From Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints Require Import H10C.
From Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints.Util Require Import H10UPC_facts.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Util.Syntax Util.FullTarski Util.FullTarski_facts Util.Syntax_facts Util.sig_bin.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import Dec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Numbers.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia List.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions Undecidability.Synthetic.Undecidability.

Idea: The relation (#) has the following properties:
  • n ~ p: n is left component of p
  • p ~ n: p is right component of p
  • p ~ p: the special relation H10UPC
  • n ~ m: n = m.
Translation mapping:
formmathbb F
Prrotated double tilde
i_Prrotated double tilde, but in a model
IBmathcal M, the standard model
emplace_existsbig exists, the iterated quantifier

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Some utils for iteration
Section Utils.

  Lemma it_shift (X:Type) (f:X->X) v n : it f (S n) v = it f n (f v).
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - easy.
  - cbn. f_equal. apply IH.

End Utils.
The validity reduction. We assume a list h10 for which we build a formula.

Section validity.

  Context {h10 : list h10upc}.
  Existing Instance falsity_on.
  Definition Pr (t t':term) := (@atom _ sig_binary _ _ tt (Vector.cons _ t _ (Vector.cons _ t' _ (Vector.nil _)))).

$k is a number
  Definition N k := Pr $k $k.
$k is a pair
  Definition P' k := ¬ (N k).
If $k is a pair (r), where r are numbers, then t.
  Definition P k l r:= P' k N l N r Pr $l $k Pr $k $r.
The pairs $pl = ($a,$b), $pr = ($c,$d) are in relation
  Definition rel pl pr a b c d := P pl a b P pr c d Pr $pl $pr.
There exist pairs relating ($a,$b) to ($c,$d)
  Definition erel a b c d := rel 0 1 (2+a) (2+b) (2+c) (2+d).
Axiom 1 - zero is a number
  Definition F_zero := N 0.
Axiom 2 - we can build (left) successors: for each pair (a,0) we have a pair (S a, 0)
  Definition F_succ_left := N 0 ~> P 2 3 4 P 0 1 4 Pr $2 $0.
Axiom 3 - we can build right successors: (x,y)#(a,b) -> (x,S y)#(S a,S (b+y))
  Definition F_succ_right :=
                             erel 0 1 2 3 ~>
                            (erel 3 1 4 3 ~>
                            (erel 1 7 5 7 ~>
                            (erel 2 7 6 7 ~>
                            (erel 0 5 6 4)))) .
Generate n all quantifiers around i
  Definition emplace_exists (n:nat) (i:form) := it (fun k => k) n i.

Translate our formula, one relation at a time
  Definition translate_single (h:h10upc) (nv:nat) :=
          match h with ((a,b),(c,d)) =>
            erel a b c d end.
Translate an entire instance of H10UPC, assuming a proper context
  Fixpoint translate_rec (t:form) (nv:nat) (l:list h10upc) :=
          match l with nil => t
                     | l::lr => translate_single l nv translate_rec t nv lr end.
Actually translate the instance of H10UPC, by creating a proper context
  Definition translate_constraints (x:list h10upc) :=
    let nv := S (highest_var_list x)
    in (emplace_exists nv (translate_rec (¬ ) (S nv) x)).

The actual reduction instance. If h10 is a yes-instance of H10UPC, this formula is valid and vice-versa The 3 variables are the zero constant and two arbitrary values which define the atomic predicate for Friedman translation.
We now define our standard model.
  Section InverseTransport.
An element of the standard model is either a number or a pair.
    Inductive dom : Type := Num : nat -> dom | Pair : nat -> nat -> dom.
The interpretation of our single binary relation
    Definition dom_rel (a : dom) (b:dom) : Prop := match (a,b) with
    | (Num n1, Num n2) => n1 = n2
    | (Num n1, Pair x2 _) => n1 = x2
    | (Pair _ y1, Num n2) => n2 = y1
    | (Pair x1 y1, Pair x2 y2) => h10upc_sem_direct ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))

    Global Instance IB : interp (dom).
    Proof using h10.
      split; intros [] v.
      exact (dom_rel (Vector.hd v) (Vector.hd ( v))).

