Require Import CBV.weakStory.
Require Import CBN.strongStory.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import CBV_CBPV.
Import CommaNotation.

Strong Reduction CBV

Inductive Step {n} : Exp n -> Exp n -> Prop :=
  | StepValue (V V' : Value n): StepVal V V' -> Step (Val V) (Val V')

  | StepApp1 (M : Exp n) M' N : Step M M' -> Step (App M N) (App M' N)
  | StepApp2 (M : Exp n) N N' : Step N N' -> Step (App M N) (App M N')
  | StepAppLam (M : Exp (S n)) M' (N: Value n): M' = M[N..] -> Step (App (Val (Lam M)) (Val N)) M'

  | StepCaseS1 (M : Exp n) M' N1 N2 : Step M M' -> Step (CaseS M N1 N2) (CaseS M' N1 N2)
  | StepCaseS2 : forall (M : Exp n) (N1 N1' : Exp (S n)) N2, @Step (S n) N1 N1' -> Step (CaseS M N1 N2) (CaseS M N1' N2)
  | StepCaseS3 (M : Exp n) N1 N2 N2' : @Step (S n) N2 N2' -> Step (CaseS M N1 N2) (CaseS M N1 N2')
  | StepCaseS (b: bool) V (N1 N2 : Exp (S n)) M : M = (if b then N1 else N2)[V..] -> Step (CaseS (Val (Inj b V)) N1 N2) M

  | StepCaseP1 (M : Exp n) M' N : Step M M' -> Step (CaseP M N) (CaseP M' N)
  | StepCaseP2 (M : Exp n) (N N' : Exp (S (S n))) : @Step (S (S n)) N N' -> Step (CaseP M N) (CaseP M N')
  | StepCaseP N (N' : Exp n) V1 V2: N' = N[V2,V1..] -> Step (CaseP (Val (Pair V1 V2)) N) N'
with StepVal {n} : Value n -> Value n -> Prop :=
  | StepLam (M M': Exp (S n)): @Step (S n) M M' -> StepVal (Lam M) (Lam M')

  | StepPair1 (M M' N: Value n) : StepVal M M' -> StepVal (Pair M N) (Pair M' N)
  | StepPair2 (M N N': Value n) : StepVal N N' -> StepVal (Pair M N) (Pair M N')

  | StepInj b (V V': Value n) : StepVal V V' -> StepVal (Inj b V) (Inj b V')

Hint Constructors Step StepVal.

Module Counterexample.

Let e := @App 1 (Val (Lam (Val (var_Value var_zero)))) (App (Val (var_Value var_zero)) (Val (var_Value var_zero))).

Lemma normal_e :
  Normal Step e.
  unfold e. intros s' H.
  inv H. inv H3. inv H0. inv H1. inv H0. inv H3. inv H2. inv H0. inv H2. inv H0.

Let M : Syntax.comp 1 := $ <- (var_value var_zero !) (var_value var_zero);
  (lambda (ret (var_value var_zero))) (var_value var_zero).

Let M' : Syntax.comp 1 := $ <- (var_value var_zero !) (var_value var_zero);
   (ret (var_value var_zero)).

Lemma step1 : sstep (eval_exp e) M.
  unfold e. simpl. asimpl.
  apply sstepLetinR. apply sstepAppL.
  asimpl. apply sstepPrimitive. constructor.

Lemma step2: sstep M M'.
  apply sstepLetinR. apply sstepPrimitive. constructor. reflexivity.

Lemma not_normal_e :
  ~ Normal sstep (eval_exp e).
  intros H. eapply H. apply step1.

Goal ~ (forall n (e: Exp n) e', star sstep (eval_exp e) e' -> exists e'', star sstep e' e'' /\ exists M, e'' = eval_exp M /\ star Step e M).
  intros H.
  assert (H'' : star sstep (eval_exp e) M') by eauto using step1, step2.
  destruct (H _ _ _ H'') as (?&?&?&?&?). subst.
  inv H2.
  - { clear - H0. unfold M', e, eval_exp in *. simpl in *.
      inv H0.
      inv H. inv H4. inv H3. inv H0. inv H. inv H3. inv H. inv H4. inv H0. inv H.
      inv H0.
  - now apply normal_e in H1.

End Counterexample.

Scheme value_exp_ind_2 := Minimality for Value Sort Prop
  with exp_value_ind_2 := Minimality for Exp Sort Prop.

Combined Scheme mutind_value_exp from
         value_exp_ind_2, exp_value_ind_2.

Instance proper_Step_App n :
  Proper (star Step ==> star Step ==> star Step) (@App n).
Proof. cbv. intros; subst. induction H; eauto. induction H0; eauto. Qed.

Instance proper_Step_Case n :
  Proper (star Step ==> star Step ==> star Step ==> star Step) (@CaseS n).
  cbv. intros; subst. induction H; eauto. induction H1; eauto. induction H0; eauto.

Instance proper_Step_CaseP n :
  Proper (star Step ==> star Step ==> star Step) (@CaseP n).
  cbv. intros; subst. induction H; eauto. induction H0; eauto.

Instance proper_Step_Val n :
  Proper (star StepVal ==> star Step) (@Val n).
Proof. cbv. intros; subst. induction H; eauto. Qed.

Instance proper_Step_Inj n :
  Proper (eq ==> star StepVal ==> star StepVal) (@Inj n).
Proof. cbv. intros; subst. induction H0; eauto. Qed.

Instance proper_Step_Lam n :
  Proper (star Step ==> star StepVal) (@Lam n).
Proof. cbv. intros; subst. induction H; eauto. Qed.

Instance proper_Step_Pair n :
  Proper (star StepVal ==> star StepVal ==> star StepVal) (@Pair n).
  cbv. intros; subst. induction H; eauto. induction H0; eauto.

