Require Import List Arith Lia.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
  Require Import pos vec.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations utils fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Reserved Notation "⟪ A ⟫'" (at level 1, format "⟪ A ⟫'").

Local Notation ø := vec_nil.

Section Uniform_arities_to_one.

  Variable (Σ : fo_signature)
           ( : syms Σ -> False)
           (a : nat) (Ha : forall r, ar_rels Σ r = a).

  Definition Σone_rel : fo_signature.
    exists (rels Σ) unit.
    + exact (fun _ => 0).
    + exact (fun _ => S a).

  Notation Σ' := Σone_rel.

  Notation 𝕋 := (fol_term Σ).
  Notation 𝔽 := (fol_form Σ).

  Notation 𝕋' := (fol_term Σ').
  Notation 𝔽' := (fol_form Σ').

  Let convert_t (t : 𝕋) : 𝕋' :=
    match t with
    | in_var s => in_var s
    | in_fot s _ => False_rect _ ( s)

  Let convert_v n (v : vec _ n) := vec_map convert_t v.

  Fixpoint Σunif_one_rel (A : 𝔽) : 𝔽' :=
    match A with
    | =>
    | fol_atom r v => @fol_atom Σ' tt (in_fot r ø##cast (convert_v v) (Ha _))
    | fol_bin b A B => fol_bin b (Σunif_one_rel A) (Σunif_one_rel B)
    | fol_quant q A => fol_quant q (Σunif_one_rel A)

  Notation encode := Σunif_one_rel.

  Variable X : Type.

  Section soundness.

    Variable (M : fo_model Σ X) (x0 : X).

    Notation X' := (X + rels Σ)%type.

    Let fX (x : X') : X :=
      match x with
        | inl x => x
        | inr _ => x0

    Let vX n (v : vec _ n) := vec_map fX v.

    Definition Σunif_one_rel_model : fo_model Σ' X'.
      + exact (fun r _ => inr r).
      + exact (fun r v =>
          match vec_head v with
            | inl _ => False
            | inr r => fom_rels M r (cast (vX (vec_tail v)) (eq_sym (Ha _)))

    Notation M' := Σunif_one_rel_model.

    Let convert_env (φ : nat -> X) n : X' := inl (φ n).
    Let env_fill (ψ : nat -> X') n : X' := inl (fX (ψ n)).

    Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun φ => fol_sem M φ A).
    Notation "⟪ A ⟫'" := (fun ψ => fol_sem M' ψ A).

    Let env_fill_sat_help A ψ x :
          encode A⟫' (env_fill x·(env_fill ψ))
      <-> encode A⟫' (env_fill x·ψ).
    Proof. apply fol_sem_ext; intros [] _; auto. Qed.

    Let env_fill_sat A ψ : encode A⟫' (env_fill ψ) <-> encode A⟫' ψ.
      induction A as [ | r v | b A HA B HB | q A HA ] in ψ |- *; try tauto.
      - simpl; rewrite <- (Ha r), !cast_refl.
        unfold vX, convert_v; rewrite !vec_map_map.
        apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros p; rew vec.
        generalize (vec_pos v p).
        intros []; simpl; auto; exfalso; auto.
      - apply fol_bin_sem_ext; auto.
      - simpl; apply fol_quant_sem_ext; intro; auto.
        rewrite <- HA, env_fill_sat_help, HA; tauto.

    Lemma Σunif_one_rel_sound A φ : A φ <-> encode A⟫' (convert_env φ).
      induction A as [ | r v | b A HA B HB | [] A HA ] in φ |- *;
        try tauto.
      - cbn; rewrite <- (Ha r), !cast_refl.
        unfold convert_v; rewrite !vec_map_map.
        apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros p; rew vec.
        generalize (vec_pos v p).
        intros [ n | s w ]; simpl; auto; exfalso; auto.
      - apply fol_bin_sem_ext; auto.
      - simpl; split.
        * intros (x & Hx); exists (inl x).
          revert Hx; rewrite HA; apply fol_sem_ext.
          intros []; simpl; auto.
        * intros ( [x | r] & H).
          + exists x.
            revert H; rewrite HA; apply fol_sem_ext.
            intros []; simpl; auto.
          + exists x0.
            apply HA; revert H.
            rewrite <- env_fill_sat.
            apply fol_sem_ext.
            intros []; simpl; auto.
      - simpl; split.
        * intros H [ x | r ].
          + generalize (H x); rewrite HA.
            apply fol_sem_ext.
            intros []; simpl; auto.
          + generalize (H x0).
            rewrite <- env_fill_sat, HA; apply fol_sem_ext.
            intros []; simpl; auto.
        * intros H x.
          generalize (H (inl x)).
          rewrite HA; apply fol_sem_ext.
          intros []; simpl; auto.

  End soundness.

  Section completeness.

    Variable (M' : fo_model Σ' X).

    Definition Σone_unif_rel_model : fo_model Σ X.
      + intros ? _; exfalso; auto.
      + exact (fun r v => fom_rels M' tt (fom_syms M' r ø##cast v (Ha _))).

    Notation M := Σone_unif_rel_model.

    Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun φ => fol_sem M φ A).
    Notation "⟪ A ⟫'" := (fun ψ => fol_sem M' ψ A).

    Lemma Σunif_one_rel_complete A φ : A φ <-> encode A⟫' φ.
      induction A as [ | r v | | ] in φ |- *; cbn; try tauto.
      + apply fol_equiv_ext; do 2 f_equal.
        revert v; generalize (Ha r); rewrite Ha; intros E v.
        rewrite eq_nat_uniq with (H := E).
        unfold convert_v; rewrite !cast_refl, vec_map_map.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intro; rew vec.
        generalize (vec_pos v p); intros []; simpl; auto; exfalso; auto.
      + apply fol_bin_sem_ext; auto.
      + apply fol_quant_sem_ext; intro; auto.

  End completeness.

End Uniform_arities_to_one.