    Definition rho_canon (rho : nat -> dom) := rho 0 = Num 0.

    Lemma IB_F_zero rho : rho_canon rho -> rho F_zero.
      intros H0. cbn. now rewrite !H0.

    Lemma IB_N_e rho i n : rho i = n -> rho N i -> {m:nat | Num m = n}.
    intros Hrho H. destruct n as [m|a b].
    * now exists m.
    * exfalso. cbn in H. rewrite Hrho in H. apply (@h10_rel_irref (a,b) H).

    Lemma IB_N_i rho i n : rho i = Num n -> (rho) N i.
    Proof. cbn. intros ->. now destruct n as [|n'] eqn:Heq.
    Opaque N.

    Lemma IB_P'_e rho i n : rho i = n -> rho P' i -> {a:nat & {b:nat & n = Pair a b}}.
    intros Hrho H. destruct n as [m|a b].
    * exfalso. unfold P' in H. eapply H, IB_N_i, Hrho.
    * now exists a, b.

    Lemma IB_P'_i rho i a b : rho i = (Pair a b) -> rho P' i.
    unfold P'. intros Hrho H. destruct (@IB_N_e rho i (Pair a b)).
    1-2:easy. congruence.
    Opaque P'.

    Lemma IB_P_e rho p l r ip il ir :
        rho ip = p -> rho il = l -> rho ir = r
     -> rho P ip il ir -> {a:nat & {b:nat & p = Pair a b /\ l = Num a /\ r = Num b}}.
    intros Hp Hl Hr [[[[(a&b&->)%(IB_P'_e Hp) (nl&<-)%(IB_N_e Hl)] (nr&<-)%(IB_N_e Hr)] HP4] HP5].
    exists a, b; repeat split.
    - cbn in HP4. rewrite Hl,Hp in HP4. now rewrite HP4.
    - cbn in HP5. rewrite Hr,Hp in HP5. now rewrite HP5.

    Lemma IB_P_i rho ip il ir l r : rho ip = Pair l r -> rho il = Num l -> rho ir = Num r -> rho P ip il ir.
    cbn. intros Hp Hl Hr. rewrite !Hp, !Hl, !Hr. repeat split.
    - eapply IB_P'_i. exact Hp.
    - eapply IB_N_i. exact Hl.
    - eapply IB_N_i. exact Hr.
    Opaque P.

We show our model fulfills axiom 1

    Lemma IB_F_succ_left rho : rho_canon rho -> rho F_succ_left.
      intros H0. unfold F_succ_left. intros n [m Hnm]%(IB_N_e (n:=n)). 2:easy.
      exists (Pair m 0), (Num (S m)), (Pair (S m) 0). cbn. split. 2:lia. split.
      - eapply IB_P_i; cbn; try reflexivity. 1: congruence. apply H0.
      - eapply IB_P_i; cbn; try reflexivity. apply H0.

We show we can extract constraints from our model

    Lemma IB_rel_e rho ipl ipr ia ib ic id : rho rel ipl ipr ia ib ic id
                -> {a&{b&{c&{d|rho ipl=Pair a b
                            /\ rho ipr=Pair c d
                            /\ rho ia=Num a
                            /\ rho ib=Num b
                            /\ rho ic=Num c
                            /\ rho id=Num d
                            /\ h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d))}}}}.
    intros [[H1 H2] H3]. eapply IB_P_e in H1, H2. 2-7: reflexivity.
    destruct H1 as (a&b&Hpl&Ha&Hb), H2 as (c&d&Hpr&Hc&Hd).
    exists a, b, c, d; repeat split; try easy.
    all: cbn in H3; rewrite Hpl, Hpr in H3; lia.

