Require Import List Arith Bool Lia.

From Undecidability.PCP Require Import PCP.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
  Require Import pos vec.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
  Require Import wf_finite.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations utils bpcp fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic fo_sat.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Notation ø := vec_nil.


  Variable lc : list (list bool * list bool).
  Notation 𝕋 := (fol_term Σbpcp).
  Notation 𝔽 := (fol_form Σbpcp).

  Notation e := (@in_fot _ (ar_syms Σbpcp) Σbpcp_unit ø).
  Notation "∗" := (@in_fot _ (ar_syms Σbpcp) Σbpcp_undef ø).
  Notation "b ⤚ x" := (@in_fot _ (ar_syms Σbpcp) (Σbpcp_bool b) (x##ø)) (at level 51, right associativity, format "b ⤚ x").

  Notation "¬ x" := (x ) (at level 59).
  Notation "x ⧓ y" := (@fol_atom Σbpcp Σbpcp_hand (x##y##ø)) (at level 58).
  Notation "x ≺ y" := (@fol_atom Σbpcp Σbpcp_ssfx (x##y##ø)) (at level 58).
  Notation "x ≡ y" := (@fol_atom Σbpcp Σbpcp_eq (x##y##ø)) (at level 58).
  Notation "x ≢ y" := (x y ) (at level 58).

  Local Definition lb_app l t := fold_right (fun b x => b x) t l.

  Notation "l ⤜ x" := (lb_app l x) (at level 51, right associativity, format "l ⤜ x").

  Local Fact lb_app_app l m t : (l++m)⤜t = lmt.
  Proof. apply fold_right_app. Qed.

  Local Fact fot_vars_lb_app l t : fo_term_vars (lt) = fo_term_vars t.
    induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; simpl; rew fot; auto.
    simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto.

  Notation lb2term := (fun l => le).

  Local Definition phi_P := ∀∀ £1 £0 £1 £0 .

  Local Definition lt_irrefl := ¬ £0 £0.
  Local Definition lt_trans := ∀∀∀ £2 £1 £1 £0 £2 £0.

  Local Definition phi_lt := lt_irrefl lt_trans.

  Local Definition eq_neq b := b£0 e.
  Local Definition eq_inj b := ∀∀ b£1 b£1 b £0 £1 £0.
  Local Definition eq_real := ∀∀ true£1 false£0 true£1 false£0 .
  Local Definition eq_undef b := b .

  Local Definition phi_eq :=
            eq_neq true eq_neq false
           eq_inj true eq_inj false
           eq_undef true eq_undef false

  Local Definition lt_pair u v x y :=
            (u x v y)
           (v y u x)
           (u x v y).

  Local Definition lt_simul '(s,t) :=
            £1 se
           £0 te
        ∃∃ £1 £0
           £3 s£1
           £2 t£0
           lt_pair (£1) (£0) (£3) (£2).

  Local Definition phi_simul := ∀∀ £1 £0 fol_ldisj (map lt_simul lc).

  Definition Σbpcp_encode := phi_P phi_lt phi_eq phi_simul £0 £0.

  Section soundness.

    Variable (l : list bool) (Hl : lc ll).

    Let n := length l.
    Let X := option { m : list bool | length m < S n }.

    Fact Σbpcp_model_finite : finite_t X.
    Proof. apply finite_t_option, finite_t_list, finite_t_bool. Qed.

    Hint Resolve Σbpcp_model_finite : core.

    Definition Σbpcp_model : fo_model Σbpcp X.
      + intros []; simpl.
        * intros v.
          case_eq (vec_head v).
          - intros (m & Hm) H.
            destruct (le_lt_dec n (length m)) as [ | H1 ].
            ++ right.
            ++ left; exists (b::m); apply lt_n_S, H1.
          - right.
        * left; exists nil; apply lt_0_Sn.
        * right.
      + intros []; simpl; intros v.
        * destruct (vec_head v) as [ (s & _) | ].
          2: exact False.
          destruct (vec_head (vec_tail v)) as [ (t & _) | ].
          2: exact False.
          exact (lc st).
        * destruct (vec_head v) as [ (s & _) | ].
          2: exact False.
          destruct (vec_head (vec_tail v)) as [ (t & _) | ].
          2: exact False.
          exact (s <> t /\ exists u, u++s = t).
        * exact (vec_head v = vec_head (vec_tail v)).

