
Finite Types and Mappings

Our development utilises well-scoped de Bruijn syntax. This means that the de Bruijn indices are taken from finite types. As a consequence, any kind of substitution or environment used in conjunction with well-scoped syntax takes the form of a mapping from some finite type I^n. In particular, renamings are mappings I^n -> I^m. Here we develop the theory of how these parts interact.

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.all_ssreflect.
Require Import axioms.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Forward Function Composition

Substitutions represented as functions are ubiquitious in this development and we often have to compose them, without talking about their pointwise behaviour. That is, we are interested in the forward compostion of functions, f o g, for which we introduce a convenient notation, "f >> g". The direction of the arrow serves as a reminder of the forward nature of this composition, that is first apply f, then g.

Notation "f >> g" := (funcomp tt g f) (*fun x => g (f x)*) (at level 50) : subst_scope.
Open Scope subst_scope.

Finite Types

We implement the finite type with n elements, I^n, as the n-fold iteration of the Option Type. I^0 is implemented as the empty type.

Fixpoint fin (n : nat) : Type :=
  match n with
  | 0 => False
  | S m => option (fin m)

Extension of Finite Mappings

Assume we are given a mapping f from I^n to some type X, then we can extend this mapping with a new value from x : X to a mapping from I^n+1 to X. We denote this operation by x . f and define it as follows:
Definition scons {X : Type} {n : nat} (x : X) (f : fin n -> X) (m : fin (S n)) : X :=
  match m with
  | None => x
  | Some i => f i
Notation "x .: f" := (@scons _ _ x f) (at level 55) : subst_scope.

Renamings and Injective Renamings

As mentioned above, renamings are mappings between finite types.
Definition ren (m n : nat) : Type := fin m -> fin n.

Injective renamings are renamings packaged witha a proof of injectivity.
Set Primitive Projections.
Structure iren (m n : nat) := IRen {
  iren_fun :> fin m -> fin n;
  iren_inj : injective iren_fun
Arguments IRen {m n} iren_fun iren_inj.

Functional extensionality lifts to injective renamings, courtesy of proof irrelevance.
Lemma iren_eq {m n} (f g : iren m n) :
  (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
  move: f g => -[f fP] [g gP] /= H. have E: f = g by fext.
  destruct E. f_equal. exact: pi.

We give a special name, bound, to the newest element in a non-empty finite type, as it usually corresponds to a freshly bound variable. We also concisely capture that I^0 really is empty with an exfalso proof principle.
Definition bound {n : nat} : fin n.+1 := None.
Definition null {T} (i : fin 0) : T := match i with end.

We define forward composition for injective renamings, which has to compose the renamings and combine the injectivity proofs.
Definition rcomp {m n k : nat} (f : iren m n) (g : iren n k) : iren m k :=
  @IRen m k (f >> g) (fun x y e => iren_inj (iren_inj e)).
Notation "f >>> g" := (rcomp f g) (at level 50) : subst_scope.

We identify the identity function as an injective renaming.
Definition idren {n : nat} : iren n n :=
  @IRen n n id (fun x y e => e).

The shift operation of the sigma-calculus is also an injective renaming.
Definition shift {n : nat} : iren n n.+1 :=
  @IRen n n.+1 Some (fun x y e => f_equal (fun o => if o is Some z then z else x) e).
Arguments shift {n} : simpl never.

With shift and bound we can implement the up operation which constitutes the adjustment of renamings that are moved underneath a binder.
Definition up {m n : nat} (f : iren m n) : iren m.+1 n.+1.
  refine (@IRen m.+1 n.+1 (bound .: f >>> shift) _).
  abstract (by move=>/=[x|] [y|] //= [/iren_inj->]).

We now establish the relevant interactions of extension, composition, shift and up.
Lemma shift_up {m n} (f : iren m n) :
  shift >>> up f = f >>> shift.
Proof. exact: iren_eq. Qed.

Lemma scons_eta {T} {n : nat} (f : fin n.+1 -> T) :
  f bound .: shift >> f = f.
Proof. by fext=>/=;case. Qed.

Lemma scons_eta_id {n : nat} : bound .: shift = id :> (fin n.+1 -> fin n.+1).
Proof. by fext=>/=;case. Qed.

Lemma scons_comp {T1 T2} {n : nat} (x : T1) (f : fin n -> T1) (g : T1 -> T2) :
  (x .: f) >> g = (g x) .: f >> g.
Proof. by fext=>/=;case. Qed.

Lastly we provide a tactic that simplifies expressions containing the structures defined here with the help of the associated properties.
Ltac fsimpl :=
  repeat match goal with
    | [|- context[id >> ?f]] => change (id >> f) with f
    | [|- context[?f >> id]] => change (f >> id) with f
    | [|- context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h]] =>
        change ((f >> g) >> h) with (f >> (g >> h))
    | [|- context[idren >>> ?f]] => change (idren >>> f) with f
    | [|- context[?f >>> idren]] => change (f >>> idren) with f
    | [|- context[(?f >>> ?g) >>> ?h]] =>
        change ((f >>> g) >>> h) with (f >>> (g >>> h))
    | [|- context[?f >> (?x .: ?g)]] =>
        change (f >> (x .: g)) with g
    (*| |- context[shift >> (?x1 .: ?xr)] =>
        change (shift >> (x1 .: xr)) with xr*)

    (*| |- context[Some >> (?x1 .: ?xr)] =>
        change (Some >> (x1 .: xr)) with xr*)

    | [|- context[?x2 .: shift >> ?f]] =>
        change x2 with (f bound); rewrite (@scons_eta _ _ f)
    | [|- context[?f bound .: ?g]] =>
        change g with (shift >> f); rewrite scons_eta
    (*| |- context[?x2 .: Some >> ?f] =>
        change x2 with (f bound); rewrite (@scons_eta _ _ f)*)

    | _ => progress (rewrite ?scons_comp ?scons_eta_id)