From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import DecidabilityFacts EnumerabilityFacts ListEnumerabilityFacts MoreEnumerabilityFacts.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import ListAutomation.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations ListAutomationNotations.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section Properties.

  Variables (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop)
            (Y : Type) (Q : Y -> Prop)
            (Z : Type) (R : Z -> Prop).

  Fact reduces_reflexive : P P.
  Proof. exists (fun x => x); red; tauto. Qed.

  Fact reduces_transitive : P Q -> Q R -> P R.
    unfold reduces, reduction.
    intros (f & Hf) (g & Hg).
    exists (fun x => g (f x)).
    intro; rewrite Hf, Hg; tauto.

  Fact reduces_dependent :
    P Q <-> inhabited (forall x, { y | P x <-> Q y }).
    - intros [f Hf]. constructor. intros x. now exists (f x).
    - intros [f]. exists (fun x => proj1_sig (f x)).
      intros x. exact (proj2_sig (f x)).

End Properties.

Module ReductionChainNotations.

Ltac redchain2Prop_rec xs :=
  lazymatch xs with
  | pair ?x (pair ?y ?xs) =>
    let z := redchain2Prop_rec (pair y xs) in
    constr:(x y /\ z)
  | pair ?x ?y => constr:(x y)

Ltac redchain2Prop xs :=
  let z := redchain2Prop_rec xs
  in exact z.

Declare Scope reduction_chain.
Delimit Scope reduction_chain with redchain_scope.
Notation "x '⪯ₘ' y" := (pair x y) (at level 80, right associativity, only parsing) : reduction_chain.
Notation "'⎩' xs '⎭'" := (ltac:(redchain2Prop (xs % redchain_scope))) (only parsing).

End ReductionChainNotations.

Lemma dec_red X (p : X -> Prop) Y (q : Y -> Prop) :
  p q -> decidable q -> decidable p.
  unfold decidable, decider, reduces, reduction, reflects.
  intros [f] [d]. exists (fun x => d (f x)). intros x. rewrite H. eapply H0.

Lemma red_comp X (p : X -> Prop) Y (q : Y -> Prop) :
  p q -> (fun x => ~ p x) (fun y => ~ q y).
  intros [f]. exists f. intros x. red in H. now rewrite H.

Section enum_red.

  Variables (X Y : Type) (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop).
  Variables (f : X -> Y) (Hf : forall x, p x <-> q (f x)).

  Variables (Lq : _) (qe : list_enumerator Lq q).

  Variables (x0 : X).

  Variables (d : eq_dec Y).

  Local Fixpoint L L' n :=
    match n with
    | 0 => []
    | S n => L L' n ++ [ x | x cumul L' n , In (f x) (cumul Lq n) ]

  Local Lemma enum_red L' :
    list_enumerator__T L' X ->
    list_enumerator (L L') p.
    intros HL'.
    + intros H.
      eapply Hf in H. eapply (cumul_spec qe) in H as [m1]. destruct (cumul_spec__T HL' x) as [m2 ?].
      exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 2.
      in_collect x.
      eapply cum_ge'; eauto; try lia.
      eapply cum_ge'; eauto; try lia.
    + intros [m H]. induction m.
      * inversion H.
      * cbn in H. inv_collect.
        eapply Hf. eauto.

End enum_red.

Lemma enumerable_red X Y (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
  p q -> enumerable__T X -> discrete Y -> enumerable q -> enumerable p.
  intros [f] [] % enum_enumT [] % discrete_iff [L] % enumerable_enum.
  eapply list_enumerable_enumerable.
  eexists. eapply enum_red; eauto.

Theorem not_decidable X Y (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
  p q -> enumerable__T X -> ~ enumerable (complement p) ->
  ~ decidable q /\ ~ decidable (complement q).
  intros. split; intros ?.
  - eapply H1. eapply dec_red in H2; eauto.
    eapply dec_compl in H2. eapply dec_count_enum; eauto.
  - eapply H1. eapply dec_red in H2; eauto.
    eapply dec_count_enum; eauto. now eapply red_comp.

Theorem not_coenumerable X Y (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
  p q -> enumerable__T X -> ~ enumerable (complement p) -> discrete Y ->
  ~ enumerable (complement q).
  intros. intros ?. eapply H1. eapply enumerable_red in H3; eauto.
  now eapply red_comp.