    Lemma Σbpcp_model_dec : fo_model_dec Σbpcp_model.
      intros []; simpl; intros v; vec split v with x; vec split v with y; vec nil v; clear v; simpl;
        revert x y; intros [ (x & Hx) | ] [ (y & Hy) | ]; simpl; try tauto.
      + apply bpcp_hand_dec.
      + destruct (list_eq_dec bool_dec x y);
        destruct (is_a_tail_dec bool_dec y x); tauto.
      + destruct (list_eq_dec bool_dec x y) as [ | C ]; [ left | right ].
        * subst; repeat f_equal; apply lt_pirr.
        * contradict C; inversion C; auto.
      + right; discriminate.
      + right; discriminate.

    Lemma Σbpcp_model_interpreted x y :
           fom_rels Σbpcp_model Σbpcp_eq (x##y##ø) <-> x = y.
    Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

    Hint Resolve Σbpcp_model_dec : core.

    Notation sem_sym := (fom_syms Σbpcp_model).
    Notation sem_pred := (fom_rels Σbpcp_model).

    Notation "⟦ t ⟧" := (fun φ => fo_term_sem Σbpcp_model φ t).
    Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun φ => fol_sem Σbpcp_model φ A).

    Let fot_sem_lb_app lb t φ :
      match t φ with
        | Some (exist _ m Hm) =>
          match le_lt_dec (S n) (length lb + length m) with
            | left _ => lb_app lb t φ = None
            | right _ => exists H, lb_app lb t φ = Some (exist _ (lb++m) H)
        | None => lb_app lb t φ = None
      induction lb as [ | x lb IH ]; simpl lb_app.
      + destruct ( t φ) as [ (m & Hm) | ]; auto.
        simpl plus; solve ite; simpl; exists Hm; auto.
      + destruct ( t φ) as [ (m & Hm) | ]; auto.
        2: { rew fot; unfold vec_map.
             simpl in IH |- *; rewrite IH; auto. }
        simpl plus.
        destruct (le_lt_dec (S n) (length lb + length m)) as [ H1 | H1 ].
        * destruct (le_lt_dec (S n) (S (length lb+length m))) as [ H2 | H2 ].
          2: exfalso; lia.
          rew fot; unfold vec_map.
          simpl in IH |- *; rewrite IH; auto.
        * destruct IH as (H2 & IH).
          destruct (le_lt_dec (S n) (S (length lb+length m))) as [ H3 | H3 ].
          - rew fot; unfold vec_map; simpl in IH |- *; rewrite IH; simpl.
            destruct (le_lt_dec n (length (lb++m))) as [ | C ]; auto.
            exfalso; rewrite app_length in C; lia.
          - assert (length ((x::lb)++m) < S n) as H4.
            { simpl; rewrite app_length; auto. }
            exists H4; rew fot; unfold vec_map.
            simpl in IH |- *; rewrite IH; simpl.
            destruct (le_lt_dec n (length (lb++m))) as [ H5 | H5 ].
            ++ exfalso; rewrite app_length in H5; lia.
            ++ do 2 f_equal; apply lt_pirr.

    Let fot_sem_lb_app_Some lb t φ lt Ht (H : length (lb++lt) < S n) :
           t φ = Some (exist _ lt Ht) -> lbt φ = Some (exist _ (lb++lt) H).
      intros H1.
      generalize (fot_sem_lb_app lb t φ); rew fot; simpl vec_map; rewrite H1.
      rewrite <- app_length; solve ite.
      intros (G & ->); do 2 f_equal; apply lt_pirr.

