Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Morphisms Lia.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import std.std.
From Undecidability.HOU.calculus Require Import
  prelim terms syntax semantics confluence typing order.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Section SemanticTyping.

  Variable (X: Const).

  Definition SemType := exp X -> Prop.

  Definition active (s: exp X) :=
    match s with lambda s => True | _ => False end.

  Definition C (T: SemType) (s: exp X) :=
    exists t, s t /\ (active t -> T t).

  Fixpoint V (A: type) (s: exp X) :=
    match A with
    | typevar beta => False
    | A B => match s with
              | lambda s => normal s /\
                      forall t delta, C (V A) t -> C (V B) ((ren delta (lambda s)) t)
              | _ => False

  Definition E A := C (V A).
  Definition G Gamma gamma := forall i A, nth Gamma i = Some A -> E A (gamma i).

  Lemma E_evaluates s A:
    E A s -> exists t, s t.
  Proof. intros (t & H1 & H2); exists t; intuition. Qed.

  Lemma closure_under_expansion s t A:
    s >* t -> E A s -> E A t.
    intros H [v [[H1 H2] H3]]. exists v. intuition. split; eauto.
    eapply confluence_normal_left; eauto.

  Lemma closure_under_reduction s t A:
    s >* t -> E A t -> E A s.
    intros H [v [[H1 H2] H3]]. exists v; intuition. split; eauto.

  Definition ren_closed (S: SemType) :=
    forall delta s, S s -> S (ren delta s).

  Lemma ren_closed_C S: ren_closed S -> ren_closed (C S).
    intros H delta s; unfold C in *; intros (t & [H1 H2] & H3).
    exists (ren delta t); split.
    split; eauto using ren_steps, normal_ren.
    intros H4. eapply H, H3. destruct t; cbn in *; intuition.

  Lemma ren_closed_V A: ren_closed (V A).
    induction A as [beta | A IHA B IHB].
    - intros ? ? [].
    - intros delta []; cbn in *; eauto; intros [H1 H2].
      split; eauto using normal_ren.
      intros t delta' H'. asimpl.
      replace (_ e) with (ren (upRen_exp_exp (delta >> delta')) e)by now asimpl.
      now eapply H2.

  Lemma ren_closed_E A: ren_closed (E A).
    eapply ren_closed_C, ren_closed_V.

  Lemma ren_closed_G Gamma gamma delta: G Gamma gamma -> G Gamma (gamma >> ren delta).
    intros H x A E. eapply ren_closed_E, H, E.

  Lemma E_var x A: E A (var x).
    exists (var x). unfold evaluates; cbn; intuition.

  Lemma G_id Gamma: G Gamma var.
    intros ???. eapply E_var.

  Lemma G_cons Gamma A s gamma:
    G Gamma gamma -> E A s -> G (A :: Gamma) (s .: gamma).
    intros. intros [|] B H'; cbn in *.
    now injection H' as ->. now eapply H.

  Lemma G_up Gamma A gamma:
    G Gamma gamma -> G (A :: Gamma) (up gamma).
    eauto using G_cons, ren_closed_G, E_var.

  Lemma compat_var Gamma i A gamma:
    nth Gamma i = Some A -> G Gamma gamma -> E A (gamma i).
  Proof. intuition. Qed.

  Lemma compat_const c:
    E (ctype X c) (const c).
    exists (const c); split; [split|]; cbn; intuition.

  Lemma compat_lambda A B s:
    E B s -> (forall t delta, E A t -> E B (ren delta (lambda s) t)) -> E (A B) (lambda s).
    intros [t [[H1 H2] _]] ?; cbn; exists (lambda t); intuition; split; rewrite ?H1; eauto.
    intros; eapply closure_under_expansion; [|eauto]; now rewrite H1.

  Lemma compat_app A B s t:
    E (A B) s -> E A t -> E B (s t).
    intros (v1 & [H1 H2] & H3). intros (v2 & [H4 H5] & H6).
    eapply closure_under_reduction. rewrite H1, H4; eauto.
    destruct v1.
    1, 2, 4: eexists; split; [split|]; eauto; cbn; intuition.
    cbn in H3; mp H3; cbn; intuition.
    specialize (H0 v2 id); asimpl in H0; unfold id in H0.
    eapply H0; exists v2; split; [split|]; eauto.

End SemanticTyping.

Section Soundness.

  Context {X: Const}.

  Implicit Type (s: exp X).

  Definition semtyping Gamma s A := forall gamma, G Gamma gamma -> E A (gamma s).

  Notation "Gamma ⊨ s : A" := (semtyping Gamma s A) (at level 80, s at level 99).

  Lemma semantic_soundness Gamma s A:
    Gamma s : A -> Gamma s : A.
    induction 1.
    - intros ??; cbn; eapply compat_var; eauto.
    - intros ??; cbn; eapply compat_const.
    - intros ??; cbn; eapply compat_lambda; eauto using G_up.
      intros; eapply closure_under_reduction. cbn; dostep; now asimpl.
      eapply IHtyping, G_cons; eauto.
      replace (gamma >> _) with (gamma >> ren delta) by now asimpl.
      eapply ren_closed_G; eauto.
    - intros ??; cbn; eapply compat_app; eauto.

  Lemma termination_steps Gamma s A:
    Gamma s : A -> exists t, s t.
    intros H % semantic_soundness.
    specialize (H var (@G_id X Gamma)).
    asimpl in H; unfold id in H.
    eapply E_evaluates, H.

  Lemma ordertyping_termination_steps Gamma n s A:
    Gamma ⊢(n) s : A -> exists t, s t.
    now intros ? % ordertyping_soundness % termination_steps.

End Soundness.