Require Import Vector.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Util.Syntax Util.FullDeduction Util.FullTarski Util.Tarski Util.Syntax Util.Syntax_facts.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import Dec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Numbers.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia List.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf Require Import wf_finite.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FSAT.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Mangle Names.
Inductive syms_func : Type := .
Double negation translation. Valid for e.g. FSAT
Section translation.
  Import Syntax.FragmentSyntax.
  Existing Instance FragmentSyntax.frag_operators.
  Existing Instance falsity_on.
  Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
  Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.

  Notation "phi '-->' psi" := (@bin _ _ frag_operators falsity_on Impl phi psi) (at level 43, right associativity).

We try to be clever and translate using as few unnecessary negations as possible
  Fixpoint translate_form {f:falsity_flag} (phi : (@form _ _ full_operators f)) {struct phi} :
    (@form _ _ FragmentSyntax.frag_operators falsity_on) :=
  match phi with
  | falsity => falsity
  | atom P v => atom P v
  | bin Conj phi1 phi2 => conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (conj_to_impl_chain phi2 falsity) --> falsity
  | bin Disj phi1 phi2 => disj_to_impl_chain phi1 (disj_to_impl_chain phi2 falsity)
  | bin FullSyntax.Impl phi1 phi2 => conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (translate_form phi2)
  | quant FullSyntax.All phi => @quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_form phi)
  | quant Ex phi => (@quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_negated phi)) --> falsity
  with translate_negated {f:falsity_flag} (phi : (@form _ _ full_operators f)) {struct phi} :
    (@form _ _ FragmentSyntax.frag_operators falsity_on) :=
  match phi with
  | falsity => falsity --> falsity
  | atom P v => atom P v --> falsity
  | bin Conj phi1 phi2 => conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (conj_to_impl_chain phi2 falsity)
  | bin Disj phi1 phi2 => disj_to_impl_chain phi1 (disj_to_impl_chain phi2 falsity) --> falsity
  | bin FullSyntax.Impl phi1 phi2 => (conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (translate_form phi2)) --> falsity
  | quant Ex phi => @quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_negated phi)
  | quant FullSyntax.All phi => (@quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_form phi)) --> falsity
  with conj_to_impl_chain {f:falsity_flag} (phi : (@form _ _ full_operators f))
              (terminal : (@form _ _ FragmentSyntax.frag_operators falsity_on)) {struct phi} :
    (@form _ _ FragmentSyntax.frag_operators falsity_on) :=
  match phi with
  | falsity => falsity --> terminal
  | atom P v => atom P v --> terminal
  | bin Conj phi1 phi2 => conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (conj_to_impl_chain phi2 terminal)
  | bin Disj phi1 phi2 => (disj_to_impl_chain phi1 (disj_to_impl_chain phi2 falsity)) --> terminal
  | bin FullSyntax.Impl phi1 phi2 => conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (translate_form phi2) --> terminal
  | quant FullSyntax.All phi => @quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_form phi) --> terminal
  | quant Ex phi => ((@quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_negated phi)) --> falsity) --> terminal
  with disj_to_impl_chain {f:falsity_flag} (phi : (@form _ _ full_operators f))
              (terminal : (@form _ _ FragmentSyntax.frag_operators falsity_on)) {struct phi} :
    (@form _ _ FragmentSyntax.frag_operators falsity_on) :=
  match phi with
  | falsity => (falsity --> falsity) --> terminal
  | atom P v => (atom P v --> falsity) --> terminal
  | bin Conj phi1 phi2 => (conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (conj_to_impl_chain phi2 falsity)) --> terminal
  | bin Disj phi1 phi2 => disj_to_impl_chain phi1 (disj_to_impl_chain phi2 terminal)
  | bin FullSyntax.Impl phi1 phi2 => ((conj_to_impl_chain phi1 (translate_form phi2)) --> falsity) --> terminal
  | quant Ex phi => (@quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_negated phi)) --> terminal
  | quant FullSyntax.All phi => ((@quant _ _ _ falsity_on All (translate_form phi)) --> falsity) --> terminal

  Context {D:Type}.
  Context {I : interp D}.

Define interpretations for full and frag syntax, which are equivalent.
  Definition tarski_full_tarski_interp (II:interp D) : FullTarski.interp D.
  destruct II; split; easy.

  Definition full_tarski_tarski_interp (II:FullTarski.interp D) : interp D.
  destruct II; split; easy.

  Definition full_interp_inverse_1 II : tarski_full_tarski_interp (full_tarski_tarski_interp II) = II.
  Proof. now destruct II. Qed.

  Definition full_interp_inverse_2 II : full_tarski_tarski_interp (tarski_full_tarski_interp II) = II.
  Proof. now destruct II. Qed.

  Notation "rho ⊨ phi" := (@sat _ _ D I falsity_on rho phi).
  Notation "rho 'f⊨' phi" := (@FullTarski.sat _ _ D (tarski_full_tarski_interp I) _ rho phi) (at level 20).

Terms are evaluated to equal results
  Lemma eval_same env trm : eval env trm = @FullTarski.eval _ _ D (tarski_full_tarski_interp I) env trm.
  induction trm as [n|k v IH].
  - easy.
  - destruct I. cbn. erewrite VectorSpec.map_ext_in. 1:reflexivity.
    apply IH.

  Lemma eval_same_atom t (vt:Vector.t D (ar_preds t)) : i_atom vt <-> @FullTarski.i_atom _ _ D (tarski_full_tarski_interp I) t vt.
  destruct I. cbn. easy.

  Context {Ddec : forall {f:falsity_flag} phi (rho:env D), dec (rho f phi)}.