    Let fot_sem_lb_app_e lb φ (H : length lb < S n) : lbe φ = Some (exist _ lb H).
      revert H.
      rewrite (app_nil_end lb); intros H.
      rewrite <- app_nil_end at 1.
      apply fot_sem_lb_app_Some with (Ht := lt_0_Sn _).
      rew fot; simpl; auto.

    Let sem_fol_dec A φ : { A φ } + { ~ A φ }.
    Proof. apply fol_sem_dec; auto. Qed.

    Let φ0 : nat -> X := fun _ => None.

    Let sem_phi_P : phi_P φ0.
      simpl; intros [ (x & Hx) | ] [ (y & Hy) | ]; simpl;
      rew fot; unfold sem_sym in |- *; simpl; try tauto.
      intros _; split; intros ?; discriminate.

    Let sem_phi_lt : phi_lt φ0.
      simpl; split; rew fot; simpl.
      + intros [ (x & Hx) | ]; simpl; auto.
        intros ( [] & _ ); auto.
      + intros [ (x & Hx) | ] [ (y & Hy) | ] [ (z & Hz) | ]; rew fot; simpl; try tauto.
        intros (H1 & H2) (H3 & H4); split; repeat (rew fot; simpl); auto.
        * intros ->.
          destruct H2 as (a & <-).
          destruct H4 as (b & H4).
          destruct b as [ | u b ].
          - destruct a as [ | v a ].
            ++ destruct H3; auto.
            ++ apply f_equal with (f := @length _) in H4.
               simpl in H4; rewrite app_length in H4; lia.
          - apply f_equal with (f := @length _) in H4.
            simpl in H4; do 2 rewrite app_length in H4; lia.
        * clear H1 H3; revert H2 H4.
          intros (a & <-) (b & <-).
          exists (b++a); rewrite app_ass; auto.

    Let sem_phi_eq : phi_eq φ0.
      msplit 6; rew fot.
      1,2: intros [ (x & Hx) | ]; repeat (rew fot; simpl); try discriminate;
          destruct (le_lt_dec n (length x)) as [ | ]; try discriminate.
      1,2: intros [ (x & Hx) | ] [ (y & Hy) | ]; repeat (rew fot; simpl); auto;
          try destruct (le_lt_dec n (length x)) as [ | ]; try destruct (le_lt_dec n (length y)) as [ | ];
          try discriminate; try tauto;
          inversion 2; subst; repeat f_equal; apply lt_pirr.
      1,2: repeat (rew fot; simpl); auto.
      intros [ (x & Hx) | ] [ (y & Hy) | ]; repeat (rew fot; simpl); auto;
          try destruct (le_lt_dec n (length x)) as [ | ]; try destruct (le_lt_dec n (length y)) as [ | ];
          try discriminate; try tauto.

    Opaque le_lt_dec.