    Lemma IB_rel_i rho ipl ipr ia ib ic id a b c d :
               rho ipl=Pair a b
            -> rho ipr=Pair c d
            -> rho ia=Num a
            -> rho ib=Num b
            -> rho ic=Num c
            -> rho id=Num d
            -> h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d))
            -> rho rel ipl ipr ia ib ic id.
    intros Hpl Hpr Ha Hb Hc Hd Habcd. split. 1:split.
    - eapply IB_P_i; eauto.
    - eapply IB_P_i; eauto.
    - cbn. rewrite Hpl, Hpr. apply Habcd.
    Opaque rel.

    Lemma IB_erel_e rho ia ib ic id : rho erel ia ib ic id
                -> exists a b c d, rho ia=Num a
                                /\ rho ib=Num b
                                /\ rho ic=Num c
                                /\ rho id=Num d
                                /\ h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d)).
    intros [pl [pr H]]. eapply IB_rel_e in H. destruct H as (a&b&c&d&Hpl&Hpr&Ha&Hb&Hc&Hd&Habcd1&Habcd2).
    exists a, b, c, d; now repeat split.

    Lemma IB_erel_i rho ia ib ic id a b c d :
               rho ia=Num a
            -> rho ib=Num b
            -> rho ic=Num c
            -> rho id=Num d
            -> h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d))
            -> rho erel ia ib ic id.
    intros Ha Hb Hc Hd Habcd. exists (Pair c d), (Pair a b). eapply IB_rel_i. 1-2: reflexivity. all: easy.
    Opaque erel.

    Ltac set_eq a b := assert (a = b) as -> by congruence.

We show our model fulfills axiom 2

    Lemma IB_F_succ_right rho : rho_canon rho -> rho F_succ_right.
      intros H0. unfold F_succ_right. intros a' y' c b a y x Hr1 Hr2 Hr3 Hr4.
      eapply IB_erel_e in Hr1, Hr2, Hr3, Hr4.
      cbn in Hr1,Hr2,Hr3,Hr4.
      destruct Hr1 as (x_1&y_1&a_1&b_1&He11&He12&He13&He14&Hr1').
      destruct Hr2 as (b_2&y_2&c_1&b_3&He21&He22&He23&He24&Hr2').
      destruct Hr3 as (y_3&v0_1&y'_1&v0_2&He31&He32&He33&He34&Hr3').
      destruct Hr4 as (a_2&v0_3&a'_1&v0_4&He41&He42&He43&He44&Hr4').
      rewrite H0 in He32,He34,He42,He44.
      set_eq v0_1 0. set_eq v0_2 0. set_eq v0_3 0. set_eq v0_4 0.
      set_eq a_2 a_1. set_eq b_2 b_1. set_eq b_3 b_1. set_eq y_2 y_1. set_eq y_3 y_1.
      eapply IB_erel_i; cbn. 1-4:eauto. lia.

We show we can encode constraints into our model
rho_descr_phi describes that rho is defined by the solution to h10
    Definition rho_descr_phi rho (φ:nat->nat) n :=
         forall k, k < n -> match rho k with Num n => n = (φ k) | _ => True end.
    Lemma IB_single_constr rho φ (n:nat) (h:h10upc) : rho_descr_phi rho φ n
                                           -> highest_var h < n
                                           -> rho translate_single h (S n)
                                           -> h10upc_sem φ h.
      intros Hrhophi Hmaxhall.
      destruct h as [[a b][c d]]. unfold translate_single. cbn in Hmaxhall.
      intros (na&nb&nc&nd&Ha&Hb&Hc&Hd&Habcd)%IB_erel_e.
      unfold h10upc_sem.
      pose proof (Hrhophi a (ltac:(lia))) as Hpa. rewrite Ha in Hpa.
      pose proof (Hrhophi b (ltac:(lia))) as Hpb. rewrite Hb in Hpb.
      pose proof (Hrhophi c (ltac:(lia))) as Hpc. rewrite Hc in Hpc.
      pose proof (Hrhophi d (ltac:(lia))) as Hpd. rewrite Hd in Hpd.
      now rewrite <- Hpa, <- Hpb, <- Hpc, <- Hpd.
Helper for working with nested quantifiers

