Computational Back-and-Forth Arguments

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Open Scope type.

Require Import Lia List.

Notation "x 'el' L" := (In x L) (at level 70).
Notation "x 'nel' L" := (~ In x L) (at level 70).
Notation "L '<<=' L'" := (incl L L') (at level 70).

Notation pi1 := proj1_sig.
Notation pi2 := proj2_sig.

Preliminary Definitions

(* Retracts of nat *)

Class retract X Y :=
    I : X -> Y;
    R : Y -> X;
    HIR : forall x, R (I x) = x;

Definition discrete X :=
  forall (x y : X), { x = y } + { x <> y }.

Existing Class discrete.

Local Instance retract_discrete X Y :
  retract X Y -> discrete Y -> discrete X.
  intros r d x x'. destruct (d (I x) (I x')) as [H|H].
  - left. enough (Some x = Some x') by congruence. rewrite <- (HIR x), <- (HIR x'). now rewrite H.
  - right. intros Hx. apply H. now rewrite Hx.

Local Instance countable_discrete X :
  retract X nat -> discrete X.
  intros r. eapply retract_discrete; try apply r. intros n n'. decide equality.

Lemma discrete_indec X (x : X) (L : list X) :
  discrete X -> { x el L } + { x nel L }.
  intros H. induction L; cbn.
  - now right.
  - destruct (H a x) as [H1|H1]; auto.
    destruct (IHL) as [H2|H2]; auto.
    right. tauto.

(* Finite functions implemented as lists *)

Definition table X Y := list (X * Y).

Notation dom f :=
  (map fst f).

Notation ran f :=
  (map snd f).

Lemma dom_el X Y (f : table X Y) a b :
  (a, b) el f -> a el dom f.
  intros H. apply in_map_iff. now exists (a, b).

Lemma ran_el X Y (f : table X Y) a b :
  (a, b) el f -> b el ran f.
  intros H. apply in_map_iff. now exists (a, b).

Local Hint Resolve dom_el ran_el : core.

Fixpoint im X Y {X_dec : discrete X} (f : table X Y) a : option Y :=
  match f with
  | nil => None
  | (c, d)::f => if X_dec a c then Some d else im f a

Lemma im_some X Y {X_dec : discrete X} (f : table X Y) a b :
  im f a = Some b -> (a, b) el f.
  induction f as [|[c d] f IH]; cbn; try congruence.
  destruct X_dec as [H|H]; subst.
  - intros [=]; subst. now left.
  - intros H'. right. now apply IH.

Lemma im_none X Y {X_dec : discrete X} (f : table X Y) a :
  im f a = None -> a nel dom f.
  induction f as [|[c d] f IH]; cbn; try congruence.
  destruct X_dec as [H|H]; subst.
  - congruence.
  - firstorder.

Notation flip f :=
    (map (fun p => (snd p, fst p)) f).

Lemma flip_el X Y (f : table X Y) x y :
  (x, y) el f <-> (y, x) el flip f.
  induction f as [|[x' y']]; cbn; try tauto. split.
  - rewrite IHf. intuition. left. congruence.
  - rewrite IHf. intuition. left. congruence.

Lemma double_flip X Y (f : table X Y) :
  flip (flip f) = f.
  induction f; cbn; intuition; cbn; congruence.

Abstract Back-and-Forth Argument

Section Abstract.

  (* Assumptions regarding the invertable abstract structure A *)
  Variable structure : Type -> Type -> Type.
  Variable srev : forall {X Y}, structure X Y -> structure Y X.
  Hypothesis srev_invol : forall {X Y} {S : structure X Y}, srev (srev S) = S.

  (* Assumptions regarding the abstract isomorphism property ~ *)
  Variable iso : forall {X Y}, structure X Y -> X -> X -> Y -> Y -> Prop.
  Hypothesis iso_eq : forall {X Y} {S : structure X Y} x x' y y', iso S x x' y y' -> (x = x' <-> y = y').
  Hypothesis iso_rev : forall {X Y} {S : structure X Y} x x' y y', iso S x x' y y' -> iso (srev S) y y' x x'.

  Definition tiso X Y (S : structure X Y) (f : table X Y) :=
    forall x x' y y', (x, y) el f -> (x', y') el f -> iso S x x' y y'.