    Let sem_phi_simul : phi_simul φ0.
      intros x y H; rewrite fol_sem_ldisj; revert x y H.
      intros [ (x' & Hx) | ] [ (y' & Hy) | ];
        repeat (rew fot; simpl); try tauto.
      intros H.
      apply pcp_hand_inv in H.
      destruct H as [ H | (x & y & p & q & H1 & H2 & -> & -> & H) ].
      + exists (lt_simul (x',y')); split.
        * apply in_map_iff; exists (x',y'); auto.
        * unfold lt_simul; simpl; left; split.
          - rew fot.
            rewrite fot_sem_lb_app_e with (H := Hx).
            simpl; auto.
          - rew fot.
            rewrite fot_sem_lb_app_e with (H := Hy).
            simpl; auto.
      + exists (lt_simul (x,y)); split.
        * apply in_map_iff; exists (x,y); split; auto.
        * unfold lt_simul; right.
          exists (pe φ0), (qe φ0).
          assert (length p < S n) as H5 by (rewrite app_length in Hx; lia).
          assert (length q < S n) as H6 by (rewrite app_length in Hy; lia).
          rewrite fot_sem_lb_app_e with (H := H5).
          rewrite fot_sem_lb_app_e with (H := H6).
          simpl; msplit 3; simpl; auto.
          - rew fot.
            rewrite fot_sem_lb_app_Some with (lt0 := p) (Ht := H5) (H := Hx).
            ++ simpl; auto.
            ++ rew fot; simpl; auto.
          - rew fot.
            rewrite fot_sem_lb_app_Some with (lt0 := q) (Ht := H6) (H := Hy).
            ++ simpl; auto.
            ++ rew fot; simpl; auto.
          - destruct H as [ (G1 & G2) | [ (G1 & G2) | (G1 & G2) ] ].
            ++ left; split.
               ** split.
                  -- revert G1; apply list_app_head_not_nil.
                  -- exists x; auto.
               ** rew fot; simpl; subst; do 2 f_equal; apply lt_pirr.
            ++ right; left; split.
               ** split.
                  -- revert G2; apply list_app_head_not_nil.
                  -- exists y; auto.
               ** rew fot; simpl; subst; do 2 f_equal; apply lt_pirr.
            ++ do 2 right; split.
               ** split.
                  -- revert G1; apply list_app_head_not_nil.
                  -- exists x; auto.
               ** split.
                  -- revert G2; apply list_app_head_not_nil.
                  -- exists y; auto.

    Let sem_phi_solvable : £0 £0 φ0.
    Proof. exists (Some (exist _ l (lt_n_Sn _))); simpl; auto. Qed.

    Theorem Sig_bpcp_encode_sound : @fo_form_fin_dec_eq_SAT Σbpcp Σbpcp_eq eq_refl Σbpcp_encode.
      exists X, Σbpcp_model, Σbpcp_model_finite, Σbpcp_model_dec,
             Σbpcp_model_interpreted, φ0; split; auto.
      unfold Σbpcp_encode; repeat (split; auto).

  End soundness.

  Section completeness.

    Variable (X : Type) (M : fo_model Σbpcp X)
             (HM : finite X)
             (He : forall x y, fom_rels M Σbpcp_eq (x##y##ø) <-> x = y)

    Notation sem_sym := (fom_syms M).
    Notation sem_pred := (fom_rels M).

    Notation "⟦ t ⟧" := (fun φ => fo_term_sem M φ t).
    Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun φ => fol_sem M φ A).

    Let fot_sem_lb_app l t φ : lt φ = l£0 (⟦t⟧φ)·φ.
      revert φ; induction l as [ | b l IHl ]; intros phi; simpl.
      + rew fot; auto.
      + rew fot; f_equal; simpl; f_equal; auto.

    Variable (φ : nat -> X) (model : Σbpcp_encode φ).

    Notation ε := (@sem_sym Σbpcp_unit ø).
    Notation "⋇" := (@sem_sym Σbpcp_undef ø).

    Let f b x := (@sem_sym (Σbpcp_bool b) (x##ø)).
    Let P x y := @sem_pred Σbpcp_hand (x##y##ø).
    Notation "x ⪡ y" := (@sem_pred Σbpcp_ssfx (x##y##ø)) (at level 70).
    Notation "x ≅ y" := (@sem_pred Σbpcp_eq (x##y##ø)) (at level 70).

    Let lt_pair u v x y := ( u x /\ v y
                           \/ v y /\ u x
                           \/ u x /\ v y ).

    Let HP x y : P x y -> x <> /\ y <> .
    Proof. do 2 rewrite <- He; apply model. Qed.

    Let Hfb_1 b x : f b x <> ε.
    Proof. rewrite <- He; destruct b; apply model. Qed.

    Let Hfb_2 b x y : f b x <> -> f b x = f b y -> x = y.
    Proof. do 3 rewrite <- He; destruct b; revert x y; apply model. Qed.