    Lemma IB_emplace_exists rho n i :
        rho emplace_exists n i
        -> (exists f, (fun k => if k <? n then f (k) else rho (k-n)) i).
      unfold emplace_exists. intros H.
      induction n as [|n IH] in rho,H|-*.
      - cbn. exists (fun _ => Num 0). eapply (sat_ext IB (rho:=rho) (xi:=fun k => rho(k-0))).
        2: easy.
        intros x. now rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
      - cbn in H. destruct H as (d&Hd).
        specialize (IH (d.:rho) Hd). destruct IH as [f Hf].
        exists (fun kk => if kk =? n then d else f kk).
        eapply (sat_ext IB (xi:=fun k => if k <? n then f k else (d .: rho) (k - n))).
        2: easy.
        intros x.
        destruct (Nat.eq_dec x n) as [Hxn|Hnxn].
        + destruct (Nat.ltb_ge x n) as [_ Hlt]. rewrite Hlt. 2:lia. clear Hlt.
          destruct (Nat.ltb_lt x (S n)) as [_ Hlt]. rewrite Hlt. 2:lia. clear Hlt. cbn.
          assert (x-n=0) as ->. 1: lia. cbn. destruct (Nat.eqb_eq x n) as [_ HH]. now rewrite HH.
        + destruct (x <? n) eqn:Hneq.
          * destruct (Nat.ltb_lt x n) as [Hlt _]. apply Hlt in Hneq. clear Hlt.
            destruct (Nat.ltb_lt x (S n)) as [_ Hlt]. rewrite Hlt. 2:lia. clear Hlt.
            cbn. destruct (Nat.eqb_neq x n) as [_ HH]. rewrite HH. 1: easy. lia.
          * destruct (Nat.ltb_ge x n) as [Hlt _]. apply Hlt in Hneq. clear Hlt.
            destruct (Nat.ltb_ge x (S n)) as [_ Hlt]. rewrite Hlt. 2:lia. clear Hlt.
            assert (x-n=S(x-S n)) as ->. 1:lia. easy.
    Opaque emplace_exists.

Final utility lemma: translate the entire list of constraints
    Lemma IB_translate_rec rho phi f e hv : rho_descr_phi rho phi hv
                            -> highest_var_list e < hv
                            -> rho translate_rec f (S hv) e
                            -> (forall c, In c e -> h10upc_sem phi c) /\ rho f.
    intros Hrhophi Hhv H.
    induction e as [|eh er IH] in H,Hhv|-*.
    - split. 1: intros c []. easy.
    - cbn. cbn in H, Hhv. destruct IH as [IH1 IH2]. 1:lia. 1:apply H.
      split. 2:easy. intros c [->|Her].
      + eapply (IB_single_constr Hrhophi). 1:lia. apply H.
      + now apply IH1.
We can now extract the constraints from our translate_constraints function

    Lemma IB_aux_transport rho : rho 0 = Num 0
                              -> rho translate_constraints h10
                              -> H10UPC_SAT h10.
      intros Hrho0.
      pose ((S (highest_var_list h10))) as h10vars.
      unfold translate_constraints. fold h10vars. intros H.
      apply IB_emplace_exists in H. destruct H as [f Hf].
      pose (fun n => match (f n) with (Num k) => k | _ => 0 end) as phi.
      exists phi.
      unshelve eapply (IB_translate_rec (e:=h10) (hv:=h10vars) (phi:= phi) _ _ Hf).
      - intros x HH. destruct (Nat.ltb_lt x h10vars) as [_ Hr]. rewrite Hr. 2:easy.
        unfold phi. now destruct (f x).
      - lia.

To conclude, we can wrap the axioms around it.
    Lemma IB_fulfills rho : rho F -> H10UPC_SAT h10.
      intros H. unfold F in H. pose (Num 0 .: rho) as nrho.
      assert (rho_canon nrho) as nrho_canon.
      1: split; easy.
      apply (@IB_aux_transport nrho), H; fold sat.
      - easy.
      - now apply IB_F_zero.
      - now apply IB_F_succ_left.
      - now apply IB_F_succ_right.
  End InverseTransport.

