Require Import List.

Definition State : Set := nat.
Record Config : Set := mkConfig { state : State; value1 : nat; value2 : nat }.

Inductive Instruction : Set :=
  | inc : bool -> Instruction
  | dec : bool -> State -> Instruction.

Definition Cm2 : Set := list Instruction.

Definition step (M: Cm2) (x: Config) : Config :=
  match nth_error M (state x) with
  | None => x
  | Some (inc b) =>
    {| state := 1 + (state x);
       value1 := (if b then 0 else 1) + (value1 x);
       value2 := (if b then 1 else 0) + (value2 x) |}
  | Some (dec b y) =>
    if b then
      match value2 x with
      | 0 => {| state := 1 + (state x); value1 := value1 x; value2 := 0 |}
      | S n => {| state := y; value1 := value1 x; value2 := n |}
      match value1 x with
      | 0 => {| state := 1 + (state x); value1 := 0; value2 := value2 x |}
      | S n => {| state := y; value1 := n; value2 := value2 x |}
Arguments step _ !x /.

Definition halting (M : Cm2) (x: Config) : Prop := step M x = x.

Definition CM2_HALT : Cm2 -> Prop :=
  fun M => exists (n: nat),
    halting M (Nat.iter n (step M) {| state := 0; value1 := 0; value2 := 0 |}).