Forward Simulation

Lemma ctx_plus n m x y C :
  plus sstep x y ->
  (Proper (plus (@sstep n) ==> plus (@sstep m)) C) ->
  plus sstep (C x) (C y).
  intros. hnf in H0. now eapply H0.

Lemma ctx_plus_value n m x y C :
  plus sstep_value x y ->
  (Proper (plus (@sstep_value n) ==> plus (@sstep_value m)) C) ->
  plus sstep_value (C x) (C y).
  intros. hnf in H0. now eapply H0.

Proper instances for Plus
Instance plus_proper_sstep_letinL' n s: Proper (plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (@letin n s).
  cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.

Lemma ret_plus_inv n (V : value n) C :
  plus sstep (ret V) C -> exists V', C = ret V' /\ plus sstep_value V V'.
  remember (ret V) as C'. intros H. revert V HeqC'; induction H; intros; subst.
  - inv H.
    + eauto.
    + inv H0.
  - inv H.
    + edestruct IHplus as (? & -> &?); eauto.
    + inv H1.

Lemma pstep_value_preserves_ren n (s s': Syntax.comp n) n' (xi : fin n -> fin n'):
  pstep s s' -> pstep (sxi) (s'xi).
  destruct 1; simpl; try (now constructor).
  all: asimpl; constructor; try destruct b.
  all: try (rewrite <- H); cbn; asimpl.
  all: now asimpl.

Lemma sstep_value_preserves_ren :
  forall n, (forall (c c': Syntax.comp n), sstep c c' -> forall n' (xi: fin n -> fin n'),
             sstep (cxi) (c'xi)) /\ (forall (v v': value n), sstep_value v v' -> forall n' (xi : fin n -> fin n'),
            sstep_value (vxi) (v'xi)).
  apply mutind_sstep; intros; simpl; eauto using sstep_value; try now constructor.
  - constructor. now apply pstep_value_preserves_ren.

Lemma plus_sstep_value_preserves n (v v': value n):
  plus sstep_value v v' -> plus sstep_value (v) (v').
  induction 1; eauto using plus.
  - constructor. now apply sstep_value_preserves_ren.
  - eright. eapply sstep_value_preserves_ren; eauto. assumption.

Strong steps of CBV can be simulated by genuine strong steps of CBPV
Fixpoint Step_preserved {n: nat} (M M' : Exp n) (H: Step M M') :
  plus sstep (eval_exp M) (eval_exp M')
with StepVal_preserved {n : nat} (V V': Value n) (H: StepVal V V') :
  plus sstep_value (eval_val V) (eval_val V').
  - induction H; cbn; subst; asimpl.
    + apply plus_proper_sstep_ret. auto.
    + apply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_L; eauto.
      intros. repeat rewrite eagerlet_substcomp. asimpl.
      apply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_R; eauto.
      apply plus_proper_sstep_appL; eauto.
      apply sstepForce, plusSingle in H0.
      assert (HH := plus_sstep_preserves ( >> ids) H0).
      exact HH.
    + eapply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_R; eauto.
      eapply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_L.
      * Syntax.substify. now apply plus_sstep_preserves.
      * intros. asimpl. apply plus_proper_sstep_appR; eauto.
    + eright. constructor. eapply sstepPrimitive. now constructor.
      dostep. rewrite trans_subst_exp. now asimpl.
    + eapply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_L; eauto.
      intros. asimpl. apply plus_proper_sstep_caseS1; eauto.
    + eapply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_R; eauto.
      apply plus_proper_sstep_caseS2; eauto. Syntax.substify. now apply plus_sstep_preserves.
    + eapply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_R; eauto.
      apply plus_proper_sstep_caseS3; eauto. Syntax.substify. now apply plus_sstep_preserves.
    + dostep. rewrite trans_subst_exp. destruct b; now asimpl.
    + eapply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_L; eauto.
      intros. asimpl. eapply plus_proper_sstep_caseP1; eauto.
    + eapply proper_eagerlet_plus_sstep_R; eauto.
      apply plus_proper_sstep_caseP2; eauto. Syntax.substify. now apply plus_sstep_preserves.
    + dostep. rewrite trans_subst_exp. now asimpl.
   - induction H; cbn.
    + apply plus_proper_sstep_thunk, plus_proper_sstep_lambda. auto.
    + now apply plus_proper_sstep_pairL.
    + now apply plus_proper_sstep_pairR.
    + now apply plus_proper_sstep_inj.

A row of strong steps of CBV can be simulated by a row of strong steps of CBPV
Lemma MStep_preserved {n: nat} (M M' : Exp n) :
  star Step M M' -> star sstep (eval_exp M) (eval_exp M').
  induction 1.
  - reflexivity.
  - apply Step_preserved in H.
    induction H; eauto.

Lemma SN_CBV n s :
  SN (@sstep_value n) (eval_val s) -> SN (@StepVal n) s.
  intros. remember (eval_val s) as C eqn:E. revert s E.
  eapply SN_plus in H. induction H.
  econstructor. subst.
  intros ? ? % StepVal_preserved. eauto.

Lemma SN_CBV n s :
  SN (@sstep n) (eval_exp s) -> SN (@Step n) s.
  intros. remember (eval_exp s) as C eqn:E. revert s E.
  eapply SN_plus in H. induction H.
  econstructor. subst.
  intros ? ? % Step_preserved. eauto.

Backward Simulation

Lemma backwards_termination {n : nat} (s : Exp n):
  Normal sstep (eval_exp s) -> Normal Step s.
  intros H. unfold Normal in H.
  intros s' A.
  apply Step_preserved in A. destruct A; eapply H; eauto.