If F is valid, h10 has a solution:
  Lemma inverseTransport : valid F -> H10UPC_SAT h10.
    intros H. apply (@IB_fulfills (fun b => Num 0)). apply H.

  Section Transport.
    Context (D:Type).
    Context (I:interp D).
    Existing Instance I.

    Definition iPr (d1 d2 : D) : Prop := (@i_atom _ sig_binary _ _ tt (Vector.cons _ d1 _ (Vector.cons _ d2 _ (Vector.nil _)))).
    Lemma iPr_spec rho' t t' d1 d2 : rho' t = d1 -> rho' t' = d2 -> rho' Pr $t $t' <-> iPr d1 d2.
    Proof. cbn. intros -> ->. easy. Qed.

    Definition iN d := iPr d d.
    Lemma iN_spec rho' t d : rho' t = d -> rho' N t <-> iN d.
    Proof. unfold N,iN. intros H. now rewrite iPr_spec. Qed.

    Definition iP' d := ~ (iN d).
    Lemma iP'_spec rho' t d : rho' t = d -> rho' P' t <-> iP' d.
    Proof. unfold P',iP'. intros H. cbn [sat]. unfold not. erewrite iN_spec. 1:easy. easy. Qed.

    Definition iP k l r:= (((iP' k /\ iN l) /\ iN r) /\ iPr l k) /\ iPr k r.
    Lemma iP_spec rho' k l r dk dl dr : rho' k = dk -> rho' l = dl -> rho' r = dr -> rho' P k l r <-> iP dk dl dr.
    Proof. intros H1 H2 H3. unfold P,iP. erewrite <- !iPr_spec, <- !iN_spec, <- iP'_spec. 1:cbn;reflexivity. all:easy. Qed.

    Definition ierel a b c d := exists d1 d0, (iP d0 a b /\ iP d1 c d) /\ iPr d0 d1.
    Lemma ierel_spec rho' a b c d da db dc dd : rho' a = da -> rho' b = db -> rho' c = dc -> rho' d = dd -> rho' erel a b c d <-> ierel da db dc dd.
    Proof. intros H1 H2 H3 H4. unfold erel,rel,ierel. split.
    - intros [d1 [d0 H]]. exists d1,d0. rewrite <- !iPr_spec, <- !iP_spec. 1:apply H. all:easy.
    - intros [d1 [d0 H]]. exists d1,d0. rewrite <- !iPr_spec, <- !iP_spec in H. 1:apply H. all:easy.
    Lemma ierel_spec' rho' a b c d : rho' erel a b c d <-> ierel (rho' a) (rho' b) (rho' c) (rho' d).
    Proof. now apply ierel_spec. Qed.

    Section withAxioms.
      Context (rho:env D).
      Context (φ:nat->nat).
      Context (Hφ : forall c, In c h10 -> h10upc_sem φ c).
      Context (HA1 : rho F_zero).
      Context (HA2 : rho F_succ_left).
      Context (HA3 : rho F_succ_right).

      Record chain (n:nat) := {
        f :> nat -> D;
        chain_zero : f 0 = rho 0;
        chain_succ : forall m, m < n -> ierel (f m) (f 0) (f (S m)) (f 0)

      Lemma chain_N n (c:chain n) m : m <= n -> iN (c m).
      Proof using HA1.
      intros Hm. destruct m.
      - rewrite (chain_zero c). apply HA1.
      - destruct (chain_succ c Hm) as [d1 [d0 [[_ H] _]]]. unfold iP in H. apply H.