    Let Hfb_3 x y : f true x = f false y -> f true x = /\ f false y = .
    Proof. do 3 rewrite <- He; apply model. Qed.

    Let Hfb_4 b : f b = .
      rewrite <- He.
      destruct model as (_ & _ & H & _).
      destruct H as (_ & _ & _ & _ & H1 & H2 & _ ).
      destruct b; auto.

    Let Hlt_irrefl x : ~ x x.
    Proof. apply model. Qed.

    Let Hlt_trans x y z : x y -> y z -> x z.
    Proof. apply model. Qed.

    Let sb_app l x := l£0 x·φ.

    Let Hsimul x y :
          P x y
       -> exists s t, In (s,t) lc
                  /\ ( x = sb_app s ε /\ y = sb_app t ε
                   \/ exists u v, P u v
                                /\ x = sb_app s u
                                /\ y = sb_app t v
                                /\ lt_pair u v x y
      intros H.
      destruct model as (_ & _ & _ & Hmodel & _).
      unfold phi_simul in Hmodel; simpl in Hmodel.
      apply Hmodel in H.
      apply fol_sem_ldisj in H.
      destruct H as (c & Hc & H).
      rewrite in_map_iff in Hc.
      destruct Hc as ((s,t) & <- & Hst).
      exists s, t; split; auto.
      unfold sb_app; simpl; rew fot.
      destruct H as [ (H1 & H2) | (u & v & H1 & H2 & H3 & H4) ].
      + apply He in H1; apply He in H2; simpl in H1, H2.
        left; split.
        * rewrite H1; do 2 rewrite fot_sem_lb_app; simpl.
          apply fo_term_sem_ext.
          rewrite fot_vars_lb_app; simpl.
          intros ? [ <- | [] ]; auto.
        * rewrite H2; do 2 rewrite fot_sem_lb_app; simpl.
          apply fo_term_sem_ext.
          rewrite fot_vars_lb_app; simpl.
          intros ? [ <- | [] ]; auto.
      + apply He in H2; apply He in H3; simpl in H2, H3.
        right; exists u, v; msplit 3.
        * apply H1.
        * rewrite H2; do 2 rewrite fot_sem_lb_app; simpl.
          apply fo_term_sem_ext.
          rewrite fot_vars_lb_app; simpl.
          intros ? [ <- | [] ]; auto.
        * rewrite H3; do 2 rewrite fot_sem_lb_app; simpl.
          apply fo_term_sem_ext.
          rewrite fot_vars_lb_app; simpl.
          intros ? [ <- | [] ]; auto.
        * apply H4.

    Let P_refl : exists x, P x x.
    Proof. apply model. Qed.

    Let sb_app_fb b l x : sb_app (b::l) x = f b (sb_app l x).
    Proof. auto. Qed.

    Let sb_app_nil x : sb_app nil x = x.
    Proof. auto. Qed.

    Let sb_app_inj l m : sb_app l ε <> -> sb_app l ε = sb_app m ε -> l = m.
      revert m; induction l as [ | [] l IH ]; intros [ | [] m ] H E; auto.
      + rewrite sb_app_fb, sb_app_nil in E.
        apply eq_sym, Hfb_1 in E; tauto.
      + rewrite sb_app_fb, sb_app_nil in E.
        apply eq_sym, Hfb_1 in E; tauto.
      + rewrite sb_app_fb, sb_app_nil in E.
        apply Hfb_1 in E; tauto.
      + do 2 rewrite sb_app_fb in E.
        apply Hfb_2 in E.
        * f_equal; apply IH; auto.
          contradict H.
          rewrite sb_app_fb, H, Hfb_4; auto.
        * intros C; apply H.
          rewrite sb_app_fb; auto.
      + do 2 rewrite sb_app_fb in E.
        apply Hfb_3 in E.
        destruct H.
        rewrite sb_app_fb; tauto.
      + rewrite sb_app_fb, sb_app_nil in E.
        apply Hfb_1 in E; tauto.
      + do 2 rewrite sb_app_fb in E.
        apply eq_sym, Hfb_3 in E; tauto.
      + do 2 rewrite sb_app_fb in E.
        apply Hfb_2 in E.
        * f_equal; apply IH; auto.
          contradict H.
          rewrite sb_app_fb, H, Hfb_4; auto.
        * intros C; apply H.
          rewrite sb_app_fb; auto.

