Library GCSyntax

Syntax of GC

The syntax of GC is described by a nested inductive type, for which there is little built-in support in Coq. We manually derive an induction principle for GC and show that equality on GC terms is decidable.
Require Import Facts States.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Module GCSyntax (Sigma : State).
Export Sigma.


Unset Elimination Schemes.
Inductive cmd :=
| Skip
| Assn (a : action)
| Seq (s t : cmd)
| Case (G : seq (guard × cmd))
| Do (G : seq (guard × cmd)).
Set Elimination Schemes.
Definition gc := seq (guard × cmd).

Induction Principle

Section GCInduction.
Variables (P : cmdProp) (Q : gcProp).

Hypothesis p_skip : P Skip.
Hypothesis p_assn : a, P (Assn a).
Hypothesis p_seq : s t, P sP tP (Seq s t).
Hypothesis p_case : G, Q GP (Case G).
Hypothesis p_do : G, Q GP (Do G).

Hypothesis q_nil : Q [::].
Hypothesis q_cons : b s G, P sQ GQ ((b,s) :: G).

Definition gc_ind´ (F : s, P s) : G, Q G :=
  fix rec G := match G return Q G with
  | [::]q_nil
  | (b,s) :: Gq_cons b (F s) (rec G)

Fixpoint cmd_ind (s : cmd) : P s :=
  match s with
  | Skipp_skip
  | Assn ep_assn e
  | Seq s tp_seq (cmd_ind s) (cmd_ind t)
  | Case Gp_case (gc_ind´ cmd_ind G)
  | Do Gp_do (gc_ind´ cmd_ind G)

Definition gc_ind : ( s, P s) ( G, Q G) :=
  conj cmd_ind (gc_ind´ cmd_ind).

End GCInduction.

Decidable equality on terms

Section CmdEqType.

Definition all2 {T} (e : TTbool) := fix rec (xs ys : seq T) : bool :=
  match xs, ys with
  | x :: xr, y :: yre x y && rec xr yr
  | [::], [::]true
  | _, _false

Fixpoint cmd_eq (s t : cmd) : bool :=
  match s, t with
  | Assn e1, Assn e2 ⇒ (e1 == e2)
  | Skip, Skiptrue
  | Seq s1 s2, Seq t1 t2cmd_eq s1 t1 && cmd_eq s2 t2
  | Case G1, Case G2
  | Do G1, Do G2all2 (fun p q(p.1 == q.1) && cmd_eq p.2 q.2) G1 G2
  | _, _false

Lemma all2P T (e : TTbool) :
  ( x y, reflect (x = y) (e x y)) →
  ( xs ys, reflect (xs = ys) (all2 e xs ys)).
  mover. elim⇒ [|x xr ih] [|y yr];
  by apply: (iffP idP) ⇒ //=[/andP|] -[/r->/ih->].

Lemma injP T1 T2 (f : T1T2) x y b :
  injective freflect (x = y) breflect (f x = f y) b.
Proof. movei r. by apply: iffP r _ _ ⇒ [->|/i->]. Qed.

Lemma cmd_eqP :
  Equality.axiom cmd_eq.
  hnf; fix ih 1 ⇒ -[|a1|s1 s2|G1|G1] [|a2|t1 t2|G2|G2] /=;
  exact: (iffP idP) || (apply: injP eqPx y [] //) ||
  (apply: iffP andP _ _ ⇒ -[/ih->/ih->] //) ||
  apply: injP ⇒ [x y []//|]; apply: all2P ⇒ -[a1 b1][a2 b2]/=;
  by apply: (iffP idP) ⇒ [/andP|] [/eqP->/ih->].

Canonical cmd_eqMixin := EqMixin cmd_eqP.
Canonical cmd_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType cmd cmd_eqMixin.

End CmdEqType.

End GCSyntax.