  (* Assumptions regarding the one-step extension function mu *)
  Variable find : forall {X Y}, structure X Y -> X -> table X Y -> Y.
  Hypothesis find_iso : forall {X Y} {S : structure X Y} f x, x nel dom f -> tiso S f -> tiso S ((x, find S x f) :: f).

  (* Definition of the refined extension function mu' *)

  Definition step X Y {RX : retract X nat} (S : structure X Y) x (f : table X Y) : table X Y :=
    (x, match im f x with Some b => b | None => find S x f end) :: f.

  Lemma incl_tiso X Y (S : structure X Y) (f f' : table X Y) :
    tiso S f -> f' <<= f -> tiso S f'.
    unfold tiso. intuition.

  Lemma step_tiso X Y {RX : retract X nat} (S : structure X Y) (f : table X Y) n :
    tiso S f -> tiso S (step S n f).
    intros H. unfold step.
    destruct im as [y|] eqn : Hy.
    - eapply incl_tiso; try apply H. apply im_some in Hy. intuition.
    - apply im_none in Hy. now apply find_iso.

  Lemma flip_tiso X Y (S : structure X Y) f :
    tiso S f -> tiso (srev S) (flip f).
    intros Hf x x' y y' H1 H2. apply iso_rev.
    apply Hf; try now apply flip_el.

  (* Fix countable X and Y related by a structure SXY *)

  Variable X Y : Type.
  Variable SXY : structure X Y.

  Variable RX : retract X nat.
  Variable RY : retract Y nat.

  (* Construction and verification of stages L_n *)

  Fixpoint L (n : nat) : table X Y :=
    match n with
    | 0 => nil
    | S n => flip (step (srev SXY) (R n) (flip (step SXY (R n) (L n))))

  Lemma L_tiso n :
    tiso SXY (L n).
    induction n.
    - intros x x' y y' [].
    - rewrite <- srev_invol at 1. unfold L; fold L.
      eapply flip_tiso, step_tiso, flip_tiso, step_tiso, IHn.

  (* Construction and verification of isomorphism F(orth) *)

  Lemma L_tot x :
    { y | (x, y) el L (S (I x)) }.
    eexists. right. left. rewrite HIR. reflexivity.

  Lemma L_sur y :
    { x | (x, y) el L (S (I y)) }.
    eexists; cbn; rewrite HIR. now left.

  Definition Forth x :=
    pi1 (L_tot x).

  Definition Back y :=
    pi1 (L_sur y).

  Lemma L_cum n k :
    n <= k -> L n <<= L k.
    induction 1.
    - intuition.
    - cbn. rewrite double_flip; intuition.

  Lemma L_iso n x y n' x' y' :
    (x, y) el L n -> (x', y') el L n' -> iso SXY x x' y y' /\ iso SXY x' x y' y.
    intros H1 H2. split; apply (@L_tiso (n + n')).
    all: eapply L_cum; try eassumption; lia.

  Lemma forth_iso x x' :
    iso SXY x x' (Forth x) (Forth x').
    unfold Forth.
    destruct (L_tot x) as [y H1], (L_tot x') as [y' H2]; cbn.
    eapply L_iso; eassumption.

  Lemma back_forth x :
    Back (Forth x) = x.
    unfold Forth, Back.
    destruct L_tot as [y H1], L_sur as [x' H2]; cbn -[L] in *.
    apply (@iso_eq _ _ SXY x' x y y); trivial.
    eapply L_iso; eassumption.

  Lemma forth_back y :
    Forth (Back y) = y.
    unfold Forth, Back.
    destruct L_sur as [x H1], L_tot as [y' H2]; cbn -[L] in *.
    apply (@iso_eq _ _ SXY x x y' y); trivial.
    eapply L_iso; eassumption.

  Definition inverse (F : X -> Y) (G : Y -> X) :=
    (forall x, G (F x) = x) /\ (forall y, F (G y) = y).

  Theorem back_and_forth :
    { F & { G | inverse F G /\ forall x x', iso SXY x x' (F x) (F x') } }.
    exists Forth, Back.
    split; try apply forth_iso.
    split; try apply back_forth.
    apply forth_back.

End Abstract.