    Let sb_app_congr l m x y z : x = sb_app l y -> y = sb_app m z -> x = sb_app (l++m) z.
      intros H1 H2.
      unfold sb_app.
      rewrite lb_app_app, fot_sem_lb_app.
      subst; simpl.
      apply fo_term_sem_ext.
      intros n; rewrite fot_vars_lb_app; simpl.
      intros [ <- | [] ]; simpl; auto.

    Ltac mysolve :=
      match goal with
        | H1 : ?x ?y, H2 : ?y ?z |- ?x ?z => revert H2; apply Hlt_trans
        | H1 : ?x = ?y, H2 : ?y ?z |- ?x ?z => rewrite H1; apply H2
        | H1 : ?x ?y, H2 : ?y = ?z |- ?x ?z => rewrite <- H2; apply H1
        | H1 : ?x = ?y, H2 : ?y = ?z |- ?x = ?z => rewrite H1; apply H2
      end; auto.

    Let Hlt_wf : well_founded (fun p q => match p, q with (u,v), (x,y) => lt_pair u v x y end).
      apply wf_strict_order_finite; auto.
      + apply finite_prod; auto.
      + intros (x,y) [ (H1 & H2) | [ (H1 & H2) | (H1 & H2) ] ].
        all: revert H1; apply Hlt_irrefl.
      + intros (x1,x2) (y1,y2) (z1,z2); unfold lt_pair; simpl; rewrite !He.
        intros [ (H1 & H2) | [ (H1 & H2) | (H1 & H2) ] ]
               [ (G1 & G2) | [ (G1 & G2) | (G1 & G2) ] ].
        1: left; split; mysolve.
        4: right; left; split; mysolve.
        all: right; right; split; mysolve.

    Let P_implies_pcp_hand (c : X*X) :
         let (x,y) := c
         in P x y
           -> exists s t, x = sb_app s ε
                       /\ y = sb_app t ε
                       /\ lc st.
      induction c as [ (x,y) IH ] using (well_founded_induction Hlt_wf).
      intros Hxy.
      apply Hsimul in Hxy.
      destruct Hxy as (s & t & Hst & [ (H1 & H2) | H ]).
      + exists s, t; msplit 2; auto; constructor 1; auto.
      + destruct H as (u & v & H1 & H2 & H3 & H4).
        destruct (IH (u,v)) with (2 := H1)
          as (s' & t' & G1 & G2 & G3); auto.
        exists (s++s'), (t++t'); msplit 2.
        * apply sb_app_congr with (1 := H2); auto.
        * apply sb_app_congr with (1 := H3); auto.
        * constructor 2; auto.

    Local Theorem completeness : exists s, lc ss.
      destruct P_refl as (x & Hx).
      destruct (P_implies_pcp_hand (x,x)) with (1 := Hx)
        as (s & t & H1 & H2 & H3).
      apply HP in Hx.
      replace t with s in H3.
      + exists s; auto.
      + apply sb_app_inj; auto.
        * intros H; destruct Hx as [ [] _ ]; subst; auto.
        * rewrite <- H1; auto.

  End completeness.

  Hint Resolve finite_t_finite : core.

  Theorem Sig_bpcp_encode_complete :
             @fo_form_fin_dec_eq_SAT Σbpcp Σbpcp_eq eq_refl Σbpcp_encode
          -> exists l, lc ll.
    intros (X & M & fM & dM & He & phi & Hphi).
    apply completeness with (M := M) (φ := phi); auto.