We also show that the observational equivalence relations are congruent.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.ProgramContexts.

Contextual Equivalence

Dependent pairs of term and typing judgement
Record CBPVv {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) (A: valtype) :=
  mkCBPVv { CBPVv_v :> value n; CBPVv_H :> Gamma CBPVv_v : A }.

Record CBPVc {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) (B: comptype) :=
  mkCBPVc { CBPVc_c :> comp n; CBPVc_H :> Gamma CBPVc_c : B }.

Definition value_obseq {n: nat} {A: valtype} {Gamma: ctx n} (H1 H2: CBPVv Gamma A) :=
  forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx true 0 n),
    null [[Gamma]] C : F G; A -> forall v, (fillc C H1 >* ret v) <-> (fillc C H2 >* ret v).

Instance equiv_value_obseq (n: nat) (A: valtype) (Gamma: ctx n): Equivalence (@value_obseq n A Gamma).
  constructor; [firstorder.. |].
  intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 G C v; etransitivity; eauto.

Notation "V1 ≈ V2" := (value_obseq V1 V2) (at level 50).

Unfolding for eauto
Lemma destruct_value_obseq {n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A: valtype} (v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A):
  v1 v2 -> forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx true 0 n),
    null [[Gamma]] C : F G; A -> forall v, (fillc C v1 >* ret v) -> (fillc C v2 >* ret v).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Definition comp_obseq {n: nat} {B: comptype} {Gamma: ctx n} (H1 H2: CBPVc Gamma B) :=
  forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx false 0 n),
    null [[Gamma]] C : F G; B -> forall v, (fillc C H1 >* ret v) <-> (fillc C H2 >* ret v).

Instance equiv_comp_obseq (n: nat) (B: comptype) (Gamma: ctx n): Equivalence (@comp_obseq n B Gamma).
  constructor; [firstorder.. |].
  intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 G C v; etransitivity; eauto.

Notation "C1 ≃ C2" := (comp_obseq C1 C2) (at level 50).

Unfolding for euato
Lemma destruct_comp_obseq {n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B: comptype} (c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B):
  c1 c2 -> forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx false 0 n),
    null [[Gamma]] C : F G; B -> forall v, (fillc C c1 >* ret v) -> (fillc C c2 >* ret v).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Hint Resolve CBPVv_v CBPVc_c CBPVv_H CBPVc_H
     destruct_value_obseq destruct_comp_obseq.

Lemma val_obseq_vctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A A': valtype}
      (v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A) (C: vctx true m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVv Delta A'):
    fillv C v1 = C' ->
    fillv C v2 = C'' ->
    Delta [[Gamma]] C : A'; A ->
    v1 v2 ->
    C' C''.
  intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
  repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_value.
  eapply H, cctx_vctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.

Lemma val_obseq_cctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A: valtype} {B: comptype}
      (v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A) (C: cctx true m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVc Delta B):
      fillc C v1 = C' ->
      fillc C v2 = C'' ->
      Delta [[Gamma]] C : B; A ->
      v1 v2 ->
      C' C''.
  intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
  repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_comp.
  eapply H, cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.

Lemma comp_obseq_vctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B: comptype} {A': valtype}
      (c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B) (C: vctx false m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVv Delta A'):
      fillv C c1 = C' ->
      fillv C c2 = C'' ->
      Delta [[Gamma]] C : A'; B ->
      c1 c2 ->
      C' C''.
  intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
  repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_value.
  eapply H, cctx_vctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.

Lemma comp_obseq_cctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B B': comptype}
      (c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B) (C: cctx false m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVc Delta B'):
      fillc C c1 = C' ->
      fillc C c2 = C'' ->
      Delta [[Gamma]] C : B'; B ->
      c1 c2 ->
      C' C''.
  intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
  repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_comp.
  eapply H, cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.