Cantor's Isomorphism Theorem

(* Definition of unbounded dense linear orders *)

Class dulo X :=
    point : X;
    rel : X -> X -> Prop;
    rel_irref : forall x, ~ rel x x;
    rel_trans : forall x y z, rel x y -> rel y z -> rel x z;
    rel_trich : forall x y, { rel x y } + { x = y } + { rel y x };
    rel_up : forall x, { y | rel x y };
    rel_down : forall x, { y | rel y x };
    rel_dense : forall x y, rel x y -> { z | rel x z /\ rel z y };

Arguments rel {_ _} _ _, {_} _ _ _.

Lemma rel_asym X (OX : dulo X) :
  forall x y, rel OX x y -> ~ rel OX y x.
  intros x y H1 H2. apply (@rel_irref X OX x).
  eapply rel_trans; eauto.

(* Note that in contrast to the paper we assume an informative proof rel_trich for trichotomy,
   sparing the additional assumption of a decider for the relation rel and equality eq *)

Lemma rel_dec X (OX : dulo X) :
  forall x y, { rel OX x y } + { ~ rel OX x y }.
  intros x y. destruct (rel_trich x y) as [[H|H]|H].
  - left. apply H.
  - right. rewrite H. apply rel_irref.
  - right. intros H'. eapply rel_asym; eauto.

Lemma dulo_disc X (OX : dulo X) :
  discrete X.
  intros x y. destruct (rel_trich x y) as [[H|H]|H].
  - right. intros ->. now apply rel_irref in H.
  - now left.
  - right. intros ->. now apply rel_irref in H.

(* This section establishes the extension function for Cantor (Definition 4 and Lemma 5) *)

Section CantorStep.

  Variables A B : Type.

  Context (OA : dulo A) (OB : dulo B).

  Notation "a <A a'" := (rel OA a a') (at level 70).
  Notation "b <B b'" := (rel OB b b') (at level 70).

  Hint Resolve rel_trans : core.

  Definition morph' f :=
    forall a c b d, (a, b) el f -> (c, d) el f -> a <A c <-> b <B d.

  Definition matches f a b :=
    forall c d, (c, d) el f -> a <A c <-> b <B d.

  Lemma matches_down f a b c d :
    a nel dom f -> b nel ran f -> matches f a b -> (c, d) el f -> c <A a <-> d <B b.
    intros Ha Hb Hf H1. split; intros H2.
    - destruct (rel_trich d b) as [[H|<-]|H]; trivial.
      + contradict Hb. apply (ran_el H1).
      + apply (Hf c) in H; trivial. contradiction (rel_asym H H2).
    - destruct (rel_trich c a) as [[H|<-]|H]; trivial.
      + contradict Ha. apply (dom_el H1).
      + apply (Hf c d) in H; trivial. contradiction (rel_asym H H2).

  Definition min_im f a :
    { min | (exists a', (a', min) el f /\ a <A a') /\ forall c d, (c, d) el f -> d <B min -> ~ a <A c }
    + { forall c d, (c, d) el f -> ~ a <A c }.
    induction f as [|[u v] f IH].
    - right. intros c d [].
    - destruct IH as [[min[H1 H2]]|H], (rel_dec OA a u) as [Ha|Ha].
      + destruct (rel_dec OB v min) as [Hv|Hv].
        * left. exists v. split; try firstorder 0.
          intros c d [[=]|H'] Hd; subst; eauto.
          now apply rel_irref in Hd.
        * left. firstorder congruence.
      + left. exists min. firstorder congruence.
      + left. exists v. split; try firstorder 0.
        intros c d [[=]|H']; subst; eauto.
        intros [] % rel_irref.
      + right. firstorder congruence.

  Definition max_im f a :
    { max | (exists a', (a', max) el f /\ a' <A a) /\ forall c d, (c, d) el f -> max <B d -> ~ c <A a }
    + { forall c d, (c, d) el f -> ~ c <A a }.
    induction f as [|[u v] f IH].
    - right. intros c d [].
    - destruct IH as [[max[H1 H2]]|H], (rel_dec OA u a) as [Ha|Ha].
      + destruct (rel_dec OB max v) as [Hv|Hv].
        * left. exists v. split; try firstorder 0.
          intros c d [[=]|H'] Hd; subst; eauto.
          now apply rel_irref in Hd.
        * left. firstorder congruence.
      + left. exists max. firstorder congruence.
      + left. exists v. split; try firstorder 0.
        intros c d [[=]|H']; subst; eauto.
        intros [] % rel_irref.
      + right. firstorder congruence.