      Lemma chain_build n : inhabited (chain n).
      Proof using HA1 HA2.
      induction n as [|n [c]].
      - apply inhabits. split with (fun _ => rho 0).
        + easy.
        + intros m H. exfalso; lia.
      - cbn -[N P Pr] in HA2.
        destruct (@HA2 (c n)) as [pl [d [pr [[H1 H2] H3]]]].
        1: { rewrite ! iN_spec. 2:cbn; reflexivity. apply chain_N. easy. }
        rewrite !iP_spec in H1,H2. 1:rewrite !iPr_spec in H3. 2-9: cbn; easy.
        apply inhabits. pose (fun m => if m =? S n then d else c m) as f. split with f.
        + unfold f. destruct (Nat.eqb_neq 0 (S n)) as [_ ->]. 2:lia. apply chain_zero.
        + unfold f. destruct (Nat.eqb_neq 0 (S n)) as [_ ->]. 2:lia.
          intros m Hm. destruct (Nat.eqb_neq m (S n)) as [_ ->]. 2:lia.
          destruct (S m=?S n) eqn:Heq.
          * apply beq_nat_true in Heq. assert (m=n) as -> by lia. exists pr, pl. rewrite chain_zero. split. 1:split. all:easy.
          * apply chain_succ. apply beq_nat_false in Heq. lia.

      Ltac h10ind_not_lt_0 := match goal with [H : h10upc_ind ?k 0 0 0 |- _] => exfalso; now apply (@h10upc_ind_not_less_0 k H) end.

      Lemma chain_proves a b c d n (f:chain n) :
               h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d))
            -> a < n -> b < n -> c < n -> d < n
            -> ierel (f a) (f b) (f c) (f d).
      Proof using HA3.
      rewrite h10_equiv.
      intros k; remember k as Habcd eqn:Heq; clear Heq; revert k.
      induction 1 as [a|a b c d b' c' d' H1 IH1 H2 IH2 H3 IH3 H4 IH4]; intros Ha Hb Hc Hd.
      - apply chain_succ. easy.
      - cbn -[erel] in HA3. specialize (@HA3 (f c) (f b) (f d) (f d') (f c') (f b') (f a)).
        rewrite !ierel_spec' in HA3. cbn in HA3.
        rewrite !chain_zero in *.
        assert (0 < n) as H0n by lia.
        assert (b' < n) as Hbn by (inversion H3; [lia | h10ind_not_lt_0]).
        assert (c' < n) as Hcn by (inversion H4; [lia | h10ind_not_lt_0]).
        assert (d' < n) as Hdn by (rewrite <- h10_equiv in H2; cbn in H2; lia).
        apply HA3; eauto.

      Definition rho_descr_chain rho phi n (c:chain n) hv :=
         forall k, k < hv -> rho k = c (phi k).

      Lemma translate_rec_correct hv hn (cc:chain hn) (h:list h10upc) phi f rho' :
               rho' f
            -> (forall k, In k h -> h10upc_sem phi k)
            -> highest_var_list h < hv
            -> highest_num phi hv < hn
            -> rho_descr_chain rho' phi cc hv
            -> rho' translate_rec f (S hv) h.
      Proof using D HA3 I rho.
      intros Hf Hsat Hhv Hhn Hc. induction h as [|[[a b][c d]] hr IH] in Hhv,Hsat|-*.
      - cbn. easy.
      - cbn -[erel]. cbn in Hhv. split.
        + rewrite ierel_spec. 2-5:rewrite Hc; [easy|lia].
          apply chain_proves. 1: eapply (Hsat ((a,b),(c,d))); now left.
          all: match goal with |- ?phi ?a < ?hn => enough (phi a <= highest_num phi hv) by lia end.
          all: apply highest_num_descr. all:lia.
        + apply IH.
          * intros x Hx. apply Hsat. now right.
          * lia.

