Require Import Arith Lia.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Section nat_rev_ind.

  Variables (P : nat -> Prop)
            (HP : forall n, P (S n) -> P n).

  Theorem nat_rev_ind x y : x <= y -> P y -> P x.
  Proof using HP. induction 1; auto. Qed.

End nat_rev_ind.

Section nat_rev_ind'.

  Variables (P : nat -> Prop) (k : nat)
            (HP : forall n, n < k -> P (S n) -> P n).

  Theorem nat_rev_ind' x y : x <= y <= k -> P y -> P x.
  Proof using HP.
    intros H1 H2.
    set (Q n := n <= k /\ P n).
    assert (forall x y, x <= y -> Q y -> Q x) as H.
      apply nat_rev_ind.
      intros n (H3 & H4); split.
      revert H4; apply HP, H3.
    apply (H x y).
    split; auto; lia.

End nat_rev_ind'.

Section minimizer_pred.

  Variable (P : nat -> Prop)
           (HP : forall p: { n | P n \/ ~ P n }, { P (proj1_sig p) } + { ~ P (proj1_sig p) }).

  Definition minimizer n := P n /\ forall i, i < n -> ~ P i.

  Inductive bar n : Prop :=
    | in_bar_0 : P n -> bar n
    | in_bar_1 : ~ P n -> bar (S n) -> bar n.

  Let bar_ex n : bar n -> P n \/ ~ P n.
  Proof. induction 1; auto. Qed.

  Let loop : forall n, bar n -> { k | P k /\ forall i, n <= i < k -> ~ P i }.
    refine (fix loop n Hn { struct Hn } := match HP (exist _ n (bar_ex Hn)) with
      | left H => exist _ n _
      | right H => match loop (S n) _ with
        | exist _ k Hk => exist _ k _
    * split; auto; intros; lia.
    * destruct Hn; [ destruct H | ]; assumption.
    * destruct Hk as (H1 & H2).
      split; trivial; intros i Hi.
      destruct (eq_nat_dec i n).
      - subst; trivial.
      - apply H2; lia.

  Hypothesis Hmin : ex minimizer.

  Let bar_0 : bar 0.
    destruct Hmin as (k & H1 & H2).
    apply in_bar_0 in H1.
    clear HP.
    revert H1.
    apply nat_rev_ind' with (k := k).
    intros i H3.
    apply in_bar_1, H2; trivial.

  Definition minimizer_pred : sig minimizer.
  Proof using Hmin loop.
    destruct (loop bar_0) as (k & H1 & H2).
    exists k; split; auto.
    intros; apply H2; lia.

End minimizer_pred.