  (* Definition and verification of mu_C *)

  Definition partner a f :=
    match min_im f a, max_im f a with
    | inleft (exist _ min H1), inleft (exist _ max H2)
      => match rel_dec OB max min with left h => pi1 (@rel_dense _ OB max min h) | _ => @point _ OB end
    | inleft (exist _ min _), _ => pi1 (@rel_down _ OB min)
    | _, inleft (exist _ max _) => pi1 (@rel_up _ OB max)
    | _, _ => @point _ OB

  Lemma partner_ran f a :
    a nel dom f -> morph' f -> partner a f nel ran f.
    intros Ha Hf. unfold partner; destruct min_im as [[min H1]|H1], max_im as [[max H2]|H2].
    try destruct rel_dec as [H|H]. all: intros [[c d][Heq H']] % in_map_iff; cbn in *; subst.
    - destruct rel_dense as [x[H3 H4]]; cbn in *.
      destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[|<-]|]; intuition eauto.
    - destruct H1 as [[a1 Ha1]H1], H2 as [[a2 Ha2]H2].
      apply H. apply (Hf a2 a1 max); try tauto. apply rel_trans with a; tauto.
    - destruct rel_down as [x Hx]; cbn in *.
      destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[|<-]|]; intuition eauto.
    - edestruct rel_up as [x Hx]; cbn in *.
      destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[|<-]|]; intuition eauto.
    - apply Ha. apply dom_el with (@point _ OB).
      destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[|<-]|]; trivial; exfalso; intuition eauto.

  Lemma partner_matches f a :
    a nel dom f -> morph' f -> matches f a (partner a f).
    intros Ha Hf c d Hc. unfold partner.
    destruct min_im as [[min[[u Hu]H1]]|H1], max_im as [[max[[v Hv]H2]]|H2].
    - assert (Hm : max <B min). { eapply Hf; intuition eauto. }
      destruct rel_dec as [H|H]; try tauto. destruct rel_dense as [x[H3 H4]]; cbn. clear H. split; intros H.
      + destruct (rel_trich x d) as [[|<-]|]; trivial; exfalso; intuition eauto.
      + destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[|<-]|]; trivial; exfalso; intuition eauto.
    - destruct rel_down as [x Hx]; cbn in *. split; intros H.
      + destruct (rel_trich x d) as [[|<-]|]; trivial; exfalso; intuition eauto.
      + destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[|<-]|]; trivial; exfalso; intuition eauto.
    - destruct rel_up as [x Hx]; cbn in *. split; intros H.
      + destruct (rel_trich x d) as [[|<-]|]; trivial; exfalso; intuition eauto.
      + destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[|<-]|]; trivial; exfalso; intuition eauto.
    - assert (a = c) as <-.
      + destruct (rel_trich a c) as [[]|]; firstorder.
      + exfalso. intuition eauto.

  Lemma step_morph' f x :
    x nel dom f -> morph' f -> morph' ((x, partner x f) :: f).
    intros Hx Hf a b c d [[=]|H] [[=]|H']; subst.
    - split; now intros H % rel_irref.
    - apply partner_matches; trivial.
    - apply matches_down with f; trivial.
      + eapply partner_ran; trivial.
      + apply partner_matches; trivial.
    - now apply Hf.

  Definition morph f :=
    forall a c b d, (a, b) el f -> (c, d) el f -> ((a = c) <-> (b = d)) /\ (a <A c <-> b <B d).

  Lemma morph_morph' f :
    morph f -> morph' f.
    intros Hf. intros x y u v H1 H2. now apply Hf.

  Lemma step_morph f x :
    x nel dom f -> morph f -> morph ((x, partner x f) :: f).
    intros Hx Hf a b c d [[=]|H] [[=]|H']; subst.
    - split; try tauto. split; now intros H % rel_irref.
    - split.
      + split; intros Heq; subst; try now apply dom_el in H'.
        apply ran_el in H'. apply partner_ran in H'; try tauto.
        now apply morph_morph'.
      + apply partner_matches; trivial. now apply morph_morph'.
    - split.
      + split; intros Heq; subst; try now apply dom_el in H.
        apply ran_el in H. apply partner_ran in H; try tauto.
        now apply morph_morph'.
      + apply matches_down with f; trivial.
        * eapply partner_ran; trivial. now apply morph_morph'.
        * apply partner_matches; trivial. now apply morph_morph'.
    - now apply Hf.