  Lemma equiv_impl X Y (P:Prop) : X <-> Y -> (X -> P) <-> (Y -> P).
  intros H. rewrite H. easy.

  Ltac recsplit n := let rec f n := match n with 0 => idtac | S ?nn => split; [idtac|f nn] end in f n.

Show correctness by induction.
  Lemma correct (f:falsity_flag) rho (phi : (@form _ _ full_operators f)) :
     (rho translate_form phi <-> rho f phi)
  /\ (rho translate_negated phi <-> ~ (rho f phi))
  /\ (forall P wterm, (rho wterm <-> P) -> rho conj_to_impl_chain phi wterm <-> ((rho f phi) -> P))
  /\ (forall P wterm, (rho wterm <-> P) -> rho disj_to_impl_chain phi wterm <-> (~(rho f phi) -> P)).
  Proof using Ddec.
  induction phi as [|p v|f [| |] l IHl r IHr|f [|] s IHs] in rho|-*.
  - cbn. recsplit 3. 1-2:easy. 1-2:intros term wterm ->; tauto.
  - recsplit 3.
    + cbn. erewrite (Vector.map_ext). 1: apply eval_same_atom. apply eval_same.
    + cbn. erewrite (Vector.map_ext). 1: apply equiv_impl; apply eval_same_atom. apply eval_same.
    + intros term wterm H. cbn. rewrite <- eval_same_atom. rewrite <- H. erewrite (Vector.map_ext). 1:easy. apply eval_same.
    + intros term wterm H. cbn. rewrite H. apply equiv_impl, equiv_impl. erewrite (Vector.map_ext). 1:apply eval_same_atom. apply eval_same.
  - destruct (IHl rho) as [l1 [l2 [l3 l4]]], (IHr rho) as [r1 [r2 [r3 r4]]]. recsplit 3.
    + cbn. rewrite l3. 2:easy. rewrite r3. 2:easy. split.
      * intros H. destruct (Ddec l rho) as [Hl|Hnl], (Ddec r rho) as [Hr|Hnr]. 1:easy. all:exfalso; apply H; intros Hcl Hcr; cbn; easy.
      * intros [Hl Hr] H. now apply H.
    + cbn. rewrite l3. 2:easy. rewrite r3. 2:easy. tauto.
    + intros term wterm H. cbn. rewrite l3. 2:easy. rewrite r3. 2:easy. rewrite H. tauto.
    + intros term wterm H. cbn. rewrite l3. 2:easy. rewrite r3. 2:easy. rewrite H. apply equiv_impl. tauto.
  - destruct (IHl rho) as [l1 [l2 [l3 l4]]], (IHr rho) as [r1 [r2 [r3 r4]]].
    cbn. recsplit 3.
    + rewrite l4. 2:easy. rewrite r4. 2:easy. split.
      * intros H. destruct (Ddec l rho) as [Hl|Hnl], (Ddec r rho) as [Hr|Hnr]. 1-3:tauto.
        exfalso. now apply H.
      * tauto.
    + rewrite l4. 2:easy. rewrite r4. 2:easy. tauto.
    + intros term wterm H. rewrite l4. 2:easy. rewrite r4. 2:easy. rewrite H. apply equiv_impl. split. 2:tauto.
      intros Hc. destruct (Ddec l rho) as [Hl|Hnl], (Ddec r rho) as [Hr|Hnr]. 1-3:tauto. exfalso. now apply Hc.
    + intros term wtertranslate_formm H. rewrite l4. 2:easy. rewrite r4. 2:easy. rewrite H. tauto.
  - destruct (IHl rho) as [l1 [l2 [l3 l4]]], (IHr rho) as [r1 [r2 [r3 r4]]].
    cbn. rewrite l3. 2:easy. rewrite r1. recsplit 3.
    + tauto.
    + tauto.
    + intros term wterm H. rewrite l3. 2:easy. rewrite H. rewrite r1. tauto.
    + intros term wterm H. rewrite l3. 2:easy. rewrite H. rewrite r1. tauto.
  - cbn. recsplit 3.
    + split.
      * intros H d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite <- IH1. apply H.
      * intros H d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite IH1. apply H.
    + split.
      * intros Hc H. apply Hc. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite IH1. apply H.
      * intros Hc H. apply Hc. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite <- IH1. apply H.
    + intros term wterm ->. split.
      * intros Hc H. apply Hc. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite IH1. apply H.
      * intros Hc H. apply Hc. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite <- IH1. apply H.
    + intros term wterm ->. split.
      * intros Hc H. apply Hc. intros Hcc. apply H. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite <- IH1. apply Hcc.
      * intros Hc H. apply Hc. intros Hcc. apply H. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite IH1. apply Hcc.
  - cbn. recsplit 3.
    + split.
      * intros H. destruct (Ddec ( s) rho) as [[e He]|Hne].
        -- now exists e.
        -- exfalso. apply H. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]].
           rewrite IH2. intros Hc. apply Hne. now exists d.
      * intros [d Hd] Hc. contradict Hd. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite <- IH2. apply Hc.
    + split.
      * intros Hc [d Hd]. contradict Hd. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite <- IH2. apply Hc.
      * intros Hc d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite IH2. intros H. apply Hc. now exists d.
    + intros term wterm ->. apply equiv_impl. split.
      * intros H. destruct (Ddec ( s) rho) as [[e He]|Hne].
        -- now exists e.
        -- exfalso. apply H. intros d. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]].
           rewrite IH2. intros Hc. apply Hne. now exists d.
      * intros [d Hd] Hc. contradict Hd. destruct (IHs (d.:rho)) as [IH1 [IH2 [IH3 IH4]]]. rewrite <- IH2. apply Hc.
    + intros term wterm ->. apply equiv_impl. firstorder.
End translation.