      Lemma emplace_exists_spec rho' n i :
        (exists f, (fun k => if k <? n then f (k) else rho' (k-n)) i)
        -> rho' emplace_exists n i.
      intros [f Hf]. unfold emplace_exists.
      induction n as [|n IH] in rho',f,Hf|-*.
      - cbn. eapply sat_ext. 2:exact Hf. intros x. cbn. now rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
      - cbn. exists (f n). eapply sat_ext. 2:apply (IH (f n .: rho') f).
        + intros x. easy.
        + eapply sat_ext. 2:apply Hf. intros x. cbv beta.
          destruct (x <? n) eqn:Heq, (x <? S n) eqn:HSeq.
          * easy.
          * exfalso. rewrite Nat.ltb_lt in Heq. rewrite Nat.ltb_ge in HSeq. lia.
          * rewrite Nat.ltb_ge in Heq. rewrite Nat.ltb_lt in HSeq. assert (x = n) as -> by lia. rewrite Nat.sub_diag. easy.
          * rewrite Nat.ltb_ge in Heq. rewrite Nat.ltb_ge in HSeq. assert (x-n=S(x-S n)) as -> by lia. cbn. easy.

      Lemma translate_constraints_correct :
            rho translate_constraints (h10).
      Proof using D HA1 HA2 HA3 Hφ I h10 rho φ.
      unfold translate_constraints.
      pose (S(highest_var_list h10)) as hv. fold hv.
      pose (S(highest_num φ hv)) as hn.
      destruct (chain_build hn) as [c].
      apply emplace_exists_spec.
      exists (φ >> c).
      eapply (@translate_rec_correct hv hn c _ φ _ _).
      - cbn. easy.
      - exact Hφ.
      - unfold hv. lia.
      - unfold hn. lia.
      - intros m Hm. destruct (m <? hv) eqn:Heq.
        + easy.
        + apply Nat.ltb_ge in Heq. lia.
    End withAxioms.
To conclude, we can wrap the axioms around it.
    Lemma F_correct rho : H10UPC_SAT h10 -> rho F.
      introsHφ] z HA1 HA2 HA3. eapply translate_constraints_correct.
      - exact Hφ.
      - exact HA1.
      - exact HA2.
      - exact HA3.
  End Transport.

If h10 has a solution, F is valid:
  Lemma transport : H10UPC_SAT h10 -> valid F.
    intros H M I rho. now apply F_correct.

sat things
  Lemma sat1 : (complement satis (¬ F)) -> complement (complement H10UPC_SAT) h10.
    intros Hc1 Hc2. apply Hc1. exists dom, IB, (fun b => Num 0). intros H.
    apply Hc2. eapply IB_fulfills. exact H.
  Lemma sat2 : complement (complement H10UPC_SAT) h10 -> (complement satis (¬ F)).
    intros Hc1 [D [I [rho H]]]. apply Hc1. intros Hh10.
    apply H. fold sat. eapply F_correct. exact Hh10.

sat things 2
  Lemma sat3 : (complement (complement satis) (¬ F)) -> complement H10UPC_SAT h10.
    intros Hc1 Hc2. apply Hc1.
    intros [D [I [rho H]]]. apply H. fold sat.
    apply F_correct. easy.
  Lemma sat4 : complement H10UPC_SAT h10 -> (complement (complement satis) (¬ F)).
    intros Hc1 Hc2. apply Hc2. exists dom, IB, (fun b => Num 0). intros H.
    apply Hc1. eapply IB_fulfills. exact H.

sat things 3
  Lemma sat5 : satis (¬ F) -> complement H10UPC_SAT h10.
    intros [D [I [rho H]]] Hc. apply H. fold sat.
    apply F_correct. easy.
  Lemma sat6 : complement H10UPC_SAT h10 -> satis (¬ F).
    intros Hc1. exists dom, IB, (fun b => Num 0). intros H.
    apply Hc1. eapply IB_fulfills. exact H.

End validity.

Lemma fullFragValidReduction : H10UPC_SAT (valid (ff := falsity_on)).
exists @F. split.
- apply transport.
- apply inverseTransport.

Lemma fullFragSatisReduction : complement H10UPC_SAT (satis (ff := falsity_on)).
exists (fun k => ¬ (@F k)). split.
- intros H. eapply sat6. easy.
- intros H. eapply sat5. easy.