End CantorStep.

(* Instantiation to Cantor's isomorphism theorem *)

Notation "x < y" := (rel x y).

Theorem Cantor X Y (OX : dulo X) (OY : dulo Y) (RX : retract X nat) (RY : retract Y nat) :
  { F : X -> Y & { G | inverse F G /\ forall x x', x < x' <-> (F x) < (F x') } }.
  unshelve edestruct back_and_forth as [F[G[H1 H2]]].
  - intros A B. exact (dulo A * dulo B). (* structure *)
  - intros A B [OA OB]. exact (OB, OA). (* srev *)
  - intros A B [OA OB] a a' b b'. exact ((a = a' <-> b = b') /\ (a < a' <-> b < b')). (* iso *)
  - cbn. intros A B [OA OB] f a. exact (partner OA OB f a). (* find *)
  - exact X.
  - exact Y.
  - exact (OX, OY).
  - intros A B [OA OB]. reflexivity. (* srev_invol *)
  - cbn. tauto. (* iso_eq *)
  - cbn. tauto. (* iso_rev *)
  - cbn. intros A B [OA OB] f x. unfold step, tiso. now apply step_morph. (* find_iso *)
  - exact RX.
  - exact RY.
  - cbn in *. exists F, G. split; try apply H1. apply H2.

Print Assumptions Cantor. (* Closed under the global context *)

Myhills's Isomorphism Theorem

(* Import of the Equations package to support definition by well-founded recursion *)

From Equations Require Import Equations.
Unset Equations With Funext.

(* Definition of one-one interreducible predicates *)

Definition inj X Y (f : X -> Y) :=
  forall x x', f x = f x' -> x = x'.

Definition reduction X Y (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) f :=
  forall x, p x <-> q (f x).

Class bireduction X Y :=
    eX : discrete X;
    eY : discrete Y;
    p : X -> Prop;
    q : Y -> Prop;
    f : X -> Y;
    g : Y -> X;
    f_inj : inj f;
    g_inj : inj g;
    f_red : reduction p q f;
    g_red : reduction q p g;

(* This section establishes the extension function for Myhill (Definition 8 and Lemma 9),
   adapted from *)

Section MyhillStep.

  Variables (X Y : Type).

  Variable p : X -> Prop.
  Variable q : Y -> Prop.

  Variable f : X -> Y.
  Hypothesis inj_f : inj f.
  Hypothesis f_red : reduction p q f.

  Variable eX : discrete X.
  Variable eY : discrete Y.

  Lemma ran_compute (y : Y) (L : table X Y) :
    y el ran L -> {x : X | (x, y) el L}.
    induction L as [ | [x y'] L IH] in y |- *.
    - inversion 1.
    - cbn. destruct (eY y' y) as [-> | He].
      + exists x. eauto.
      + intros H. destruct (IH y) as (x' & IHx').
        firstorder. exists x'. eauto.

  Lemma discrete_prod :
    discrete (X * Y).
    intros [x y] [x' y']. destruct (eX x x'), (eY y y'); subst; try now left. all: right; congruence.

  (* Definition and verification of mu_C *)

  Equations gamma (x : X) (C : table X Y) : X by wf (length C) lt :=
    gamma x C with discrete_indec (f x) (ran C) eY => {
      | left H with ran_compute H => {
          | exist _ x' H' := gamma x' (remove discrete_prod (x', f x) C)
      | right _ := x
  Next Obligation.
    abstract (apply remove_length_lt; eauto).

  Definition mstep x C :=
    f (gamma x C).

  Arguments remove {_ _} _ _.

  Definition correspondence (C : table X Y) :=
    forall x x' y y', (x, y) el C -> (x', y') el C -> (x = x' <-> y = y') /\ (p x <-> q y).

  Lemma correspondence_remove C x y :
    correspondence C -> correspondence (@remove _ discrete_prod (x, y) C).
    intros HC. split. 1: split.
    - intros <-. eapply HC; try reflexivity; eapply in_remove; eauto.
    - intros <-. eapply HC; try reflexivity; eapply in_remove; eauto.
    - eapply HC; eapply in_remove; eauto.

