From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
  Require Import utils.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Section recursor.

  Variables (F : nat -> Prop)
            (Ffun : forall n m, F n -> F m -> n = m)
            (HF : ex F -> sig F)
            (G : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop)
            (Gfun : forall x y n m, G x y n -> G x y m -> n = m)
            (HG : forall x y, ex (G x y) -> sig (G x y)).

  Fixpoint recursor n x :=
    match n with
      | 0 => F x
      | S n => exists y, recursor n y /\ G n y x

  Fact recursor_fun n x y : recursor n x -> recursor n y -> x = y.
  Proof using Ffun Gfun.
    revert x y; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; simpl; auto.
    intros x y (a & H1 & H2) (b & H3 & H4).
    specialize (IHn _ _ H1 H3); subst b.
    revert H2 H4; apply Gfun.

  Fixpoint recursor_coq n (Hn : ex (recursor n)) : sig (recursor n).
  Proof using Ffun Gfun HF HG.
    destruct n as [ | n ].
    apply HF, Hn.
    refine (match recursor_coq n _ with
        | exist _ xn Hxn => match @HG n xn _ with
          | exist _ xSn HxSn => exist _ xSn _
    * destruct Hn as (_ & y & ? & _); exists y; auto.
    * destruct Hn as (x & y & H1 & H2).
      exists x; revert H2; eqgoal; do 2 f_equal.
      revert H1 Hxn. eapply recursor_fun.
    * exists xn; auto.

End recursor.