros HRel.
    intros tin k outc HLoop.
    hnf in HRel. specialize HRel with (1 := HLoop).
    hnf. exists (projT2 pM (cstate outc)). hnf. cbn. auto.

  Lemma Relabel_RealiseIn R k :
    pM c(k) R ->
    Relabel c(k) _y (R |_ y) ||_(p y).
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Lemma Relabel_Terminates T :
    projT1 pM T ->
    projT1 Relabel T.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

End Relabel.

Arguments Relabel : simpl never.

Special case of the above operator, where we just fix a label
Section Return.

  Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat).
  Variable F : finType.
  Variable pM : { M : mTM sig n & states M -> F }.
  Variable F' : finType.
  Variable p : F'.

  Definition Return := Relabel pM (fun _ => p).

  Lemma Return_Realise R :
    pM R ->
    Return (_f (R |_ f)) ||_ p.
  Proof. intros. intros tin k outc HLoop. hnf. split; hnf; eauto. exists (projT2 pM (cstate outc)). hnf. eauto. Qed.

  Lemma Return_RealiseIn R k :
    pM c(k) R ->
    Return c(k) (_f (R |_ f)) ||_ p.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Lemma Return_Terminates T :
    projT1 pM T ->
    projT1 Return T.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

End Return.

Arguments Return : simpl never.

Tactic Support

Helper tactics for match
This tactic destructs a variable recursivle and shelves each goal where it couldn't destruct the variable further. The purpose of this tactic is to pre-instantiate functions to relations with holes of the form Param -> Rel _ _. We need this for the Switch Machine. The implementation of this tactic is quiete uggly but works for parameters with up to 9 constructor arguments. This tactic may generates a lot of warnings, which can be ignored.
Ltac destruct_shelve e :=
  cbn in e;
  idtac "Input:";
  print_type e;
  idtac "Output:";
  let x1 := fresh "x" in
  let x2 := fresh "x" in
  let x3 := fresh "x" in
  let x4 := fresh "x" in
  let x5 := fresh "x" in
  let x6 := fresh "x" in
  let x7 := fresh "x" in
  let x8 := fresh "x" in
  let x9 := fresh "x" in
  first [ destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6|x7|x8|x9]; idtac e "has 9 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6 | try destruct_shelve x7 | try destruct_shelve x8 | try destruct_shelve x9]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6|x7|x8]; idtac e "has 8 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6 | try destruct_shelve x7 | try destruct_shelve x8]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6|x7]; idtac e "has 7 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6 | try destruct_shelve x7]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6]; idtac e "has 6 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5]; idtac e "has 5 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4]; idtac e "has 4 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3]; idtac e "has 3 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2]; idtac e "has 2 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1]; idtac e "has 1 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 ]; shelve
        | destruct e as []; idtac e "has 0 constructors"; shelve

(* Eval simpl in ltac:(intros ?e; destruct_shelve e) : (option (bool + (bool + (bool + bool)))) -> Rel _ _. *)

Ltac smpl_match_case_solve_RealiseIn :=
  eapply RealiseIn_monotone'; [ | shelve].

Ltac smpl_match_RealiseIn :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- Switch ?M1 ?M2 c(?k1) ?R] =>
    is_evar R;
    let tM2 := type of M2 in
    let x := fresh "x" in
    match tM2 with
    | ?F -> _ =>
      eapply (Switch_RealiseIn
                (F := FinType(EqType F))
                (R2 := ltac:(now (print_goal; intros x; destruct_shelve x))));
      | intros x; repeat destruct _; smpl_match_case_solve_RealiseIn

Ltac smpl_match_Realise :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- Switch ?M1 ?M2 ?R] =>
    is_evar R;
    let tM2 := type of M2 in
    let x := fresh "x" in
    match tM2 with
    | ?F -> _ =>
      eapply (Switch_Realise
                (F := FinType(EqType F))
                (R2 := ltac:(now (intros x; destruct_shelve x))));
      | intros x; repeat destruct _

Ltac smpl_match_Terminates :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- projT1 (Switch ?M1 ?M2) ?R] =>
    is_evar R;
    let tM2 := type of M2 in
    let x := fresh "x" in
    match tM2 with
    | ?F -> _ =>
      eapply (Switch_TerminatesIn
                (F := FinType(EqType F))
                (T2 := ltac:(now (intros x; destruct_shelve x))));
      [ (* show weak realisation of the machine over which is matched *)
      | (* Show termination of the machine over which is matched *)
      | intros x; repeat destruct _ (* Show termination of each case-machine *)

(* There is no rule for Id on purpose. *)
Ltac smpl_TM_Combinators :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- Switch _ _ _] => smpl_match_Realise
  | [ |- Switch _ _ c(_) _] => smpl_match_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Switch _ _) _] => smpl_match_Terminates
  | [ |- If _ _ _ _] => eapply If_Realise
  | [ |- If _ _ _ c(_) _] => eapply If_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (If _ _ _) _] => eapply If_TerminatesIn
  | [ |- Seq _ _ _] => eapply Seq_Realise
  | [ |- Seq _ _ c(_) _] => eapply Seq_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Seq _ _) _] => eapply Seq_TerminatesIn
  | [ |- While _ _] => eapply While_Realise
  | [ |- projT1 (While _) _] => eapply While_TerminatesIn
  | [ |- Relabel _ _ _] => eapply Relabel_Realise
  | [ |- Relabel _ _ c(_) _] => eapply Relabel_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Relabel _ _) _] => eapply Relabel_Terminates
  | [ |- Return _ _ _] => eapply Return_Realise
  | [ |- Return _ _ c(_) _] => eapply Return_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Return _ _) _] => eapply Return_Terminates

Smpl Add smpl_TM_Combinators : TM_Correct.