  Lemma gamma_spec (C : table X Y) x :
    x nel dom C -> correspondence C -> (p x <-> p (gamma x C)) /\ (gamma x C) el (x :: dom C) /\ (mstep x C) nel ran C.
    intros Hx HC.
    funelim (gamma x C); try rename H into IH; unfold mstep in *.
    - rewrite <- Heqcall. cbn. intuition.
    - specialize H0 as (IH1 & IH2 & IH3).
      { intros ([] & E & [] % in_remove) % in_map_iff; cbn in E; subst.
        apply H0. f_equal. eapply HC; eauto. }
      { eapply correspondence_remove; eauto. }
      split. 2: split.
      + etransitivity. eapply f_red. rewrite <- Heqcall. rewrite <- IH1. symmetry. eapply HC; eauto.
      + rewrite <- Heqcall. specialize IH2 as [EE | ([] & E & [] % in_remove) % in_map_iff]; eauto.
        * rewrite <- EE. right. eauto.
        * rewrite <- E. right. eauto.
      + rewrite Heqcall in IH3, IH2, IH1.
        intros ([] & E & ?) % (in_map_iff). cbn in E. subst.
        eapply IH3. eapply in_map_iff.
        eexists (x0, _). split. cbn. reflexivity.
        eapply in_in_remove. 2: exact H.
        intros [= -> E % inj_f]. apply Hx. rewrite E in IH2.
        specialize IH2 as [-> | ([] & EE & [] % in_remove) % in_map_iff]; cbn in *; subst; eauto.

  Lemma step_corr C x :
    x nel dom C -> correspondence C -> correspondence ((x, mstep x C) :: C).
    intros Hx HC. split. 1: split.
    - intros <-. destruct H as [[= <- <-] | ], H0 as [[= <-] | ]; eauto. 3: eapply HC; eauto.
      + exfalso. apply Hx. eauto.
      + exfalso. apply Hx. eauto.
    - intros <-. destruct H as [[= <- <-] | ], H0 as [[= <-] | ]; eauto. 3: eapply HC; eauto.
      + exfalso. eapply gamma_spec; eauto.
      + subst. exfalso. eapply gamma_spec; eauto.
    - destruct H as [[= <- <-] | ].
      + etransitivity. eapply gamma_spec; eauto. eapply f_red.
      + eapply HC; eauto.

End MyhillStep.

(* Instantiation to Myhill's isomorphism theorem *)

Theorem Myhill X Y (SXY : bireduction X Y) (RX : retract X nat) (RY : retract Y nat) :
  { F : X -> Y & { G | inverse F G /\ reduction p q F } }.
  unshelve edestruct back_and_forth as [F[G[H1 H2]]].
  - intros A B. exact (bireduction A B). (* structure *)
  - intros A B S. cbn in *. apply (@Build_bireduction B A eY eX q p g f); apply S. (* srev *)
  - intros A B S a a' b b'. cbn in S. exact ((a = a' <-> b = b') /\ (p a <-> q b)). (* iso *)
  - cbn. intros A B S C a. exact (mstep f eX eY C a). (* find *)
  - exact X.
  - exact Y.
  - exact SXY.
  - cbn. intros A B []. reflexivity. (* srev_invol *)
  - cbn. tauto. (* iso_eq *)
  - cbn. tauto. (* iso_rev *)
  - cbn. intros A B S C a. unfold step, tiso. apply step_corr; apply S. (* find_iso *)
  - exact RX.
  - exact RY.
  - cbn in *. exists F, G. split; try apply H1. intros x. now apply H2.

Print Assumptions Myhill. (* Closed under the global context *)

Theorem Cantor_Bernstein X Y (RX : retract X nat) (RY : retract Y nat) (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) :
  inj f -> inj g -> { F : X -> Y & { G | inverse F G } }.
  intros Hf Hg.
  assert (SXY : bireduction X Y).
  - unshelve esplit.
    + exact (fun _ => False).
    + exact (fun _ => False).
    + exact f.
    + exact g.
    + exact _.
    + exact _.
    + exact Hf.
    + exact Hg.
    + intros x. tauto.
    + intros x. tauto.
  - destruct (Myhill SXY) as [F[G HFG]]; trivial.
    exists F, G. apply HFG.