

Require Import Omega List Program.Equality.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.

Fixpoint atn {X} l n (x : X) :=
  match l with
    | nil => False
    | y :: l' => match n with
                  | 0 => x = y
                  | S n' => atn l' n' x

Section SubstInstance.

Context {term : Type}.
Context {Ids_term : Ids term} {Rename_term : Rename term}
  {Subst_term : Subst term} {SubstLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term}.

Inductive atnd: list term -> var -> term -> Prop :=
| Atnd0 Delta A A' :
    A' = A.[ren(+1)] -> atnd (A :: Delta) 0 A'
| AtndS Delta x A B B' :
    atnd Delta x B -> B' = B.[ren(+1)] -> atnd (A :: Delta) (S x) B'.

Lemma atn_mmap {f : term -> term} {Gamma x A A'} :
  atn Gamma x A -> A' = (f A) -> atn (mmap f Gamma) x A'.
  revert x.
  induction Gamma; intros; simpl in *; trivial.
  destruct x; subst; eauto.

Lemma mmap_atn {f : term -> term} {Gamma x A'} :
  atn (mmap f Gamma) x A' -> exists A, A' = (f A) /\ atn Gamma x A.
  revert x. induction Gamma; intros; simpl in *.
  - contradiction.
  - destruct x; subst; eauto.

Lemma up_mmap_atn zeta xi Gamma1 Gamma2 A x :
  (forall x B, atn Gamma1 x B -> atn Gamma2 (zeta x) B.[ren xi]) ->
  atn (mmap (subst (ren (+1))) Gamma1) x A ->
  atn (mmap (subst (ren (+1))) Gamma2) (zeta x) A.[ren (0 .: xi >>> (+1))].
  intros H1 H2.
  edestruct (mmap_atn H2) as [? [? ?]]. subst.
  eapply atn_mmap; eauto. autosubst.

Lemma up_atnd xi Delta1 Delta2 A B x:
  (forall x C, atnd Delta1 x C -> atnd Delta2 (xi x) C.[ren xi]) ->
  atnd (A :: Delta1) x B ->
  atnd (A.[ren xi] :: Delta2) ((0 .: xi >>> (+1)) x) B.[ren (0 .: xi >>> (+1))].
  intros H1 H2; destruct x; simpl; inv H2; econstructor; eauto; autosubst.

Lemma atnd_steps x Gamma Delta A :
  atnd Gamma x A <->
  atnd (Delta ++ Gamma) (length Delta + x) A.[ren(+(length Delta))].
  revert A x.
  induction Delta; intros.
  - split.
    + autosubst.
    + autosubst.
  - simpl. cutrewrite (A.[ren (+S (length Delta))] =
                       A.[ren(+length Delta)].[ren(+1)]); [idtac|autosubst].
      + econstructor. eapply IHDelta; eassumption. reflexivity.
      + intros H. inv H. rewrite IHDelta. apply lift_inj in H5.
        subst. eassumption.

Lemma atnd_steps' x Gamma Delta A :
  atnd (Delta ++ Gamma) (x + length Delta) A ->
  exists B, A = B.[ren(+(length Delta))] /\ atnd Gamma x B.
  revert A x.
  induction Delta; intros.
  - exists A.
    simpl in H.
    rewrite plus_0_r in H. intuition autosubst.
  - asimpl. simpl in *.
    rewrite plusnS in *.
    inv H.
    edestruct IHDelta as [B' [? ?]]; eauto. exists B'. subst.
    intuition autosubst.

Corollary atnd_step Delta A x B :
  atnd Delta x A <-> atnd (B :: Delta) (S x) A.[ren(+1)].
  apply atnd_steps with (Delta := B :: nil).

Lemma atnd_repl Gamma A Delta :
  (atnd (Delta ++ A :: Gamma) (length Delta) A.[ren(+ S (length Delta))]) /\
  (forall x B A',
     x <> length Delta -> atnd (Delta ++ A :: Gamma) x B ->
     atnd (Delta ++ A' :: Gamma) x B).
  - pose proof (atnd_steps 0 (A :: Gamma) Delta A.[ren(+1)]) as H. asimpl in H.
    apply H. now constructor.
  - intros x. revert Gamma A Delta.
    induction x; intros Gamma A Delta H B A' H_atn.
    + destruct Delta as [| C Delta]. { now intuition. }
      simpl in *.
      inv H_atn. now constructor.
    + destruct Delta as [| C Delta]; simpl in *.
      * inv H_atn. econstructor. eassumption. reflexivity.
      * inv H_atn. econstructor. eapply IHx; eauto. reflexivity.

Lemma atnd_defined Delta x : (exists B, atnd Delta x B) <-> x < length Delta.
  revert x. induction Delta; intuition; asimpl in *; ainv.
  - destruct x. omega. cut(x < length Delta). omega.
    ainv. firstorder.
  - destruct x.
    + eexists. now econstructor.
    + edestruct IHDelta as [_ [? ?]]. cut(x < length Delta); eauto. omega.
      eexists. econstructor; eauto.

End SubstInstance.

(* Local Variables: *)
(* coq-load-path: (("." "Plain") ("../../theories" "Autosubst")) *)
(* End: *)